Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Southern Leyte San Juan National High School San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte School id: 303481 __________________________________________________________________________________ Student’s Work Immersion Matrix Academic Track- Accountancy, Business and Management (ABM) S.Y. 2020- 2021 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 1 Date: Activity: Date: Activity: Date: Activity: 1. Orientation Background of the course 1. Planning Phase Name of the business Vision, Mission, Goals and core values to apply for the business Market study Capital Formation 1. Continuation of Job Interview 1. Selling of products Simulation 2. Recording the transactions 3. Journalizing 2. Preparation of 4. Site Visitation materials/ingredients for selling Requirements for the course Discussion of Work ethics Discussion of Grading System 2. Accomplishment of WI Documents Date: Activity: Day 5 Date: Activity: 1. Selling of products 2. Purchasing of supplies, materials or ingredients 3. Recording the transactions 4. Journalizing 3. Opening of the Business (first day of actual selling) 2. Job Interview Simulation ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAN JUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte 303481 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Southern Leyte San Juan National High School San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte School id: 303481 __________________________________________________________________________________ Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9 Day 10 Date: Activity: Date: Activity: Date: Activity: Date: Activity: Date: Activity: 1. Selling of products 2. Purchasing of supplies, materials or ingredients 3. Recording the transactions 4. Journalizing 1. Selling of products 2. Purchasing of supplies, materials or ingredients 3. Recording the transactions 4. Journalizing 1. Accounting Cycle Processes Journalizing Ledger Work sheet Adjusting Entries Preparation of SPF Preparation of SCI Preparati0on of SCI Closing Entry Closing Summary Statement 1. Accomplishment of different forms Resume Application letter Daily Narrative Reports Daily Reflection DTR 2. Accomplishment of portfolio contents Name of the business Vision, Mission, Goals and core values to apply for the business Market study Capital Formation Financial Accounting 1. Accomplishment of different forms 2. Accomplishment of portfolio contents 3. Accomplishment of documentations 4. Submissionn of all the WI requirements ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAN JUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte 303481 Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region VIII Division of Southern Leyte San Juan National High School San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte School id: 303481 __________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Accomplishment of documentations Photos of Orientation Attended (Include the parents orientation) Photos of Job Interview Simulation Photos of Business Site Photos of everyday actual selling Photos of Everyday Accomplishment aside from selling Prepared by: DONNOVAN O. LACANO Work Immersion Teacher ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ SAN JUAN NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL San Jose, San Juan, Southern Leyte 303481