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Temperature Scales & Thermal Expansion: Physics Problems

Chapter 19
Temperature Scales
3. Convert the following temperatures to their values on the Fahrenheit
and Kelvin scales:
(a) The sublimation point of dry ice, -78.5oC.
(b) The human body temperature, 37oC.
4. The temperature difference between the inside and the outside of a
home on a cold winter day is 57oF. Express this difference on:
(a) The Celsius scale.
(b) The Kelvin scale.
Thermal Expansion
is average coefficient of linear expansion
is average coefficient of volume expansion
6. A segment of steel railroad track has a length of 30 m when the
temperature is 0oC. What is its length when the temperature is 40oC?
8. The active element of a certain laser is made of a glass rod 30 cm long
and 1.5 cm in diameter. Assume the average coefficient of linear
expansion of the glass is equal to
. If the temperature of
the rod increases by 65 C, what is the increase in
(a) Its length.
(b) Its diameter.
(c) Its volume.
Solve these problems
1. The digital sign outside a local bank reports that the temperature is
44oC. What is the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit?
2. The boiling point of liquid hydrogen is 20.3oK at atmospheric pressure.
What is this temperature on
(a) The Celsius scale.
(b) The Fahrenheit scale.
3. The concrete sections of a certain superhighway are designed to have
a length of 25 m. The sections are poured and cured at 10oC. What
minimum spacing should the engineer leave between the sections to
eliminate buckling if the concrete is to reach a temperature of 50oC?