DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: English Language Instruction: Answer all questions 1. Summary: Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions on it. We have often heard students making wild assertions that the public examining bodies are their worst enemies. Some, in fact, see the officials of these public examining bodies as wicked souls scheming day and night to devise ways of failing them. How correct are these assertions? The facts will speak for themselves. The task of setting an examination paper begins long before examination day. Indeed, months or years before then, seasoned experts in the various subjects are given the teaching and examination syllabuses and requested to set questions. These are compiled for subsequent scrutiny. Then a second set of experts is invited to examine the questions critically, make necessary modifications and come up with questions that conform with acceptable standards. The result of this exercise is a set of polished and unambiguous questions that are very fair to those being examined. These questions are then securely stored. The next stage is the registration of candidates. This stage involves not just the examining body, but also the candidates, their parents, their teachers, principals and some other members of the public. This is so because apart from the candidate having to fill in the forms, his principal has to endorse them while the parents have to provide the registration fee. Any mistake or inaction on the part of any of these may ruin the candidate’s chances. If, for instance, the candidate makes a mistake in his choice of subjects or in completing his forms, or if the principal does not forward the registration fee at the right time, his chances in the examination may be jeopardized. Next is the conduct of the examination itself. Again, more officials from outside the examining body than from within it are involved. Think of the supervisors, the invigilators, and even the security officials. They are definitely more in number than the staff of the examining body, and anyone of them could take an action that might result in the failure of candidates. Take the invigilator for instance. If he is negligent candidates could swap answer scripts under his very nose; and when this is detected by the markers, as it often is, the results of the candidates may be cancelled. Probably, the most hated person to the candidates is the marker whom they, in their ignorance, regard as a wicked drunkard who delights in failing candidates. What candidates do not realize is that an examiner is trained to score points strictly according to a carefully prepared marking scheme from which he must not deviate. It is his constitution. Besides, his work is consistently checked by his team leader and the chief examiner. Should he be discovered to have marked inaccurately, he could be removed. So, contrary to candidates’ opinion, the examiner is a seasoned teacher, a careful scorer, a person always on his guard. SS 1 online English Theory - 2 - The final stage comes with the collation of results. This stage is mainly computerized, and computers do not make mistakes. A candidate’s results may not be processed if he is involved in a mal-practice, has used a wrong examination number or no number at all, or if he fails to write all the papers that make up a subject. So, when a result is withheld, the fault is mostly that of the candidate. How then should we view the activities of the public examining bodies? Definitely, we should view them with understanding, sympathy and appreciation. (a) (b) (c) In one sentence, summarize the writer’s purpose in this passage. In two sentences, one for each, state how the actions of the candidate and the invigilator can jeopardize the candidate’s chances of success. In three sentences, one for each, summarize the steps taken by examining bodies to ensure the candidates are given a fair chance of success. 2. You are in the final year in secondary school. Write a letter to your uncle, who is an influential person in the society, telling him what you intend to do next and asking for his assistance. (Note: This letter should be written in not more than 450 words, and in not less than 350 words.) 3(a) (b) (c) (d) What is a past perfect tense? How is past perfect tense formed? Using four sentences, exemplify past perfect tense. What is the difference between past perfect tense and present perfect tense? 4(a) (b) (b) What is capitalization? Give five (5) instances where capitalization is necessary. With 1 example in each, state four uses of full stop. 5(a) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (b) Describe the four consonant sounds below: /p/ /b/ /f/ /v/ For each of the consonant sounds described above, give 5 examples of words that contain them. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES 1(a) (b) What was Peter’s advice to Christians living among non-Christians? Mention 3 social vices a Christian must avoid in the community. 2(a) (b) (c) Outline four ways Christian can live as children of light in the society. With examples, explain civic responsibilities. What is tolerance and peaceful co-existence? 3(a) According to Peter what should be the Christian attitude in the face of persecution? State three types of persecution Christians may encounter today. (b) 4(a) (b) Give James exposition on partiality in the church. Highlight three ways impartiality is promoted in our society. 5(a) (b) (c) Discuss Jesus’ message on love of enemies. State (1) the royal law (2) The Gold rule Briefly explain the following: Nepotism, favouritism, tribalism, impartiality References: Matt. 4:12, Lk. 6:31, James 2:1-13, Matt. 5:38-48, 1Peter 2:9-25. Books: Exam focus, Essentials, Past questions and answers. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Matiere: La Langue Française Subject: Devoir de maison Classe: SS 1 1. Ecrivez cinq usages de temps conditionnel present. (Write five uses of présent conditional tense in French). 2. (a) (b) (c) (d) Mettez les verbes entre parentheses au conditionnel present. Je (vivre) dans un merveilleux palais. Il (pouvoir) achèter des cadeaux spéciaux. Tu (dormer) dans un lit. Je (recevoir) mes amis dans un salon élégant. 3. Etudiez ces sujets et répondez aux questions suivantes. (Study the topic and answer the following questions). 1. 2. La voix active La voix passive. Questions: 1. Changez ces phrases à la voix passive ou active. (a) J’écris la letter. (b) J’ai mangé la viande dans la marmite. (c) Il tuerait son chien. (d) Nous allons regardez la télévision. (e) Le cog a été tué par moi. (f) Le devoir sera fini par moi. 4. Ecrivez les radicaux de ces verbs au subjonctif présent” Ex: aller = aill. I II III IV Pouvoir Savoir Faire Vouloir 5. Conjugetez les verbes avoir et être au sujonctif présent. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: GEOGRAPHY 1(a) (b) (c) Define vegetation. Highlight any four factors affecting the distribution of vegetation in Nigeria. Mention three types of vegetation in Nigeria. 2(a) (b) Draw a sketch map of Nigeria showing any three vegetation belts. Describe the effects of climate on the vegetation of any one of the vegetation belt in (2a) above. 3(a) Draw an outline map of Nigeria and on it show and name; (i) Savanna belts (ii) two important town in each of the belts. 4(a) (b) State all the vegetational belts in Nigeria. Highlight four characteristics of any three you have listed above in (4a). 5(a) (b) Highlight 10 importance of vegetation resources to man. State two relationships between climate (Rainfall) and Agricultural activities. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: GOVERNMENT 1(a) (b) What is constitution? Why do some countries use written constitution? 2(a) (b) What are the sources of a constitution? Explain the structure/scope of a constitution. 3. List and explain the importance/functions of a constitution. 4(a) (b) (c) (d) What is a written constitution? Explain the reasons why some countries adopt a written constitution. State the merits of a written constitution. State the demerits of a written constitution. 5(a) (b) (c) What is unwritten constitution? State the merits of an unwritten constitution. State the demerits of an unwritten constitution. 6(a) (b) What is a rigid constitution? State the advantages and disadvantages of a rigid constitution. 7(a) (b) What is flexible constitution? Explain the merits and demerits of a flexible constitution. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: CHEMISTRY 1(a) (b) (c) List the types of bonds present in NH4Cl. Which of these bonds is responsible for the solubility of NH4Cl in polar solvents? State the shape of each of the following molecules (I) H2O (ii) CCl4 2(a) (b) Explain the difference between covalent bond and co-ordinate bond Account for each of the following observations (i) Liquid HCl is a non-electrolyte but aqueous HCl is a strong electrolyte. (ii) Manganese conducts electricity in the solid state but Manganese (II) chloride conducts only when in solution. 3(a) Name the type of bond present in each of the following compounds. (i) Carbon (iv) oxide (ii) Calcuim oxide (iii) methane (iv) ammonium chloride Illustrate with a diagram the formation of ammonium ion. (b) 4(a) (b) (ci) (ii) Explain the uniqueness of ammonium chloride. Define metallic bonding. What are intermolecular forces? List two intermolecular forces that can be found in covalent molecules. 5. Draw the formation of the following compounds (i) CO2 (ii) ethene (iii) methan DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: Agricultural Science Topic: Simple Farm Tools 1(a) (b) (c) What are simples farm tools? List at least twenty (20) simple farm tools common to you. Give a common function of farm spade and farm shovel. 2(a) (i) (ii) (b) Mention two (2) simple farm tools for each of the following functions. Primary tillage operation Secondary tillage operation State four (4) general maintenance of simple farm tools 3(a) (b) Draw a well labelled diagram of a watering can. State two (2) of its functions as applied in agriculture. 4(a) (b) What is transplanting? Mention one (1) simple farm tool mostly suitable for transplanting. 5(a) (b) (c) (d) Define the term horticulture? Mention two (2) simple farm tools used in horticultural exercise and One (1) simple farm tool for asexual (vegetation) propagation of crop. Give three (3) crops in which the instrument can be used to propagate. B 1(a) (i) (ii) (b) Farm Machinery and Implements Define the following terms: Farm Machinery Farm Implements Going by their definition, give four (4) examples of each. 2(a) (b) State four (4) primary functions of a tractor Name two (2) major types of tractor. 3. (a) (b) State briefly: Five (5) daily maintenance of a tractor. Five (5) periodic maintenance of a tractor. 4(a) (b) What is tillage? Name three (3) secondary and one (1) primary tillage implements which can be attached to a tractor. Draw a diagram of a planter and label its parts. (c) 5. (a) (d) Highlight two (2) functions each of the following: Baler (b) rotavator (c) Thresher Dryer (e) incubator DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 Subject: Asusu Igbo Ajuju Nwale Zaa ajuju niile. i Deere enyi gi bi na mba ọzọ leta iji kọwari ya uru di n’isi na redio akuzi asụsụ Igbo. ii Depụta ma kowaa akaọrụ ise ndi Igbo nwere. iii (a) Gini bụ nkejiasụsụ? (b) Depụta nkejiasụsụ isii i maara; nye ọmụmaatu nke ọbụla n’ime ha. iv - Were ahiriokwu abuọ abụọ zipụta nkejiasụsụ ndi a: Ngwaa Nbuuzọ Nkwuwa Nkọwaha Njikọ v - Kọwaa atụmatụ okwu ndi a ma nye otu ọmụmaatụ na nke ọbụla. ilu akpaalokwu Asinilu mmemmadu DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 SUBJECT: FURTHER MATHEMATICS Instruction: Answer all questions 1. Find the equation of a line passing through the midpoint of the line joining A (5, 1) and B (−1 , −5) and perpendicular to line AB. 2. Find the distance between the points A (4 , 2) and B (2 , 6) 3. Find the equation of the line which passes through (−4, the line 𝑦 = 2𝑥 + 5 4. a. b. Find the gradient of the lines; 2𝑥 + 3𝑦 + 1 = 0 3𝑥 − 4𝑦 − 12 = 0 5. Find the equation of the line which passes through the point, (−4 , −5) REFERENCE: Further Mathematics Project Book 2 Add Mathematics for West African 3) and is parallel to 3) and (2, DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 SUBJECT: BIOLOGY Instruction: Answer all questions 1a. b. Make a well drawn and labeled diagram (10 – 12cm long) of a femur. Describe how this bone is adapted to carry out the function of support and movement. 2. Enumerate the functions of the mammalian skeleton. 3i. a. b. c. Make a well drawn and labeled diagram (8 – 10cm long) of: Atlas vertebra Axis vertebra Thoracic vertebra ii. For each of the above, state three (3) major distinguishing features (characteristics) and one function. 4i. ii. What is a joint? Mention (a) Types of joints (b) Location of movable joints 5. a. b. c. d. Write short notes on the following Tendon Ligament Synovial fluid Synovial membrane DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 SUBJECT: ECONOMICS Instruction: Answer all questions 1a. b. c. What is the normal chain of distribution? State any five (5) functions of middlemen in the chain of distribution Highlight any five (5) problems involved in the distribution of goods in West Africa 2a. The wholesaler is an undesirable element in the chain of distribution and should therefore be eliminated. How far do you agree? Examine the role of co-operative and government agencies in product distribution. b. 3a. b. Explain any three (3) types of retail trade. Suggest five ways of improving the system of distribution of consumer goods in any one West African country. 4a. What is meant by barter? Why has barter been largely replaced by the use of money in your country. 5a. What (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) What b. is:Commodity money Token money Fiduciary issue Coins Legal tender are the characteristics and functions of money? DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL, ABA Class: SS 1 SUBJECT: MATHEMATICS Instruction: Answer all questions 1a. Differentiate between compass bearing and a three digit bearing. b. Convert to three digit bearing i. N500E ii. S600W iii. N400W 2. State and prove sine rule using the usual symbols b. In ∆ABC, A = 1050, a = 16cm and b = 14cm find B. 3. a. b. A man travels from a village X on a bearing of 060 0 to a village Y which is 20km away. From Y, he travels to a village Z, on a bearing of 195 0. If Z is directly east of X, calculate correct to three s.f. the distance of; Y from Z Z from X 4. NGM SS2 Ex. 9C No 6 page 94 5. NGM SS2 Ex. 9E 6. NGM SS2 9a Nos 1 − 4 Nos. 6 and 12 DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING CENTRE, OSISIOMA LGA. Class: SS 1 SUBJECT: PHYSICS Instruction: Answer all questions 1. Draw i. ii. iii. iv. b. A current of 100mA passes through a conductor for 2minutes. Find the quantity of electricity transported. Calculate the effective resistance between P and Q in the diagram below c. electric lines of force by; isolate positive charge isolate negative charge place two like charges place two unlike charges 2 P 3 3 Q 2 2. Find the effective resistance in the diagram below; 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 3. A cell supplies a current of 0.6A through a 2 resistor and a current of 0.2A through a 7 resistor. Calculate the internal resistance of the cell. 4. A battery of e.m.f of 12v and internal resistance 0.5 is connected to 1.5 and 4.0 series resistors. Calculate the terminal voltage of the battery. 5. State ohm’s law and describe an experiment to verify it. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL, ABA CLASS: SS 1 SUBJECT: LITERATURE - IN – ENGLISH Instruction: Answer all the questions Read August Wilson’s Fences and answer questions 1-3. 1. Access August Wilson’s ‘Fences ‘ as a drama test that protests colour discrimination and racial prejudice. 2. Discuss Troy Maxson as the major character (the protagonist)of August Wilson’s ‘Fences.’ 3. Discuss any two themes of your choice elaborately treated in August Wilson’s ‘Fences’ 4. List and discuss any five poetic devices in John Donne’s “The Good Morrow” 5. Explain with two examples in each, the following a) f) j) 6. Metaphor b) Paradox c) onomatopoeia oxymoron g) metronymy h) symbolism dramatic irony What is John Donne’s “The Good Morrow” all about? d) hyperbole e) litotes i) situational irony and DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL, ABA CLASS: SS 1 SUBJECT: DATA PROCESSING 1a) 2) 3a) Define the following: i) Data ii) Database iii) Database Management system Draw a diagram of the following: a) Hieratical DBMS b) Network DBMS d) Object-oriented DBMS c) Relational DBMS Write the correct step to save a selected page in a spreadsheet. b) List 4 (four) examples of spreadsheet packages. 4a) Mention four (4) uses of spreadsheet package c) What is the total number of columns in Excel 2016 and the total number of rows in Excel 2007. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL, ABA CLASS: SS 1 SUBJECT: CIVIC EDUCATION. INSTRUCTION : Answer all questions. 1a) b) What is the meaning of Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). Explain the historical background of the (UDHR) 2a) b) How many are the articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? List and briefly explain each of the articles 3a) b) Explain the term “Core freedoms of UDHR” Highlight the seven core rights or freedom in the Universal Declaration of Human rights of 1948. 4a) What is human right restriction? Enumerate five circumstance under which the rights or freedoms of citizens can be restricted. 5. Explain six factors that can enhance the enjoyment of right/freedoms in West Africa. 6. Explain six, roles of each of the following in UDHR. a) Individuals b) Groups C. Government Instructional Materials: i) Basic Civic Education for ii) Senior Secondary School (Book 1) iii) Civic Education Compendium iv) Internet. DORITY INTERNATIONAL EARLY LEARNING SCHOOL, ABA CLASS: SS 1 SUBJECT: COMPUTER STUDIES. 1a) b) Explain the following computer terms i) Information ii) Communication iii) Technology iv) Information and Communication technology (ICT) List two examples each of the following strategies used in ICT. i) Synchronous Communication. ii) Asynchronous Communication. 2a) b) Explain the term broadcasting. List and explain the types of broadcasting 3a) b) c) What is Telecommunication? List and explain the types of telecommunication. What is the full meaning of the following networks: i) MTN ii) GLO iii) NITEL 4a) b) Explain the term information system Write the components of information system. 5. Explain the following computer terms. i) Character ii) Data iii) Field iv) Record v) File