HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH A HEALTH MANAGEMENT TOOL FOR HEALTH DOVELOPMENT Promoting health system research as management tool an over view Dr m v sagar Goal of any national health development process • Is to enable its people to reach level of health that at least enables them to participates actively in the social and economic life of the community • • • • To attain this objective existing health system must be redirected to achieve equitable allocation resources to health - total coverage , increased accessibility to primary health care services and effective referral to secondary and tertiary care Goal of any national health development process • • • • • • Such redirection of health system require Changes in Health care planning ,and government policy In the organization and administration of health Financing and budgeting of health And in the selection and application of appropriate technology Goal of any national health development process • • • • To affect necessary changes Countries must decide best approaches to adopt This requires Detailed and accurate information on needs possibilities And consequences of recommended action • Such information is often lacking ,inadequate or unreliable Goal of any national health development process • As result discission based on assumptions and un justified conclusions • And often result in • Inappropriate policy choices and disciverec only after implementation Research in health past • Contributions to health • by providing knowledge on he causes of disease and ill health • And by developing the technology to cure and prevent the disease How ever despite the considerable amount of knowledge and technology to cure and prevent the disease available today MANY PEOPLE AND COUNTRIES REMAIN UNABLE TO ACHIEVE TARGETS OF HEALTH FOR ALL WHY IS THIS SO É Health needs Health resources Interventions Evaluating health interventions Health needs Perceived by Health resources health Available from professionals health services and other sectors population Interventi ons Covering all Effective Affordable Efficient and population What is research research is a systematic search for information and new knowledge What is research • Research is the systematic collection of data analysis interpretation to answer certain questions and solve a problem •It answers two questions • First basic research basic or fundamental research • is necessary to generate new knowledge and technologies to deal with major What is research research is a systematic search for information and new knowledge What is research • Second Applied research • is necessary to identify priority problems and to design and evaluating policies and programmes that will be of greatest benefit , using existing knowledge and available resources ,both financial and human • These two purposes together ,in what has now been defined as ESSENTIAL NATIONAL RESEARCH •Catalyse the generation of new knowledge and the application of existing knowledge ,an essential link to equity ad dovelopment What is research research is a systematic search for information and new knowledge What is research • Second Applied research • is necessary to identify priority problems and to design and evaluating policies and programmes that will be of greatest benefit , using existing knowledge and available resources ,both financial and human What is research research is a systematic search for information and new knowledge What is research • These two purposes together ,in what has now been defined as •ESSENTIAL NATIONAL RESEARCH •Catalyse the generation of new knowledge and the application of existing knowledge ,an essential link to equity ad dovelopment The focus of health system research • H S R IS ULTIMATELY CONCERNED WITH IMPROOVING HEALTH OF THE COMMUNITY BY ENHANCING THE EFFICIENCY AND EFFECTIVENESS OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM AS AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE OVERALL PROCESS OF SOCIOECONOMIC DOVELOPMENT What is meant by health system ? • A health system may be defined as • A set of Cultural belefs about health and illness that forms the basis for health seeking and health promoting behaviour • The institutional arrangements within which that behaviour occurs • And socio economic ,political ,and phyla context for those belifs and institutions What is meant by health system ? • In short • It consist of • What people believe and know about health and illness and what they do to remain healthy and cure diseases • For example • If in a society • People perceive evil ancestor spirits as a cause illness there will be specialists and rituals to appease these spirits • If they see germs as the cause ,they will look for modern (modern health care) What is meant by health system ? • If biomedical health care introduced • people may Accept the services • but the beliefs and knowledge to support this behaviour may not have been fully developed • Health worker must be aware of the indigenous explanations for illness Institutional arrangements within which health behaviour occurs encompasses more than delivery Of medical care through government health services They include all indivisuals , groups And institutions that directly or indirectly contribute to health These may differ from society to society , but usually cover four components the individual ,family , and community : health care services ; health related sectors Health care services health system Health care services by government Health workers ,out reach services Health personnel health financing health infrastructure Health centres district hospitals multispecialty hospitals The number ,type ,distribution ,and quality of services provided by these services influence health and well being Health system health care services( private sector) the relative importence of these components varies in different socities Traditional medicine (folk medicine)TBAHERBAL ,DIVINERS WHO MAY IDENTIFY NATURAL OR SUPER NATURAL CAUSES OF DISEASE AND TREAT THEM ACCORDINGÈY Private modern medical practice legal or illegal health system Health related sectors • these include for example • • • • Agriculture and food distribution Education ( formal and non formal) Water and sanitation Transport and communication • ALL THESE SECTORS CONTRIBUTE TO HEALTH EITHER DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY • INTERNATIONAL SECTOR INCLUDES BILATARAL AND MULTI LATARAL AGENCY (UNICEF ,WHO ETC ) THAT MAY SUPPORT HEALTH AS WLL AS DOVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES INDIVISUAL FORMS MAJOR INTEGRATING FORCE OF THE HEALTH SYSTEM • HE OR HIS RELATIVES CHOOSE AND COMBINE THE ACTIVITIES WHICH THEY BELIEVE WILL PROMOTE THEIR WELL BEING • THEY MAY DECIDE TO USE CERTAIN INSTITUTIONS AND REJECT OTHERS • HEALTH SERVICES MAY NOT BE THEIR FIRST CHOICE • • • • • • • How well the different components of the health system functions depend to a large extent on Socio economic factors political factors Cultural facyors physical factors epidemiological factors And other contextual factors For example economic crisis or zoom and nutritional status as well as national budget available for health services Fig health system Selectivity versus comprehensiveness in H S R • Because H S R IS problem oriented it should be selective and concentrate on those factors that will help to solve the problem being examined Even man power field H S R Focusses on specific topic depending on who experience the problem and at what level Even in man power field H S R Focusses on specific topic depending on who experience the problem and at what level • HEALTH POLICY MAKER • How can special programmes drain away resources • Ready ORS PACKETS GIVEN IN DIORRHOEA or people should be taught about how to prepare sugar salt solution • Managers at district level • Why neonatal mortality is higher in cerain districts Even in man power field H S R Focusses on specific topic depending on who experience the problem and at what level • Hospital doctors • Why do so many pregnant women come with severe anemia • Are the first line services available and sufficiently and adequate • Are patients coming for treatment late for T B IF SO WHY • Managers at district level • Why neonatal mortality is higher in cerain districts Even in man power field H S R Focusses on specific topic depending on who experience the problem and at what level • VILLAGE LEVEL WORKER • Why are our village health workrs post underutilized • How we can assist ileterate women so that they can effectively prevent and treat diorrhoea • Community leaders • Effects cost recovery programme on drug costs and availability of drugs • How much community labour required to manage new water system The aim of H S R IS to provide health managers at all levels as well as community leaders ,with the relevant information they need to make decisions on problems they are facing We must be aware that problems at one level of the health system are usually connected to problem at other level if seen at one level results partly explain the problem in sufficient to solve it (areas of major concern policy ,administration and management ,direct services ,indivisuals and families ,the community ,the environment.) Who should be involved in H S R • H S R IS MULTIDISCIPLINARY Many of the issues in one area of concern are interrelated and interact with issues in other areas (bio medical science ,epidemiology ,behavioural science environment ,economics ,operation research H S R IS NOT However the concern of scientists alone Participatory nture of H S R • • • • • • • Participatory nature of H S R is one of the major characteristic 1 policy makers 2 decision makers 3 health staff 4 community 5 professional researchers GUIDELINES FOR H S R NEW Concepts and research approaches to support health dovelopment • • • • • • • • Evolved rapidly Described by specific terms such as Operational research Health services research Health man power research Policy and economic analysis Applied research Decision linked research All these has made crucial contributions to the dovelopment of health system research (H S R ) H S R ULTIMATELY CONCERNED WITH IMPROOVING HEALTH OF THE COMMUNITY DEFINED BY Enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the health system as an integral part of the overall process of socio economic dovelopment Aim of H. S. R. • TO PROVIDE health managers at al level with relevant information • That they need to solve the problems they are facing • Participatory nature is on of the major characteristic Aim of H. S. R. • i. e . Involvement of all parties – the community ,health care managers , decision makers ,and researchers in the definition of the problem • Helps to focus the investigation and to enrich the quality of data • participation at all level is essential to acceptability of solutions to implementation and sustainability • H S R ADDRESSES HEALTH PROBLEMS IN THE BROAD CONTEXT OF SOCIAL, ECONOMIC ,AND COMMUNITY DOVELOPMENT Aim of H. S. R. • RESEARCH INPUTS FROM MANY DISCIPLINES REQUIRED • THESE INCLUDE • demography ,epidemiology ,health economics ,policy and management sciences ,social and behavioural sciences ,statistics and some apects of the clinical sciences • Researchers from these disciplines needs to acquire skills to work together in multi disciplinary teams • The main charecterstics of H S R • • • • Its focus on priority problems in health Its participatory nature Its Acton orientation Its integrated ,multidisciplinary approach The main charecterstics of H S R • • • • • • • • Its multisectoral in nature Its emphasis on cost effectiveness Its focus on practical timely solutions its iterative nature that allows for evaluation of the impact of planned change and consequent revision of action plans and health policy r The main charecterstics of H S R • The methodology can be applied to similar problem in different countries the findings and solutions to these problems are unlikely to be the same Because of differences in cultural ,social economic and political realities So each country must have its own agenda of H S R Capacity building in H S R • • • • • • Training programmes organised by IDRC PAHO WHO USAID UNICEF UNICEF APPROACH OF CAPACITY BUILDING For child survival and development • “To strengthen the awareness skills and knowledge For operations research using health system approach • to promote inquisitiveness and self reliant approaches • to identify pressing problems at community level and practical solutions to them “ Capacity building in H S R • “ to improve the relevance of medical education by enhancing the ability of medical graduates to help identify and solve the problems of community in which they serve using partnerships among universities ,governments ,and communities the focus of which is • a programme Of • national health research “ Major challenges for the future development of HSR • How to enhance the demand for H S R • how to strengthen national capacities in H S R • And • How to institunalise the efforts into a sustainable process Promoting the use of health systems research as a management tool • Decision making process policy decisions operational decisions • Decision linked approach to H S R is one in which decission makers and researchers work together to identify • what key decisions to be made regarding health service issue • what type of information needed to improove • what part of information available in routinely collected data What measures need to be taken to design and implement research Decision making process 1 recognising issues 7 assessing consequences 2Formulating problems Intervening 3 identifying needs 4 setting goals 5 considering options Phases in institutionalisation of H S R 1consensus building 2 Capacity building 3 consolidation STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS • understanding and support of senior managers is essential to use h sr as a problem solving tool to be adopted through out the health system • HAVE little knowledge decision linked health system research • Research results can provide information leading to better management decisions • Role is important in institutionalising H S R research Summaries of major strategies inter country workshop Summaries of major strategies 2 task force on health research Summaries of major strategies 3 national consultative meetings on HSR Summaries of major strategies 4 H S R PROJECTS with intensive involvement of stake holders Summaries of major strategies 5 sessions on HSR IN MORE BROADLY FOCUSSED WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES (piggy back workshops) Summaries of major strategies 6 H S R CONSULTANTS Summaries of major strategies 7 orientation session for decision makers preceding H S R PROPOSAL –developmental workshop Summaries of major strategies 8 case study work sgops on H S R Summaries of major strategies 9 Manager/funding agency representative working sessions Summaries of major strategies 10 HSR FOCAL POINTS HEALTH RESEARCH UNITS AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES Summaries of major strategies 11 national and international network for H SR Summaries of major strategies 3 national consultative meetings on HSR Case study workshop 1 rationale for work shop 2 Priority problems SENIOR HEALTH MANAGERS ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALS SENIOR RESEARCHERS 3 H S R CASE STUDY1,2,3 INCREASE IN DECISSION MAKERS SKILLS KNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT FOR HSR 4 ORGANISING AND MANAGING HSR DOVELOPING A NATIONAL H S R POGRAMME PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL H S R PROGRAMME PLAN CASE STUDY WORKSHOP • • • • • • • • • • • PARTCIPANTS Decision makers and health managers from ministry of health Senior researchers from health research and training institute organizers Consultants in case study methods WHO DONOR ORGANIZATION Ministry of health Facilitators health professionals or researchers in H S R Duration 5 DAYS CASE STUDY WORKSHOP OBJECTIVES OF WORKSHOP 1. IDENTIFY THOSE ASPECTS OF CURRENT PROBLEMS 2. FORMULATE QUESTIONS 3. Recognise the importance of previous studies national statistical information 4. Determine the cost (time money and resources ) 5. Design a research study and prepare plan of action 6. Evaluate research report convince other managers of the importance of H SR 7. RECOGNISE THE MULTI DISCIPLINARY AND INTER SECTORAL APPROACH IN SOLVNG HEALTH AND HEALTH SYSTEM PROBLEMS CASE STUDY WORKSHOP PROCESS CASE STUDY WORKSHOP PRODUCT CASE STUDY WORKSHOP FOLLOW UP CASE STUDY WORKSHOP POTENTIAL IMPACT CASE STUDY WORKSHOP LIMITATIONS Case study workshop 1 rationale for work shop 2 Priority problems SENIOR HEALTH MANAGERS ACADEMIC PROFESSIONALS SENIOR RESEARCHERS 3 H S R CASE STUDY1,2,3 INCREASE IN DECISSION MAKERS SKILLS KNOWLEDGE AND SUPPORT FOR HSR 4 ORGANISING AND MANAGING HSR DOVELOPING A NATIONAL H S R POGRAMME PLAN IMPLEMENTATION OF NATIONAL H S R PROGRAMME PLAN In 1986 national council on international health in u s a conducted a conference ON : application of bio medical and health research in developing world ; A decision linked research to promote to use health system research in the managerial process among the wide range of health managers and health professionals P 72 SESIONS ON HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH IN MORE BROADLY FOCUSSED WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES • Modules on H S R • CAN BE USED IN WORK SHOPS AND CONFERENCES FOR SENIOR HEALTH MANAGEMENT PROFESSIONALS • ; PIGGY BACK WORK SHOPS • ; CAN BE USED TO TO PRESENT THE CONCEPT OF DECISSION LINKED RESEARCH TO A MUCH WIDER AUDIENCE AT LESS COST P 72 SESIONS ON HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH IN MORE BROADLY FOCUSSED WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES R • • • • • • • • • P 72 SESIONS ON HEALTH SYSTEMS RESEARCH IN MORE BROADLY FOCUSSED WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES Participants Organizers facilitators duration objectives process Follow up z potential impact Limitations ISSUES RELATED TO H S R AT THE NATIONAL LEVEL • • • • • • • • 1 )REVIEW OF HEALTH RESEARCH 2)REVIEW H S R DOVELOPMENT a) strengthening the national capabilities for H S Rr B ) strengthening the H S R process 3)training for H S R 4) INSTITUTIONAL STRENGTHENING 5) )PROMOTION INFORMATION , COORDINATION ,AND UTILIZATION 6) INFORMATION COORDINATION AND UTILIZATION STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS • understanding and support of senior managers is essential to use h sr as a problem solving tool to be adopted through out the health system • HAVE little knowledge decision linked health system research • Research results can provide information leading to better management decisions • Role is important in institutionalising H S R research STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS • Who are the senior managers STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS What should senior manager have been able to do once the orientation completed STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS What should senior manager have been able to do once the orientation completed • Research required for decision making • Utilize research results in management decision • Prioritize research needs • Dovelop research policy • Evaluate research proposal in relation to priorities and available resources • Institutionalising research structure that can effectively respond to on going informational needs at all levels of health system STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS What should senior manager have been able to do once the orientation completed • Dovelop mechanism for on going training of healh personnel and junior researchers • Assign separate budget • Ensure research results reach in a forat in time frame useful for decision making STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS Major Promotional strategies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Inter country work shops on H S R TASK FORCES ON HEALTH RESEARCH National consultative meetings on H S R H S R projects with intensive involvement of decision makers Sessions on HSR in more broadly focussed workshops or conferences (piggyback workshops 6 H S R CONSULTANTS STRATEGIES FOR PROMOTING HEALTH SYSTEM RESEARCH AMONG SENIOR MANAGERS Major promotional strategies continued 7 orientation session for decision makers preceeding HSR proposal workshops 8 CASE STUDY WORKSHOPS ON H S R 9 joint health manager / funding agencies working sessions 10 H S R FOCAL POINTS VHEALTH RESEARCH UNITS AND ADVISORY COMMITTEES 11 National and international workshops for HSR Results with a probability of application and HSR PROJCT impact improvement WITH in health delivery DECISSION and health of MAKER population INVOLVEMENT development of decision linjed HS R programme during planning phase ,while the research being conducted ,when results are available T