AG Fitting technology plc Prepared by:November 2019 AGFT Outlines • • • • • • • • • • • Objectives Participants back ground of AG Product futures and values Welding principles & mobile welding service Field welding equipments Injection molding Futures of injection machine products Injection blow molding products Fittings replace DCI/GS Fiber products and futures Objectives of the form General objectives : To introduce about product types and their features & values and services Specific objectives To Familiarize the stake holders/ customers with modern machines. To introduce products types, features and their values and services . • To Crate sustainable marketing linkage , • To note customers about the skill that the company has to solve their problems • To get feed back from stake holders/ customers Expected Participants of forum 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. AWWCE ADS AG LILIBELA DESIGNE AND SUPERVISION BDC CONSTRUCTION MEKIDELA CONSTRUCTION TISESAT CONSTRUCTION ABAY CONSTRUCTION ANBASEL TRADE POTENCIAL FITTING DISTRIBUTERS IN BDR/10/ ONE WASH AR WATER BEUERUE REGIONAL WATER ASSOCATIONS MENKORER CONSTRUCTION /DEBREMARKOSE/ BENSHANGULE WATER BEURUE ADDIS ABEBA FITTING SUPLIESR /5/ ZONAL WATER SUPPLY SERVICE OFFICE /12/ FITTING DISTRIBUTERS ,KOMBOLCHA/ DESIE, GONDER DEBRMARKOS /3 / Back ground of AG Pipe fitting technology AG Pipe Fitting Technology Plc. Is a business company established in 2016 by Joint Venture with Amhara Region and Golden Trust Capital. It is domestic manufacture with lately commissioned modern machines such as: 1) 10 Injection machines, 2) Blowing machines, 3) Butt welding machines and other molds that produce fiber glass products 4) Mobile welding machines Ag produces and supplies different sized quality fittings , paint and flower buckets, stadium seats and jericans /10L &20L/ Fibers products to the market AGPFT provides welding service every where as customer request. Raw materials that AG uses • The company uses the best quality and genuine raw materials: • AG use PE 100 Polyethylene raw materials for HDPE fitting products. • it is known that PE 100 Polyethylene raw materials mostly applicable for drinking water pipelines and fittings , desalination plants, biological treatment plants, swimming pool piping, sea discharge lines, gravity flow water lines, gas stations , irrigation lines, pre-insulated sheathing for pipes and fitting . • Even though there is a possibilities of different raw materials like pe80, pe60 AG use only PE100. PRODUCTS FUTURES &VALUES what is Pipe Fitting? :- it is any fitting which connects pipes and change the direction of a pipe There are many different types of pipe fittings and they all are named with their particular shape. • A butt- welding fittings is made by gradually heating up the two weld ends with a weld plate and then joining them under a specific pressure. • This process is very suitable for pre-fabrication and producing special fittings depending on customer request . Cont…. • AG makes large reducers, flanges and heavy branch saddles in any diameter. • AG is lonely domestic manufacturer of fittings and other products as per international standard up to 630mmas per customers design and requirement. • Samples of the company products pipe fittings are :- Welding Principles • AG uses: • standardized pipe welding principles with appropriate machines and tools with warranty of welding strength, • AG delivers the service through skilled and well experienced technicians. • If any problem happens after service delivery and if it is recognized as its’ failure, it will take corrective action soon. Mobile welding service Apart from fitting production and supply , AG Provides full package service of field welding at any place , time with fair price as customer request . The service to be provided ranges up to 450mm diameter for HDPE in butt welding. Field welding equipments 1.Equipment • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Generator to supply the heater plate, trimmer and Hydraulic pump Butt-fusion machine fitted with the correct size Clam shells, trimmer, heater plate, hydraulic pump and timer Pipe support rollers welding tent Cleaning material, lint free cotton cloth or paper to weld External/Internal de beading tool Bead gauge Digital thermometer with surface probe to check Heater plate. Pipe end covers Baseboard Pipe cutters Air temperature thermometer Indelible marker pen Properly wear safety materials assigned to him AG CAN PROVIDE WELDING SEVICE EVEN AT DIFFICULT PLACES 2. Injection molding machines / new / INJECTION MOLDING :- Is process in which custom molded components manufacturers heat a polymer until it reaches a highly plastic state and forces it to flow under high pressure into a mold's cavity to solidify . A mold may contain more than one cavity allowing custom injection molding companies to produce multiple molding each cycle. Is widely used molding for thermoplastics The mold determines the shape and size , Cont… • An injection molding machine has two main components . 1. Plastic injection unit 2. Mold clamping some of the injection machine products :- Injection machines Futures of injection machine parts DIFFERENT SIZE AND SHAPS OF FITTINGS TEE ELBOW CONT.,,, Compression FITTINGS TEE REDUCES Hdpe fittings It also has many superior properties compared to other thermoplastic polyethylene. The main ones are * HDPE Pipe fittings are resistant to weather conditions * HDPE Pipe fittings High resistance to tearing and pressure * HDPE Pipe fitting Despite high resistance to stress cracking * High Density Polyethylene Pipe fittings have corrosion resistance Hdpe fittings * Easy and reliable assembly of HDPE Pipe * In HDPE Pipes Lower level compared to metal pipe friction losses * HDPE Pipes fittings , Reduced flow noise * Electrical full insulation, it is a good thermal insulation * HDPE Pipes and fittings are non toxic. * HDPE Pipe is suitable for radioactive waste. PPR FITTINGS • PPR is a polypropylene random copolymer pipe fitting . The most advanced form • They are suitable for cold and hot water pressurized plumbing and mechanical systems. • It is usually joined by means of fusion welding, either as a end to end (butt) weld or a fusion weld into a fitting hub. Cont. • AG PPR fittings are available in varies technical specifications . They are 1. enhanced durability 2. Longer functional life 3. Are easy to install 4. Avail in varies shapes and sizes ADVANTAGES AND VARIES APPLICATIONS OF PPR FITTINGS AVAIL DIFFENT SHAPS AND SIZE APPLICATIONS • Hydraulic works in residential ,Industrials and public projects . • Compressed air system • Drinking water and food liquids • Cost effective and environmentally friendly Upvc fittings • Unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC), also known as rigid PVC, Pipes & Fittings are used for • all plumbing purposes in residential & commercial buildings. • Ideally suited for looping at each floor level, outdoor installations & concealed pipelines for cold water distribution ADVANTAGES AND VARIES APPLICATIONS OF UPVC FITTINGS DIFFERENT SIZE & SHAPE FITTING FEATURES ADVANTAGES • uPVC is the acronym for Unplasticized Polyvinyl Chloride, which is a rigid and chemically resistant form of PVC. • Economical • No leakage • Resistant to chemical • Lightweight • Continuous flow • Easy to install ,Repair, Replace • Prevent bacterial growth • Resistance to chemical Joining principles 1. Butt fusion • Preferred option joint strong as per the pipe • No fitting required • Continuously fully homogeneous pipe 1. Mechanical joining • Demanding conditions or remote locations • End restraint type fittings • Connected to other materials and flanges Injection blow products 1. STADIUM SEAT • public seats • Vvip • Vip Features of the products • Durable • Non detachable • Uv resistant • Impact resistant • Our seating is not only comfortable but it’s also durable • We’re the pioneer stadium seating manufacturer CONT…. • There are plenty of basic stadium seating options out there, but most of them have no use of virgin raw materials • AG represent the culmination of new technology machines continuous innovation, • AG products increasing the comfort and ergonomic fit for sports fans of all ages and sizes. Cont ,, Flower buckets Parts of flower buckets • Elongatore • Flower bucket • promotes investments in horticulture INJECTION BLOW MOLDING 1.STADIUM SEATS • VIP • VVIP 2. JERICANS • 10L • 20L used to pack any fluids of food grade or any chemicals FITTINGS WHICH CAN REPLACE DCI FITTINGS Cont--Tee with back ring / tee flanged Cont-Double flanged elbow Types of fittings Pipe fittings come in several types and shapes the main ones :1. Metallic pipe fittings :-includes steel , galvanized & cast iron fittings 2. Cement pipe fittings :- includes concrete cement & asbestos pipe fittings 3. Plastic pipe fittings :- plasticized pipe fittings The disadvantages of metallic fittings 1. No elastic behavior and lower mechanical strength 2. Prone internal external corrosion & aggressive conditions . 3. Older pipes having caulked joints with little flexible 4. Manufacturing defects includes variations in wall thickness 5. Heavy to handle 6. Develops blockages 7. Difficult to repair Cont… • Ag pipe fitting technology can solve any problem in construction industry 1.2 .Fiberglass • A fiberglass is a form of fiber-reinforced plastic • This is the reason perhaps why fiberglass is also known as glass reinforced plastic or glass fiber reinforced plastic. • The glass fiber is usually flattened into a sheet, randomly arranged or woven into a fabric. • According to the use of the fiberglass, the glass fibers can be made of different types of glass. Cont… • Fiberglass is light AGight, strong and less brittle. • The best part of fiberglass is its ability to get molded into various complex shapes. • This pretty much explains why fiberglass is widely used in bathtubs, boats, aircraft, roofing, and other applications. 1.2 .Fiberglass • A fiberglass is a form of fiber-reinforced plastic • This is the reason perhaps why fiberglass is also known as glass reinforced plastic or glass fiber reinforced plastic. • The glass fiber is usually flattened into a sheet, randomly arranged or woven into a fabric. • According to the use of the fiberglass, the glass fibers can be made of different types of glass. Properties of fiberglass • Mechanical strength: Fiberglass has a specific resistance greater than steel. So, it is used to make high-performance • Electrical characteristics: Fiberglass is a good electrical insulator even at low thickness. • Incombustibility: Since fiberglass is a mineral material, it is naturally incombustible. It does not propagate or support a flame. It does not emit smoke or toxic products when exposed to heat. • Dimensional stability: Fiberglass is not sensitive to variations in temperature and hygrometry. It has a low coefficient of linear expansion. Cont… • Compatibility with organic matrices: Fiberglass can have varying sizes and has the ability to combine with many synthetic resins and certain mineral matrices like cement. • Non-rotting: Fiberglass does not rot and remains unaffected by the action of rodents and insects. • Thermal conductivity: Fiberglass has low thermal conductivity making it highly useful in the building industry. • Dielectric permeability: This property of fiberglass makes it suitable for electromagnetic windows. Some of AG fiber products Fiber products • Ega sheets Quality assurance system • AG is currently equipped with high , modern laboratory equipments and skilled manpower • AG has prepare clear raw material specifications ; • AG serves any lab test through payments and give advices. • AG assures its product quality through :• inspection and lab tests of quality ;• raw materials • products quality Conclusion • Ag pipe fitting technology products high grade quality . • Affordable • Durable • Impact resistant Cont…. Currently AG !!!! Thank u!!!