Università degli Studi di Salerno CELPE Centro di Economia del Lavoro e di Politica Economica Rosamaria D’AMORE, Roberto IORIO, Giuseppe LUBRANO LAVADERA University of Salerno - CELPE Exploring the Relationship Between Human Capital and Innovation at the Firm Level: A study on a Sample of European Firms Corresponding author riorio@unisa.it Discussion Paper 144 1 2 Index Abstract ....................................................................................................................................................... 5 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................. 7 1. Human Capital, R&D and Innovation: Looking for Microeconomic Literature………………………. ... 8 2. Data and Objective of the Empirical Analysis; Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis .......................... 10 3. Instrumental variable ......................................................................................................................... 18 4. Synthesis of results ........................................................................................................................... 20 5. Conclusions ....................................................................................................................................... 21 References ............................................................................................................................................... 22 Appendix………………………………………………………………………………………….........................24 3 Scientific Commitee Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Marcello D’AMATO, Cesare IMBRIANI, Pasquale PERSICO CELPE - Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale di Economia del Lavoro e di Politica Economica Università degli Studi di Salerno Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano, I- Italy http://www.celpe.unisa.it E-mail celpe@unisa.it 4 Exploring the Relationship Between Human Capital and Innovation at the Firm Level: A study on a Sample of European Firms Rosamaria D'AMORE, Roberto IORIO, Giuseppe LUBRANO LAVADERA University of Salerno - CELPE Abstract In this paper, we explore the relationship between the human capital “embodied” in the workforce and the innovative capabilities of the firm, adopting an international comparative perspective. In fact data come from a survey (EFIGE) run in seven European countries during the 2007-2009 period. They are analysed with several models of multivariate analysis also with the support of a semiparametric model. Our results show a positive relationship between the ratio of graduated employees and the percentage of turnover from innovative products, being the share of personnel employed in R&D constant. This relationship is not linear: we find decreasing marginal returns for human capital and R&D. We then find a complementarity between human capital and R&D: the strength of the link between human capital and innovation is higher when the firm’s R&D increases. We also find some significant differences in the intensity of the human capital/innovation link across different countries. Keywords Human capital; R&D; Innovation; JEL D22; O32; J24 5 6 Introduction The importance of human capital for growth has been largely emphasized. This link has its roots at the firm level, where it is easy to assume a relationship between the education of the workforce and the innovative capacity of the firm: more educated employees may introduce more innovations, and such employees are needed to import and manage innovations created by other firms. Indeed, the link between human capital and innovation has been largely investigated at a macroeconomic level, with a special emphasis on the externalities, but we believe this has not been done sufficiently at the firm level. This paper aims to contribute to filling this gap. The relationship between education and innovation is evident if we consider employees with high education levels working in R&D laboratories, but the link between R&D and innovation at the firm level has received more attention: we enquire whether a higher educated workforce is important for innovation, even excluding R&D activities. The relationship between education and innovation is evident if we consider employees with high education levels working in R&D laboratories, but the link between R&D and innovation at the firm level has received more attention: we enquire whether a higher educated workforce is important for innovation, even excluding R&D activities. Empirically, we try to answer this question: is there a relationship between the share of university graduate employees with tertiary education on one side and the probability of introducing product innovation and the percentage of turnover derived from innovative product on the other side, assuming that the share of employees directly occupied in R&D activities is constant (even controlling for several other factors that may have an effect on the innovation)? If such a relationship exists, we ask whether it is linear or whether it is better approximated by a non-linear function. Our theoretical framework is rooted in the knowledge production function. This function states that innovation at the firm level is related to the cognitive capital present in the firm itself, which is calculated not only by the expenses formalized in R&D but also by the level of internal human capital (Audretsch and Feldman, 2004). Moreover, we analyse the interaction between these two components. It is possible to hypothesize both a complementarity and a substitutability relationship. We can expect that the higher the human capital embodied in the workforce is, the larger the effect of R&D on innovation. A qualified workforce may multiply the innovative potential coming from research laboratories; this is a relationship of complementarity. Alternatively, it is possible to expect that if R&D expenditure is absent or low, the innovative strength is particularly attributed to the qualified personnel not working in laboratories. This is a relationship of substitutability: the lower the expenditure in R&D is, the higher the effect of human capital on innovation. Therefore, we ask whether the relationship between human capital and R&D are complementary or substituted at the firm level. This paper also attempts to shed light on the differences of the effect of human capital on innovation from an international perspective. We ask the following question: if human capital embodied in the workforce has an effect on the innovativeness of the firm, is this effect significantly different between different countries? The empirical analysis is conducted on data from a survey (EFIGE) run in seven European countries during the 2007-2009 period. This survey is better described in the third section. To address these issues, we performed a regression analysis comparing several different techniques. To test for the linearity of the relationship between the elements of cognitive capital and the innovativeness of the firm, a semi-parametric analysis was also used. The article is structured as follows: the second section presents a review of the relevant literature on the relationship between human capital, R&D and innovation; the third section describes the data (first sub-section), presents the results of the univariate and bivariate analysis (second subsection) and the multivariate analysis, followed by a synthesis of the results (third sub-section). Our conclusions end the paper. 7 1. Human Capital, R&D and Innovation: Looking for Microeconomic Literature The link between human capital, R&D and innovation has usually been considered from a macroeconomic point of view. In the theory of growth, the importance of human capital and R&D is almost immediately acknowledged, but in the ‘classical’ Solow model of growth (1956), they remain in a sort of ‘black box’. Mankiw, Romer and Weil (1992), extending Solow’s model with the inclusion of human capital, managed to explain almost two-thirds of the variability of the growth rate among different national economies. The new theory of growth particularly emphasises the importance of human capital (Lucas, 1988) and R&D (Romer, 1990 a, b) for growth. Even if the models of these authors have a microfoundation, the context remains macroeconomic. An important theoretical and empirical breakthrough was the introduction of the knowledge production function of Griliches (1979); the scope of the theoretical formulation is explicitly microeconomic: in this formulation innovation is the output and knowledge is the input. Although the latter is a term with a clear meaning in economics, this needs to be explained empirically. As Audretsch and Feldman (2004) underline, citing Cohen and Klepper (1991 and 1992), the main source of knowledge in firms is generally considered R&D, which is therefore the term that underpins most empirical investigations; other elements to which the knowledge ‘translates’ vary with the specific objective of the study. In Audretsch and Feldman’s (2004) formulation, the knowledge production includes, in addition to R&D, human capital as an input of innovation. In the empirical studies such formulation of the knowledge production function is rarely estimated at the firm level. It is usually extended to industries, geographic areas or countries, highlighting the role of spillovers and externalities; the innovation output of each firm depends only partly on internal sources of knowledge. Knowledge functions largely depend on the research done by other firms, by the public and private research centres and on the human capital in the geographically contiguous area of the firm (for an analysis of the Italian case, see Audretsch and Vivarelli, 1996). Therefore, when the link between the input and output of knowledge is studied at the firm level, the result is often weak, while, if the unit of analysis is larger, the relationship becomes clearer. In the decades since the introduction of the theoretical model of the knowledge production function, there have been many important contributions, even empirical, that substantiate this approach (Griliches and Mairesse, 1983; Hall and Mairesse, 1995; Crepon, Duguet and Mairesse, 1998). The idea is that a company, an industry or a geographical area (Jaffe, 1986; Acs, Audretsch and Feldman, 1992; Feldman, 1994) must invest in R&D expenses (input) to increase the production of innovations (output). These, in turn, imply an increase of the added value through product innovations and productivity, particularly through process innovations. In the past, the original formulation was significantly and sufficiently enriched through the consideration of the effects of feedback (Kline and Rosenberg, 1986), as well as the realization that knowledge spillovers can take root only in the presence of a sufficient level of absorptive capacity (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989). This is, in fact, an adequate level of internal knowledge resources that can ‘absorb’ the external knowledge. According to Mangematin and Nesta (1999), firms with a high level of absorptive capacity will be in a better position to assimilate and utilize external knowledge to increase the innovative performance. Therefore, in the sophisticated context of the evolutionary theory of the firm, the idea of Nelson and Phelps (1966) - which was born in the macroeconomic field - that ‘internal’ knowledge is needed to absorb new knowledge produced outside, is reclaimed, showing a kind of inverse causal process between intellectual capital and innovation. Despite these important theoretical improvements, the setting of this trend of studies remains focused on the role of R&D as a primary factor: R&D is capable of generating innovation to support productivity, the competitiveness of products, and economic growth. 8 Compared to the profusion of studies on the effects of human capital in the macroeconomic sphere or on the effects of R&D at the firm level, there are less frequent studies on the effects of human capital on innovation at the firm level (Schneider, Guenther and Brandenburg, 2010). In many cases, the highlighted link is indirect, in the sense that human capital is seen as a prerequisite for investment in other factors or changes in firms that in turn lead to innovation. For example, in a study using Italian data, Arrighetti, Landini and Lasagni (2011) refer to a vision of a firm based on capabilities and stress the propensity to invest in intangible assets. Such assets, which have a strong impact on innovation and firm performance, depend on the level of human capital in the firm as well as on firm size, organizational complexity and many firm-specific factors. Abowd et al. (2002), using US data, show that human capital affects the productivity of businesses directly or in a complementary role with respect to the most advanced technologies, business models and organizational practices. Piva, Santarelli and Vivarelli (2005), using Italian data, highlight the link between organizational change and the demand for employees with high levels of skill. Blundell et al. (1999), in their literature review about the returns on human capital at the macroeconomic (representing the entire economy) and microeconomic (representing the firm and individual) levels, underline the dual role of a highly educated and skilled workforce: they are able to adapt to new tasks and technologies and are a direct source of innovation, because education increases an employee’s ability to be innovative in his job. They also report the results of several empirical studies, such as that of Bosworth and Wilson (1993), which suggests strong links between the employment of graduates, including professional scientists and engineers, and the adoption and use of high-level technologies in a firm. Besides, they underline the role of on-the-job training as a component of human capital and, aside from innovation, they also consider the effects of human capital on productivity and profitability. The importance of qualified human resources, together with R&D, to enhance the firm’s absorptive capacity and therefore its innovative performance is also underlined by Lund Vinding (2006) and Muscio (2007). Some papers, similarly to ours, take into account both the human capital and R&D at the firm level. Ballot, Fakhfakh and Taymal (2001), analysing data from France and Sweden, consider the effect of R&D and human capital on firm performance as measured by the value added and find a positive effect. They also highlight the interaction between these two factors, showing a positive effect. The second study, like ours, is based on EFIGE data. The share of university graduate employees is linked with the introduction of an innovation in a firm as well as with the number of patents filed at the European Patent Office (the relationship found is positive); expenditure on R&D is not included in the same estimate of the determinants of innovation but is placed in relation to human capital in the sense that the latter (measured with the share of graduates) positively affects the expenditure on R&D. The paper by D’Amore, Iorio and Lubrano Lavadera (2014), which analyses Italian data (a rotating panel of Italian firms for a period of nine years), shares the same theoretical background and some central empirical questions as those in this study and they find similar results: a statistically significant and positive relationship between the number of graduates and the number of employees in R&D on the one hand and the likelihood of introducing both a product and a process innovation on the other. They also study the interaction term between graduates and R&D and they find that it has a negative sign: an effect of ‘substitution’ between the two components of the cognitive capital of the firm seems to prevail and therefore the relationship between human capital and innovation is stronger, whereas the level of R&D is lower. The difference in that paper compared to this study is that the quadratic terms for human capital and R&D are not introduced and this may be one reason for the different result in this paper (in also considering quadratic terms, we anticipate that we will find a complementarity between human capital and R&D). 9 2. Data and Objective of the Empirical Analysis; Bivariate and Multivariate Analysis For our analysis, we used data from the EFIGE survey. The EFIGE (European Firms in a Global Economy) is an international research project under the auspices of the European Commission. A large survey with six sections was submitted to a sample of 14,911 firms in seven European countries: 3,019 in Italy, 2,975 in France, 2,973 in Germany, 2,832 in Spain, 2,142 in the United Kingdom, 488 in Hungary, and 482 in Austria. The stratification of the sample was done according to the size and business sector, taking into account the main geographical areas of each country. The questions are related to the 2007-2009 period. The goal of this study is to correlate the innovativeness of the firms with their cognitive capital. As a measure of innovativeness, we take two variables into consideration, both of which are derived from two specific questions of the EFIGE survey: the first is a dummy variable that assumes a value of 1 if the firm introduced any product innovations in the 2007-2009 period and 0 otherwise; the second variable is the average percentage of turnover from innovative product sales in the same years1. As a measure of cognitive capital, we use the share of graduates and personnel engaged in R&D. We investigated whether and to what extent human capital and R&D are related to innovation at the firm level as well as the non-linearity of the relationship and the effects of the interactions between the two components of cognitive capital on innovation. Referring to the review of the literature of the previous chapter, we can say that our theoretical reference is the function of knowledge production à la Audretsch and Feldman (2004). In this framework, innovation at the firm level (I) is a function of R&D (RD), the internal human capital (HK) and an error term. The nonlinear formulation of the function implies the non-constant effects of R&D and human capital on innovation and the existence of the effects of interaction between the two inputs (the effect of one depends on the size of the other). Formally, Ii = αRDβiHKγiεi We analysed the relationship between innovation and intellectual capital with bivariate and multivariate statistical techniques. Table 1 presents the list of the variables included in the different analyses, with their names, definitions, mean values, standard deviations, minimum and maximum values. 1 In the EFIGE questionnaire, only those who introduced a product innovation may indicate the percentage of turnover derived from innovative product sales; therefore, for those who did not introduce any product innovations, we assumed that the percentage was zero. 10 Variables innoprod Definitions Dummy =1 if the 'firm introduced any product innovation in the period 2007-2009 innoturn_prop innoturn gradperc gradperc2 rdperc rdperc2 Xgradrdperc extceo workforce export Italy France Spain Germany Austria Hungary UK pavitt1 pavitt2 pavitt3 pavitt4 grad_Italy grad_France grad_Spain grad_Germany grad_Austria grad_Hungary N Percentage of turnover deriving from innovative product sales percentage of university graduates in the workforce 2 (gradperc) percentage of employees involved in R&D 2 (rdperc) gradperc* rdperc Instrument: Dummy = 1 if the chief executive office (CEO) is a manager recruited outside the firm. Number of employees in the firm’s home country Dummy = 1 if the firm export Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in Italy Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in France Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in Spain Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in Germany Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in Austria Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in Hungary Dummy = 1 if the firm is located in UK Supplier Dominated firms Scale-Intensive firms Specialized-Suppliers firms Science-based firms Italy*gradperc France*gradperc Spain*gradperc Germany*gradperc Austria*gradperc Hungary*gradperc mean sd min max 0.491 0.500 0 1 0.102 0.188 0 1 10.18 18.80 0 100 9.453 13.50 0 100 271.6 7.820 250.757 122.1 914.3 13.77 1067 478.4 0 0 0 0 10000 100 10000 10000 0.0460 0.209 0 1 65.09 102.0 10 500 0.580 0.205 0.201 0.192 0.199 0.0300 0.0331 0.140 0.265 0.500 0.189 0.0460 1.413 1.790 2.021 2.290 0.177 0.510 14759 0.494 0.403 0.401 0.394 0.399 0.171 0.179 0.347 0.441 0.500 0.392 0.210 5.631 6.859 6.858 8.111 2.099 4.250 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100 100 100 100 80 100 Table 1 Definitions and descriptive statistics of the variables Notes §Variables excluded by regressions to avoid the perfect collinearity trap The lines indicate dummies that sum to one. Table 2 gives an introductive, general picture of the innovative performance of the firms included in the sample: the first column shows the percentage of firms that claim to have introduced product innovations (that is, when the value of innoprod is 1), the second column shows the mean percentage of turnover derived from innovative products (the mean value of the variable innoturn), and the third column shows the same mean as before but only considers innovative firms. Percentage of firms introducing product innovation (who declared innoprod =1) Average value of innoturn—all firms Average percentage of turnover from innovative product sales— only innovative firms 49.1% 10.2% 21.2% Table 2 - Percentage of innovative firms 11 Table 3 shows the correlation between the variables concerning the innovative performance (innoprod and innoturn) and the variables expressing the intellectual capital of the firms (gradperc and rdperc). innoturn gradperc rdperc innprod 0.56*** 0.15*** 0.18*** innoturn 0.19*** 0.22*** gradperc 0.26*** Table 3 Pearson correlations Notes ***Significant at 1% All correlations are positive and significant at 1%. Thus, there is a positive relationship between the components of the cognitive capital and the innovativeness of the firms. On the other hand, there is a strong relationship between the number of graduates and the number of employees in R&D: this is obvious considering that, among those involved in R&D, there is a high percentage of graduates with science degrees. To highlight the effect of each of the two components of cognitive capital on the innovation, it is necessary to perform a multivariate analysis, which also takes into account a number of other ‘control’ variables that are correlated both to innovation and the cognitive capital of the firm. In the multivariate analysis, as dependent variables we considered the variables expressing the innovative performance (innoprod and innoturn); as independent variables under study we considered the variables expressing the intellectual capital (gradperc and rdperc)2, their quadratic terms and their interaction (respectively: gradperc2, rdperc2 and Xgradrdperc); we controlled for the firm dimension (workforce), for its exporting capacity (export) and we also introduced dummy variables for Pavitt sector and for countries3. In one of the estimated models we also introduced the interaction between the dummy variables for countries and gradperc (grad_[name country]) and in the analysis with instrumental variable we took extceo as an instrument for gradperc. In the regressions with innoprod as a dependent variable, we adopted the probit model because this variable is dichotomous; the dependent variable innoturn is a percentage, assuming therefore positive values only from 0 to 100. Such data may be properly treated with a Tobit model (as suggested by Long, 1997) or a Generalized Linear Model (as suggested by Papke and Wooldridge, 1996)4; we also estimated a classical OLS linear regression model. Moreover, we have to consider that the process that determines whether a firm is innovative may be different from the process that determines the percentage of innovative turnover. A Heckman selection model estimates the two different but linked processes. We considered the same covariates for the two steps, assuming that they have a different effect in the two processes5. In studying the relationship between human capital and innovation, problems of endogeneity and reverse causality may arise as our data are cross-sectional. Therefore, we also estimated probit (for innoprod), linear and Tobit regressions (for innoturn) with instrumental variables. Robust estimates were always performed when possible. We estimated several models: Model 1 is the ‘basic’ model, including only first degree terms for human capital and R&D variables without interactions plus the control variables illustrated above. Model 2 adds the interaction and quadratic terms of human capital and R&D variables to the 2 As underlined before, gradperc and rdperc are partly overlapping: a (presumably large) part of the R&D personnel is graduated and a part of the graduated people is employed in R&D function. Therefore, if both variables are included in a multivariate analysis, we could conclude that the coefficient of gradperc indicates the effect on innovation of an increase in the percentage of the graduated not employed in R&D and that the coefficient of rdperc indicates the effect on innovation of an increase in the percentage of not graduated people employed in R&D. 3 We tested other control variables in the models, but the results were non-significant or were missing in several observations, therefore reducing the number of observations without significantly modifying the effectiveness of the estimates. 4 In STATA 14, we adopted the options family (binomial) and link (logit). 5 Because of the computational difficulties in estimating the maximum likelihood specification of the Heckman selection model, we adopted the two-step specification. 12 previous model. Model 3 adds the interaction terms between the human capital variable and the dummy variables for the countries to the previous model. In our comments, we considered 5% as the threshold of significance, but we noted all cases in which the coefficients and tests were below the 1% level. On the other hand, we signalled when a threshold of 10% would be however overcome. In the following section, we report the formulas for each model (for the sake of simplicity, when the dependent variable is innoturn, we report only the linear model) and the result of the estimates for every model, followed by a brief comment. We begin our analysis with Model 1, the basic model. Model 1 -1 Φ (innoprodi) = β0 + β1 gradperc i +β3 rdperc i + β3workforce + β4 export + β5-7 (Pavitt dummies) + β8-13 (country dummies) +ε i innoturni = β0 + β1 gradperc i +β3 rdperc i + β3workforce + β4 export + β5-7 (Pavitt dummies) + β8-13 (country dummies) +ε i Dependent variable gradperc rdperc workforce export Dummy Country Dummy Pavitt Const (1) probit innoturn *** 0.009 (0.001) *** 0.014 (0.001) *** 0.001 (0.000) *** 0.494 (0.023) YES YES *** -0.389 (0.038) (2) OLS (3) Tobit (4) GLM (5) Heckman innoprod *** 0.175 (0.017) *** 0.242 (0.017) 0.001 (0.002) *** 4.630 (0.314) YES YES *** 5.474 (0.529) sigma cons *** 0.319 (0.029) *** 0.476 (0.030) *** 0.017 (0.003) *** 13.776 (0.731) YES YES *** -18.662 (1.129) *** 32.886 (0.507) *** *** 0.008 (0.001) *** 0.011 (0.001) 0.000 (0.000) *** 0.301 (0.020) YES YES *** -1.577 (0.031) 0.240 (0.045) *** 0.361 (0.065) -0.001 (0.006) * 6.628 (2.834) YES YES 0.822 (9.211) 13727 14.729 (8.387) 13727 13 1001.4 8.62e-206 13 234.9 8.85e-43 mills lambda N 2 adj. R rmse r2 r2_p df_m chi2 p 14046 0.0835 13 1278.2 2.58e-265 13727 0.092 17.90 0.0934 13727 13 0.0238 13 2.11e-171 3.09e-238 Table 4 Determinants of product innovation and of turnover from innovative product sales – Model 1 for different estimations Notes Standard errors in parenthesis and * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 The first column of Table 4 reports the results of the probit estimate for innoprod as a dependent variable; the other columns report the results of the OLS, Tobit, GLM and Heckman selection model for innoturn as a dependent variable (we report only the results of the second step of the Heckman selection model)6. The variables representing the cognitive capital of the firm show 6 Innoprod is the dependent variable of the probit representing the first step; the independent variables are the same as in the probit model shown in Table 3. The number of cases is almost the same, except for the few (339 over 14,046) firms 13 similar results, regardless of the measure of innovation and the estimated model. The positive and significant (at the 1% level) sign for rdperc was largely expected: firms with a higher ratio of employees involved in R&D have a higher degree of innovativeness (a higher probability of introducing an innovation and a higher impact on the firm’s returns from the innovations). The sign for gradperc is always positive and significant (at the 1% level) too: this means that, even controlling for the employees in R&D, a higher ratio of university graduate employees is associated with a higher level of innovativeness. As for the control variables, we observe that exporting firms are more innovative than non-exporting ones; the effect of the size (expressed by the number of employees) is significantly positive with regard to the capacity to innovate, while the effect on the innovation turnover is significant (at 1%) and positive only in the Tobit model. Regarding the Pavitt classification, we may conclude that, as expected, the specialized suppliers and science-based firms are more innovative than supplier-dominated firms. If we suppose that the process for generating an innovation is different from the process of determining the percentage of innovative turnover, the Pavitt classification has no significant effect on this second process as expressed by the results of the second step of the Heckman selection model. The correctness of the hypotheses of the non-identity of the two processes, therefore, with regard to the need to estimate a selection model, is estimated by the Mills lambda test. This has a significance threshold of 5%, and this hypothesis should be rejected (the test is significant only at 10%). However, we anticipate that for more complex models like Models 2 and 3, the test becomes significant at 1%. Therefore, the presence of an estimate with the Heckman selection model is largely justified. The signs and significance of the coefficients for the country dummy variables show that firms in the United Kingdom have a higher probability of introducing product innovation than all the other countries except Austria, and this result is significant at 1%. Regarding the percentage of turnover derived from innovations, the prevalence of British firms is confirmed against France, Spain, Germany and Hungary (at the 1% level, except for the Heckman selection model, which shows similar results but at a lower level of significance for Spain, Germany and Hungary). The positive sign for Austrian firms with innoturn is remarkable, even though the 5% level of significance is reached only in the Tobit model (which is at 10% in the other three models). We turn now to Model 2, which adds to Model 1 the interaction term of gradperc and rdperc (Xgradpercrdperc) and their quadratic terms (gradperc2 and rdperc2). Model 2 -1 Φ (innoprodi) = β0 + β1 gradperc i + β2 gradperc2 i + β3 rdperc i + β4 rdperc2 i + β5 Xgradrdperc i + β6 workforce + β7 export + Β8-10 (Pavitt dummies) + β11-15 (country dummies) +ε i innoturni = β0 + β1 gradperc i + β2 gradperc2 i + β3 rdperc i + β4 rdperc2 i + β5 Xgradrdperc i + β6 workforce + β7 export + Β8-10 (Pavitt dummies) + β11-15 (country dummies) +ε i which have 1 for innoprod and have missing innoturn, which was dropped from the first step of the Heckman selection model. As the variables are the same and the cases are almost the same, the results are very similar. Therefore, we preferred not to show the results of the first step of the Heckman selection model. The same is true for Models 2 and 3. 14 Dependent variable gradperc gradperc2 rdperc rdperc2 Xgradrdperc workforce export Dummy Country Dummy Pavitt Const (1) probit innoturn *** 0.018 (0.002) *** -0.000 (0.000) *** 0.052 (0.002) *** -0.001 (0.000) -0.000 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) *** 0.423 (0.024) YES YES *** -0.528 (0.038) (2) OLS *** 0.159 (0.032) -0.001 (0.001) *** 0.654 (0.034) *** -0.006 (0.000) ** 0.003 (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) *** 3.752 (0.314) YES YES *** 4.499 (0.516) sigma cons (3) Tobit (4) GLM innoprod *** *** 0.438 0.010 (0.060) (0.002) *** ** -0.003 -0.000 (0.001) (0.000) *** *** 1.486 0.034 (0.061) (0.002) *** *** -0.015 -0.000 (0.001) (0.000) 0.002 0.000 (0.001) (0.000) *** 0.020 0.000 (0.003) (0.000) *** *** 11.393 0.250 (0.723) (0.020) YES YES YES YES *** *** -21.760 -1.667 (1.131) (0.031) *** 32.153 (0.501) *** 0.378 (0.097) * -0.002 (0.001) *** 1.451 (0.223) *** -0.014 (0.002) 0.002 (0.001) * 0.013 (0.006) *** 10.277 (2.137) YES YES * -21.186 (8.591) *** mills lambda N 2 adj. R rmse 2 R 2 Pseudo R df_m chi2 p (5) Heckman 14046 0.113 16 1837.0 0.000 13727 0.119 17.64 0.120 13727 16 0.0315 16 7.43e-241 0.000 13727 31.878 (7.170) 13727 16 1494.4 8.16e-309 16 198.3 1.72e-33 Table 5 Determinants of turnover from innovative product sales – Model 2 for different estimations Notes Standard errors in parenthesis and * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 The first column of Table 5 reports the results of the probit estimate for innoprod as a dependent variable; the other columns report the results of the OLS, Tobit, GLM and Heckman selection model for innoturn as a dependent variable. The values of the pseudo R-square (for the probit estimate) and of the adjusted R-square (for linear regression) for Model 2 (0.113, and 0.119, respectively) are larger than the values obtained for Model 1 (0.083 and 0.092, respectively); thus, the introduction of the quadratic and interaction terms of gradperc and rdperc increases the goodness of fit and the explicative power of the model. The results of the estimation show the nonlinearity of the relationship between the human capital embodied in the workforce and the R&D intensity of the firm on one side and the innovativeness of the firm on the other. In fact, the terms of the first degree of gradperc and rdperc are positive and significant while their square terms are negative and are almost in every case significant at 1% (the only exceptions concern gradperc2, which is significant at 5% in the Heckman selection model and is not significant in the OLS, while the 10% threshold would be passed). This means that the increase in the probability of innovation and in the percentage of innovative turnover is larger when the percentage of graduate employers is smaller. The same holds true for the percentage of employers involved in R&D activities. In other words, these results are consistent with decreasing returns, both for the human capital embodied in the workforce and the firm’s R&D intensity. 15 The interaction term between gradperc and rdperc is negative but not significant for innoprod. For innoturn, the sign is positive and significant (at 1% only in the OLS model; in the Heckman selection model, it would pass a threshold of 10%). Thus, with a higher R&D intensity, an increase in the percentage of university graduate employees is associated with a stronger increase in the innovative turnover. At the same time, when the percentage of university graduate employees increases, an increase in the percentage of R&D employees is associated with a stronger increase in the innovative turnover. In other words, it is possible to consider a multiplicative effect between human capital and R&D in terms of firm innovativeness. In addition to the usual regression analysis, we also implemented a semi-parametric analysis specifically, a local polynomial regression (Cleveland, Grosse and Shyu, 1992) with the same variables as the parametric analysis above. The control variables enter parametrically, and the variables of interest (gradperc and rdperc) are regressed non-parametrically. The results are graphically represented in Graph 1 of the Appendix: gradperc, rdperc and a linear predictor of the independent variables are placed on the axes; the clearly visible saddle confirms the nonlinearity of the relationship between human capital and R&D on the one side and innovation on the other. This analysis supports the idea that a quadratic specification of the model can explain a large part of the effect of gradperc and rdperc on innovativeness. We now analyse Model 3, which adds the interactions of country dummy variables with gradperc to the variables included in Model 2. Model 3 -1 Φ (innoprodi) = β0 + β1 gradperc i + β2 gradperc2 i + β3 rdperc i + β4 rdperc2 i + β5 Xgradrdperc i + β6 workforce + β7 export + Β8-10 (Pavitt dummies) + β11-15 (country dummies) + β16-20 (dummies grad_[name country]) +ε i innoturni = β0 + β1 gradperc i + β2 gradperc2 i + β3 rdperc i + β4 rdperc2 i + β5 Xgradrdperc i + + β6 workforce + β7 export + Β8-10 (Pavitt dummies) + β11-15 (country dummies) + β16-20 (dummies grad [name country]) +ε i This model has both the dummy variables for the seven countries and their interactions with the percentage of graduate employees. We impose that the relationship between gradperc and innoturn is represented by different regression lines for different countries. These lines have different vertical intercepts (expressed by the intercepts of the dummy variables for countries) and different slopes (expressed by the coefficients of the interaction terms between gradperc and the dummy variables for countries). We therefore test whether the magnitude of the relationship between human capital and the innovativeness of the firm is significantly different across different countries. 16 Dependent variable gradperc gradperc2 rdperc rdperc2 Xgradrdperc workforce export Italy France Spain Germany Austria Hungary grad_Italy grad_France grad_Spain grad_Germany grad_Austria grad_Hungary Dummy Pavitt Const (1) probit innoturn *** 0.022 (0.003) *** -0.000 (0.000) *** 0.052 (0.002) *** -0.001 (0.000) 0.000 (0.000) *** 0.001 (0.000) *** 0.422 (0.024) *** -0.249 (0.045) *** -0.341 (0.046) *** -0.317 (0.048) *** -0.254 (0.047) ** 0.180 (0.091) *** -0.257 (0.087) -0.002 (0.003) ** -0.007 (0.003) -0.003 (0.003) *** -0.009 (0.003) -0.008 (0.008) -0.007 (0.004) YES *** -0.566 (0.042) (2) OLS *** 0.288 (0.055) -0.001 (0.001) *** 0.650 (0.034) *** -0.006 (0.000) ** 0.003 (0.001) 0.002 (0.002) *** 3.723 (0.313) 1.160 (0.683) *** -2.546 (0.659) -1.214 (0.653) ** -1.727 (0.654) 2.242 (1.296) -0.467 (1.344) * -0.168 (0.066) * -0.149 (0.062) ** -0.145 (0.055) ** -0.161 (0.058) 0.082 (0.157) * -0.179 (0.088) YES *** 3.342 (0.575) sigma cons (3) Tobit (4) GLM innoprod *** *** 0.602 0.013 (0.088) (0.002) *** ** -0.004 -0.000 (0.001) (0.000) *** *** 1.480 0.034 (0.061) (0.002) *** *** -0.015 -0.000 (0.001) (0.000) 0.002 0.000 (0.002) (0.000) *** 0.020 0.000 (0.003) (0.000) *** *** 11.322 0.248 (0.722) (0.020) -0.481 0.055 (1.354) (0.038) *** *** -8.641 -0.197 (1.406) (0.041) *** * -5.980 -0.086 (1.411) (0.039) ** ** -4.066 -0.118 (1.338) (0.038) ** 6.085 0.122 (2.341) (0.065) * -6.354 -0.063 (3.108) (0.088) * * -0.214 -0.006 (0.100) (0.002) -0.171 -0.003 (0.092) (0.002) -0.145 -0.004 (0.086) (0.002) ** -0.246 -0.004 (0.086) (0.002) -0.118 0.000 (0.213) (0.005) -0.251 -0.005 (0.165) (0.004) YES YES *** *** -23.374 -1.706 (1.269) (0.035) *** 32.124 (0.500) *** 0.503 (0.114) * -0.003 (0.001) *** 1.368 (0.217) *** -0.013 (0.002) * 0.002 (0.001) 0.012 (0.006) *** 9.459 (2.079) 1.427 (1.553) *** -7.760 (2.050) * -3.585 (1.801) ** -4.880 (1.664) 4.881 (2.733) -3.253 (2.807) ** -0.252 (0.082) * -0.156 (0.077) * -0.154 (0.078) * -0.168 (0.075) -0.001 (0.223) -0.157 (0.120) YES * -19.696 (8.499) *** mills lambda N 2 adj. R rmse 2 R 2 Pseudo R df_m chi2 P (5) Heckman 14046 0.114 22 1837.0 0.000 13727 0.121 17.62 0.122 13727 22 0.0317 22 2.29e-238 0.000 13727 29.333 (7.012) 13727 22 1507.8 6.50e-306 22 224.6 1.65e-35 Table 6 Determinants of product innovation and of turnover from innovative product sales – Model 3 for different estimations Notes Standard errors in parenthesis and * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 17 The first column of Table 6 reports the results of the probit estimate for innoprod as a dependent variable; the other columns report the results of the OLS, Tobit, GLM and Heckman selection model for innoturn as a dependent variable. We find that in the United Kingdom the magnitude is higher than in the other countries; regarding the probability of introducing an innovation, this result is significant for France (at 5%) and Germany (at 1%). Regarding the percentage of innovative turnover, this result is significant for Italy (at 1%), France, Spain and Germany (at 5%). We refer to the results of the Heckman selection model because the significance of the Mills lambda test (1%) ensures that this kind of model should be preferred to other models. In any case, all the other models confirm the negative and significant (at 5%) sign for Italy. However, in the GLM model, the signs for the other countries are not significant at 5% (Germany would be significant at 10%). 3. Instrumental Variables In the text above, we usually preferred to use the term relationship between human capital and innovativeness rather than effect of the former on the latter. This is because the causal relationship between human capital and innovation may be twofold: as reported in the introduction and confirmed by several contributions in the literature, more educated employees may introduce more innovations, but it is also true that they are needed to absorb and manage innovations. For this inverse causal relationship, it is possible to consider the skill biased technical change theory — that is, the introduction of more sophisticated technologies requires an upgrade of the employees’ skills (Sanders, 2004). Therefore, more human capital may imply more innovation, but more innovation may require more human capital. This twofold relationship may imply endogeneity in the relationship and thus a correlation with the residuals of the regression model and bias in the estimate. To overcome this problem, we use an instrumental variable estimation. We use the variable extceo for the percentage of graduate employees as an instrument. Extceo indicates if the management of the firm is external (manager recruited from outside the firm) or internal (belonging to the same family who owns the firms or a manager appointed within the firm)7. In fact we find that external management has a higher propensity to hire more qualified employees (the variable exteceo is significantly correlated with gradperc and the relationship exists even in a multivariate analysis when controlling for the same control variables of the analyses above) and that the positive impact of the external management on innovation happens through a higher propensity to assume more qualified workers (including extceo among the covariates of Model 1, it results not significant -at 5%- but, if gradperc is excluded from the covariates, extceo becomes significant). Therefore, extceo meets the requirements of an instrumental variable: it is correlated with the covariate, which may suffer from endogeneity (gradperc); however, having an impact on the dependent variable only through that covariate, it does not result in a correlation with the residuals. We estimated Model 1 both for innoprod (probit model) and innoturn (linear regression and Tobit) with extceo as an instrumental variable for gradperc.8 It is not possible to estimate Model 2 with instrumental variables — being instrumental variables for gradperc2, we should have the quadratic term of extceo, but it is perfectly collinear with the first degree term as it is a binary variable. Moreover, if the variable gradperc is endogenous with 7 This distinction concerns only “family firms” (firm directly or indirectly controlled by an individual or family-owned entity). The “non family firms” are therefore excluded from the analysis with instrumental variables. 8 As seen before when analysing the results of Model 1 without an instrumental variable, at a 5% level of significance, there is no reason to choose a Heckman selection model over an OLS linear regression. We did not estimate the Heckman selection model with instrumental variables. 18 respect to innoprod and innoturn, the interactions between gradperc and the country dummy variables (introduced in Model 3) are also endogenous, and we need to instrument them; they could be instrumented by the interactions between extceo and the country dummy variables, but the dichotomic nature of extceo generates a high degree of multicollinearity in the estimate. Therefore, we cannot reliably estimate the different effects of human capital in different countries with instrumental variables. (1) probit innoturn *** 0.051 (0.019) 0.565 (0.409) rdperc 0.004 (0.005) workforce export 0.345 (0.110) Dependent variable gradperc (2) OLS (3) Tobit (4) GLM (5) Heckman 1.449° (0.768) 0.030 (0.023) 0.130 (0.375) 0.140* (0.071) 0.224° (0.133) 0.003 (0.004) 0.226 (0.065) 0.001 (0.000) ** 0.000 (0.004) 0.014 (0.007) * -0.000 (0.000) 0.002 (0.003) *** 3.750 (1.145) * 10.785 (2.198) * 0.270 (0.063) *** 4.718 (1.026) Innoprod * * * imills1 12.251 (0.521) Dummy Country YES YES YES YES YES Dummy Pavitt YES YES YES YES YES 2.671 (2.410) -25.320 (4.640) -1.690 (0.137) 5.847 (2.226) -1.113 (0.769) 3.477* (0.018) 2.391* (0.021) 9538 9538 9538 0.343 14.98 0.344 13 14 4551.5 0.000 13.968*** 0.008 Const arthrho _cons lnsigma _cons alpha cons *** -0.605 (0.080) -0.489 (0.277) *** 2.396 (0.020) lns cons lnv cons N 2 adj. R rmse 2 R 2 Pseudo R df_m chi2 p First stage Endogenous 9743 9538 0.027 18.22 0.0285 13 1048.6 6.23e-216 13 529.4 8.34e-105 19.934*** 0.937 3.11° * 13 664.2 1.55e-133 2.10 * Table 7 Determinants of product innovation and of turnover from innovative product sales – Instrumental variable estimations for Model 1 Notes Standard errors in parenthesis and p°<0,10, p* < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001 The first column of Table 7 reports the results of the probit estimation with instrumental variables, having innoprod as dependent variable; the other columns report the results of the instrumental 19 variable estimation for OLS, Tobit, GLM, Hechkman selection model, having innoturn as dependent variable. In this table we evidenced the coefficients significant at 10% too. The discussion of the results may begin with the endogeneity tests: even though the hypothesis of the endogeneity of innovation with respect to a firm’s human capital has a theoretical and logical background, the statistical tests do not appear to confirm such a hypothesis. According to the Wald test, the hypothesis of exogeneity for the probit and Tobit model cannot be rejected with 5% as a significance threshold (in the probit model, the hypothesis is rejected with a 10% threshold). If the hypothesis of exogeneity is not rejected, the ordinary probit and Tobit models should be preferred to the corresponding estimates with instrumental variables; however, even with the hypothesis of exogeneity, the instrumental variable estimates are consistent, although inefficient. Moreover, it must be underlined that the results of the Wald test dramatically change, even with slight variations in the model (even excluding one single covariate). On the contrary, the Hausman test for the linear regression for innoturn clearly rejects (at a 1% level) the hypothesis of exogeneity: the estimate with the instrumental variables of the linear regression model therefore has full statistical justification in confronting the correspondent model without an instrumental variable. Despite the expected high standard errors of the IV-probit model because of its inefficiency, gradperc has a significant (at 1%) and positive effect on innoprod. The effect of gradperc on innoturn is positive and significant (at 1%) in the IV-linear regression model, while the inefficiency of the IV-Tobit model may explain its non-significance at 5% (however, it would be significant at 10%). It seems therefore possible to conclude, even when controlling for possible endogeneity, that an increase in the percentage of graduate employees increases the probability of obtaining one or more product innovations and the effectiveness of those innovations in terms of the share of turnover deriving from their sales. It is worth nothing that rdperc is significant only in the IV-linear regression (it has a 10% level of significance in the Tobit model). When controlling for endogeneity, the firm’s R&D appears to be less able than human capital to explain the firm’s innovativeness. 4. Synthesis of Results The results exposed above, which were obtained with different techniques of regression analysis, allowed us to answer the questions posed in the introduction. For the first question about the existence of a relationship between the human capital embodied in the workforce (expressed by the share of graduate employees) and the innovativeness of the firm (expressed by its probability of introduce product innovation and the percentage of turnover deriving from innovative product sales), we can say that the relationship is positive and significant, even when controlling for the R&D intensity (expressed by the percentage of employees involved in R&D activities) and for other relevant variables. Such a relationship is not linear: our results suggest an increasing but concave relationship both between human capital and innovativeness and between R&D intensity and innovativeness. We also asked about the type of interaction that exists between these two components of the firm’s ‘cognitive capital’. We find a multiplicative effect, indicating a complementarity between human capital and R&D: when R&D is higher, the strength of the relationship between human capital and innovativeness increases. Another result is that the intensity of the relationship between human capital and innovativeness is significantly different across different countries. Because of the cross-sectional nature of our data, these results should be read more in terms of ‘relationship’ than ‘effect’, but the analysis with the instrumental variable supports their interpretation as a positive effect of the human capital embodied in the workforce on the innovative capability of the firm. 20 5. Conclusions Several studies theorize or empirically test the link between human capital and economic growth at a macroeconomic level. Studies investigating this relationship at a microeconomic level are less frequently seen. At the firm level, the link between human capital and innovation is often seen as indirect in the sense that a skilled workforce is considered a precondition for the elements (R&D investments in information technology, business organization, etc.) that generate innovation. The intention of this work is to empirically verify whether there is a direct relationship between the skills of the workforce and the innovative capacity of the firm, even when ‘controlling’ for other crucial factors for innovation (especially R&D). The analysis, conducted on data from firms in seven European countries in the 2007-2009 period, reveals that an increase in the share of graduate employees in the firm increases the likelihood of introducing a product innovation and the share of turnover deriving from such innovations; the human capital and R&D intensity at the firm level show decreasing returns, but they also reciprocally have a multiplicative effect: the effectiveness, in an innovative sense, of the ‘human capital’ embodied in the workforce is higher in firms where the ratio of employees employed in R&D services is higher; i.e., a better-educated workforce has a multiplicative effect on the R&D intensity of the firm. We find, therefore, a complementarity between human capital and R&D at the firm level. We also find that the intensity of the relationship between human capital and innovativeness at the firm level is significantly different across countries. This study, of course, has some limitations from the cross-sectional nature of the data to the lack of detailed information on the innovations. The information on the level of education of the workforce is also limited (only the distinction between graduates and non-graduates is made, and therefore the type of degree or the exact level attained is not included). Nevertheless, even with the limitations just mentioned, this analysis offers interesting results, both because the topic has been rarely explored and because the results may have important implications in terms of policy. It appears evident that the education of the workforce is crucial for the industry as it may boost its innovative capacity, both for a direct effect and through a multiplicative effect on the R&D function. 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Games in Cancer Diagnosis 2014, 132 Domenico MADDALONI The Warfare-Welfare Nexus. An Ecological-Evolutionary Conceptual Framework for the Analysis of the Rise and Decline of National Public Welfare Systems 2014, 131 Massimiliano BENCARDINO, Giorgia IOVINO Analysing and Managing Urban Sprawl and Land Take 2014, 130 Carmen AINA, Fernanda MAZZOTTA, Lavinia PARISI Bargaining or Efficiency within the Household? The Case of Italy 2014, 129 Adriana BARONE, Annamaria NESE Body Weight and Academic Performance: Gender and Peer Effects 2013, 128 Adriana BARONE, Annamaria NESE Family Structure, Children and Night Work: Italy vs. Sweden 2013, 127 Annamaria FERRAGINA The Impact of FDI on Firm Survival and Employment: A Comparative Analysis for Turkey and Italy 2013, 126 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Roberto DELL’ANNO Social Exclusion and Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation in European Economies 2013, 125 Anna PAPACCIO Bilateralism and Multilateralism: a Network Approach 2013, 124 Claudio PINTO Complexity of Treatment, and Changes in Efficiency and Productivity for Directly Managed Italian Hospitals 2012, 123 Giorgia IOVINO Il Mezzogiorno e la sfida delle energia rinnovabili 2012, 122 Roberto DELL’ANNO, Stefania VILLA Growth in Transition Countries: Big Bang versus Gradualism 2012, 121 Lavinia PARISI The Determinants of First and Second Marital Dissolution. Evidence from Britain 25 2010, 120 Salvatore FARACE, Fernanda MAZZOTTA Bivariate Probit Models for Analysing how “Knowledge” Affects Innovation and Performance in Small and Medium Sized Firms 2010, 119 Marcello D’AMATO, Christian DI PIETRO The Evolution of Wealth Distribution in a Model of Educational Investment with Heterogenous Agents 2010, 118 Paolo COCCORESE Banks as 'fat cats': Branching and Price Decisions in a Two-Stage Model of Competition 2010, 117 Sergio DESTEFANIS, Giovanni PICA The Wage Curve an Italian Perspective 2010, 116 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Joshy EASAW, Antonio SAVOIA Inequality in Developing Economies: The Role of Institutional Development 2010 115 Gianluigi COPPOLA Health, Lifestyle and Growth 2010 114 Teresa AMODIO Methods of Analysis of Local Tourist Systems 2009 113 Fernanda MAZZOTTA The Effect of Parental Background on Youth Duration of Unemployment 2009 112 Matteo FRAGETTA Identification in Structural Vector Autoregressions Through Graphical Modelling and Monetary Policy: A Cross-Country Analysis 2009 111 Bruna BRUNO, Damiano FIORILLO Why without Pay? The Intrinsic Motivation between Investment and Consumption in Unpaid Labour Supply 2009 110 Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Annamaria NESE Social Preferences and the Third Sector: Looking for a Microeconomic Foundation of the Local Development Path 2008 109 Giorgia IOVINO Gis, ricerca geografica e pianificazione urbanistica: un’applicazione sul centro storico di Benevento 2008 108 Bruna BRUNO La donna flessibile e il lavoro opportuno 2008 107 Damiano FIORILLO Offerta di Attività Gratuita in Italia: una analisi micro-econometrica 2007, 106 Shane Niall O'HIGGINS, Marcello D'AMATO, Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Adriana BARONE Gone for Good? Determinants of School Dropout in Southern Italy 2007, 105 Ugo COLOMBINO, Annamaria NESE Preference Heterogeneity in Relation to Museum Services 2007, 104 Giuseppe CELI, Mario SPORTELLI Harrod’s Dynamics and the Kaldor-Thirlwall Export-led Growth 2007, 103 Francesca BETTIO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA, Giovanni SOLINAS Costs and prospects for home based Long Term Care in Northern Italy: the Galca survey 2007, 102 Lisa CROSATO, Sergio DESTEFANIS, Piero GANUGI Technology and Firm Size Distribution: Evidence from Italian Manufacturing 2007, 101 Guglielmo Maria CAPORALE, Alexandros KONTONIKAS The Euro and Inflation Uncertainty in the european Monetary Union 2006, 100 Francesco Paolo VOLPE Principio democratico e giustizia nell'amministrazione 2006, 99 Niall O’HIGGINS Still With Us After All of These Years: Trends in Youth Labour Market Entry, Home-Leaving And Human Capital Accumulation in Italy 1993-2003 26 2005, 98 2005, 97 2005, 96 2005, 95 2005, 94 2005, 93 2005, 92 2005, 91 2005, 90 2004, 89 2004, 88 2004, 87 2004, 86 2004, 85 2004, 84 2004, 83 2004, 82 2004, 81 2004, 80 2004, 79 2004, 78 2003, 77 2003, 76 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Gianluigi COPPOLA The Impact of the Institutions on Regional Unemployment Disparities Carlo ALTAVILLA, Antonio GAROFALO, Concetto Paolo VINCI Is the Discouraged Worker Effect Time-Varying? F. BUSATO, B. CHIARINI, P. DE ANGELIS, E. MARZANO Capital Subsidies and Underground Production Lucio Valerio SPAGNOLO, Mario CERRATO No euro please, We’re British! Roberto BASILE, Mauro COSTANTINI, Sergio DESTEFANIS Unit root and cointegration tests for cross-sectionally correlated panels. Estimating regional production functions Sergio DESTEFANIS, Raquel FONSECA Matching Efficiency and Labour Market Reform in Italy. A Macroeconometric Assessment Cesare IMBRIANI, Antonio LOPES Banking System Efficiency and the Dualistic Development of the Italian Economy in the Nineties Carlo ALTAVILLA, Antonio GAROFALO, Concetto Paolo VINCI Designing the Optimal Lenght of Working Time Marco MANACORDA, Barbara PETRONGOLO Regional Mismatch and Unemployment: Theory and Evidence from Italy, 1977-1998 Roberta TROISI Teoria dell’impresa e responsabilità parapenale: le implicazioni organizzativo-gestionali Roberta TROISI Enti non profit: tipologie ed opzioni organizzative Lavinia PARISI La povertà: una rassegna sul confronto tra due approcci. Capability vs. Unidimensionalità Giuseppe CELI Quality Differentiation, Vertical Disintegration and the Labour Market Effetcs of Intra-Industry Trade Niall O’HIGGINS Recent Trends in Youth Labour Martkets and Employment Policy in Europe and Central Asia Carlo ALTAVILLA, Floro Ernesto CAROLEO Evaluating Asimmetries in Active Labour Policies: The Case of Italy Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Francesco PASTORE La disoccupazione giovanile in Italia. La riforma dei sistemi d'istruzione e di formazione professionale come alternativa alla flessibilità numerica per accrescere l'occupabilità Francesco PASTORE, Izabela MARCINKOWSKA The Gender Wage Gap among Young People in Italy Elisabetta MARZANO Dual Labour Market Theories And Irregular Jobs: IsThere a Dualism Even in The Irregular Sector? Corrado ANDINI Unemployment and Welfare Partecipation in a Structural VAR: Rethinking the 1990s in the United States Floro Ernesto CAROLEO Fondamenti teorici della rigidità salariale nell'ambito dei "Non Market clearing Models" Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Gianluigi COPPOLA Regional Disparities in Europe Fernanda MAZZOTTA Flessibilità, povertà e istruzione: un approccio Sen – istituzionale Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Annamaria NESE Mobilità intergenerale nel livello d'istruzione nella società femminile italiana ed endogenità del titolo di studio in un modello di partecipazione alla Forza Lavoro. 27 2003, 74 Antonio LOPES Innovazione nel Sistema Creditizio del Mezzogiorno negli Anni Novanta 2003, 73 Sergio DESTEFANIS, Vania SENA Public Capital and Total Factor Productivity New Evidence from the Italian Regions 2003, 72 Giuseppina AUTIERO, Bruna BRUNO Social Preferences in Wage Bargaining: a Neocorporatist Approach 2003, 71 Gianluigi COPPOLA, Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA Industrial Localisation and Economic Development. A Case Study 2002, 70 Francesco GIORDANO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA Salario di Riserva, Probabilità di Occupazione ed Efficacia dell’Istruzione Universitaria: un’Analisi sugli Studenti dell’Università di Salerno 2002, 69 Giuseppe RUSSO Istituzioni del Mercato del Lavoro e Occupazione: dai Costi di Aggiustamento all’Appropriabilità 2002, 68 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Francesco PASTORE Training Policy for Youth Unemployed in a Sample of European Countries 2002, 67 Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Maria Rosaria SUPINO Il Disegno Normativo del Welfare Municipale in Italia come Strumento per lo Sviluppo Economico e l’Allargamento delle Opportunità Occupazionali. Una Lettura Neoistituzionale della L. 328/00 2002, 65 Pietro SENESI Cyclical dynamics under continuous time equilibrium 2001, 64 Marcello D'AMATO, Vincenzo GALASSO E' la Riforma Dini Politicamente Sostenibile? 2001, 63 Sergio DESTEFANIS, Ornella Wanda MAIETTA Assessing the Productive Efficiency of Non-Profit Organisations: a Comparative Analysis 2001, 62 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Francesco PASTORE How fine targeted is ALMP to the youth long term unemployed in Italy? 2001, 61 Paolo COCCORESE Strategic Advertising for Entry Deterrence Purposes 2001, 60 Alessandra AMENDOLA Modelling Asymmetries in Unemployment Rate 2001, 59 Sergio DESTEFANIS Differenziali Territoriali di Produttività ed Efficienza negli Anni '90: i Livelli e l'Andamento 2001, 58 Giuseppina AUTIERO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA Job Search Methods: the Choice between the Public and the Private Sector 2001, 57 Giuseppina AUTIERO, Bruna BRUNO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA A Correspondence Analysis of Labour Market Institutions 2000, 56 Giuseppina AUTIERO Governmental Organized Learning and Coordination Problems: The case of Japan in1950s 2000, 55 Giuseppina AUTIERO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA The Choice of Search Methods: Some Empirical Evidence from Italy 2000, 54 Giuseppe CELI The Impact of International Trade on Labour Markets. The Case of Outward Processing. Traffic between the European Union and Central Eastern European Countries. 2000, 53 Giuseppe RUSSO, David VEREDAS Institutional Rigidities and Employment on the Italian Labour Market: the Dynamic of the Employment in the Large Industrial Firms. 2000, 52 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO Le Politiche per l'Occupazione in Europa: una Tassonomia Istituzionale 2000, 51 Andrew NEWELL, Francesco PASTORE Regional Unemployment and Industrial Restructuring in Poland 1999, 50 Giuseppe CELI, Alasdair SMITH Quality Differentiation and the Labour Market Effects of International Trade. 1999, 49 Giuseppe CELI Vertical and Horizontal Intra-Industry Trade: What is the Empirical Evidence for the UK? 28 1999, 48 Cesare IMBRIANI, Filippo REGANATI Productivity spillovers and regional differences: some evidence on the italian manufacturing sector. 1999, 47 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Annamaria NESE L’impatto del background familiare sul livello d’istruzione dei figli. 1998, 46 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Annamaria NESE Mobilità intergenerazionale nella società femminile italiana. 1998, 45 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Fernanda MAZZOTTA Youth Unemployment and youth employment policies in Italy. 1997, 44 Annamaria NESE Mobilità intergenerazionale in Italia 1997, 43 Adriana BARONE, Concetto Paolo VINCI Fairness: un concetto relativo nell’analisi del mercato del lavoro 1997, 42 Adriana BARONE, Concetto Paolo VINCI Wage differentials and factor intensity reversals 1997, 41 Rosa CAPOLUPO L’ipotesi di convergenza nel recente dibattito sulle teorie della crescita 1997, 40 Rosa CAPOLUPO Endogenous Vs exogenous models of growth: the convergenze debate 1997, 39 Fernanda MAZZOTTA, Annamaria NESE Transizioni "In and Out" il mercato del lavoro in Italia: un’analisi microeconometrica 1997, 38 Fernanda MAZZOTTA Disoccupazione e probabilità di occupazione in Italia: un’analisi su microdati 1997, 37 Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Bruna BRUNO Equivalenza istituzionale" dei modelli di contrattazione sul salario: oltre il dibattito tra centralizzazione e decentramento 1997, 36 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Floro Ernesto CAROLEO, Gianluigi COPPOLA Differenziali territoriali nel mercato del lavoro e sviluppo in Italia 1996, 35 Adalgiso AMENDOLA Istituzioni e mercato del lavoro. Deregolazione, occupazione e paradigma istituzionale 1996, 33 Annamaria NESE Modelli microeconometrici per l'analisi della domanda abitativa 1996, 32 Annamaria NESE Test semiparametrici per modelli parametrici 1996, 31 Giuseppe CELI Vertical intra-industry trade and skill intensity in Europe: a cross sector analysis 1996, 30 Sergio DESTEFANIS Nominal rigidities and real activity. A cross-industry analysis for Italy, 1951-93 1996, 29 Cesare IMBRIANI, Filippo REGANATI International technology transfer into the italian manufacturing sector 1996, 28 Stefania di SERAFINO, Alberto GANDOLFI The choice of the Government optimal procurement mechanism: the first-price sealed bid auction with one and/or two winners. 1996, 27 Raul de LUZENBERGER Redistribution, and public debt with liquidity constraints 1996, 26 Bruno CHIARINI Un modello VAR per la domanda di lavoro 1995, 25 Maria Rosaria CARILLO, Alberto ZAZZARO Innovazione tecnologica e distruzione di capitale umano in un modello neo- shumpeteriano di crescita. 1995, 24 Raul de LUZENBERGER Macroeconomia e politiche redistributive: il caso di vincoli di liquidità 1995, 23 Annamaria NESE Tenure choice and demand for housing in Italy 1995, 22 Filippo REGANATI La struttura delle preferenze per prodotti orizzontalmente differenziati. 1995, 21 Sergio DESTEFANIS, Michele LA ROCCA, Cosimo VITALE Forecasting train ticket sales with linear model-based approaches and with edats 29 1995, 20 Stefania di SERAFINO Bounded rationality and incomplete contracts 1995, 19 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Floro E. CAROLEO, Maria Rosaria GAROFALO Istituzioni, mercato del lavoro e decentramento delle decisioni. 1995, 18 Niall O’HIGGINS Why did the youth training scheme reduce the wages of young people? A story of human capital formation, reservation wages and job offers. 1994, 17 Antonio CARDONE Misure di efficienza: alcuni aspetti teorici 1994, 16 Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Luisa ZANCHI Neo-corporativismo, centralizzazione e dispersione inter-settoriale dei salari. 1994, 15 Sergio DESTEFANIS Allowing for frequency of negotiation in the aggregate wage equation. A study for Italian manufacturing, 1973/92. 1994, 14 Marcello D'AMATO Tariffs for a foreign industry with market power under incomplete information on demand 1994, 13 Raul DE LUZENBERGER, Cesare IMBRIANI, Giancarlo MARINI Sustainability Issues in the process of European Integration 1994, 12 Riccardo MARSELLI, Antonio CARDONE Interdipendenza tra regioni: un'analisi su dati di Panel 1993, 11 Adriana BARONE, Concetto Paolo VINCI Dilemma del prigioniero e persistenza della disoccupazione involontaria 1993, 10 Maria Rosaria CARILLO Mutamenti strutturali ed offerta di lavoro. 1993, 9 Niall O'HIGGINS The effectiveness of YTS in Britain: an analysis of sample selection in the determination of employment and earnings 1993, 8 Giuseppe CELI Politiche valutarie ed integrazione commerciale: l'esperienza dello SME negli anni '80 1992, 7 Paolo COCCORESE Attività innovativa e configurazione industriale 1992, 6 Maria Rosaria GAROFALO, Gian Luigi CORINTO La Razionalità dell'Allocazione del Tempo di Lavoro in Agricoltura. Con un'Applicazione Empirica ad un Sistema Locale attraverso la PL. 1992, 5 Adalgiso AMENDOLA, Maria SCATTAGLIA Disoccupazione e Tassi di Attività nel Mezzogiorno 1992, 4 Floro Ernesto CAROLEO La Disoccupazione Strutturale 1991, 3 Giovanni URGA Dynamic Models of Labour Demand in the Italian Industrial Sector: Theories and Evidence from Panel Data 1991, 2 Adalgiso AMENDOLA Teoria dei Contratti Impliciti. Rigidità del Salario e Disoccupazione 1991, 1 Guido CELLA Sulla Integrazione Produttiva Interregionale: il Caso del Mezzogiorno 30 CELPE – Centro di Ricerca in Economia del Lavoro e di Politica Economica Università degli Studi di Salerno ISSN 1970-4259 Depositato ai sensi di Legge 31