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Urological Cancer: Prostate, Bladder, Testis, Kidney Tumors

Urological cancer
Prostate cancer; abd en sik konulan cancer, ölüme yol acan kanser arasında 2. Sirada. Dünyada 4. En sik
görülen erkek tumor.
Risk factors; 1. Advanced age increase; more in 60-70 yr olds. 2. Positive family history. 3. Androgens
Clinical findings
A.symptoms; early stages= asymo
- often consistent with locally advanced or metastatic disease
- blood in the semen (hematospermia)
- may be obstructive or irritative voiding symptoms (due to local growth of the tumor towards the
urethra and bladder)
- bone pain (bone metastasis?)
- numbness, weakness, weakness in the lower extremities (metastasis to the vertebral column?)
• Obstructive symptoms; - inability to start urine immediately (hesitant)
- Intermittent urination - bifurcated urination, dispersion of urine while peeing
- Inability to pee forward ( no projection). - terminal dribbling
- Feeling of incomplete emptying
• Irritative symptoms; frequent toilet/ nocturia (night peeing) / burning in urine / urgent urination
B. Findings bulgular; - digital rectal examination (DRE). - edema of lower extremities ( regional LN
involvement) - weakness, paresthesia (spinal cord involvement) in lower extremities.
diagnosis; appearance of cancer foci in specimens, removed by biopsy or surgery.
Differential diagnosis; - DRE, en onemli bulgu. - reasons that raise PSA (prostate specific antigenproduced by both cancerous and non cancerous cells), should be ruled out; BPH, infection…
Lab; - anemia —> long bone metastasis. -alkaline phosphatase increase—> bone metastasis
PSA (prostate specific antigen);
PSA increase reasons;
Factors affecting PSA;
- Pca
- age, race, prostate
• In cytoplasm of prostatic epithelial cells
size, tumor grade
- Urethral instrumentation
• Glycoprotein structure
prostate infarction
• Production is regulated by androgen receptors - Prostatit,
Urinary retention
- Prostate biopsy
• Its more in semen than serum.
- Ejaculation, inflammation
- 95% adenocarcinoma
- 5% transitional epithelial cell carcinoma and sarcoma
- Pca doesn’t have a basal cell layer, BPH has it
- PIN—> precancerous lesion of Pca
- 2 types; high grade PIN (pca sign) and low grade (more on BPH)
- ASAP (atypical small acinar proliferation)—> atypical suspicious foci but no malignancy diagnosis.
Re biopsy.
Goruntuleme; TRUSG, MRI (multiparametrik), BT or MRI.
Staging; to determine prognosis and to choose treatment, TNM staging system used based on clinical,
imaging and biopsy findings.
- T—> local tumor intracapsular or extra capsular, N—> spread to LN? M—> to other organs?
treatment; tumor stage, tumor grade, life expectancy, co morbid diseases, quality of life, surgeons
Urological cancer
Pca tedavi 3 ana başlık atlında yapılmakta;
A. Localized disease treatment; 1. Radical prostatectomy/ radiotherapy (external/ trans perineal
brachytherapy), 3. Active izlem 4. Cryotherapy 5. HIFU ; high intensity focused ultrasound
B. Treatment in Locally advanced disease; 1. Radiotherapy 2. Hormonal therapy
C. Metastatic diseases; hormontherapy—> ablation of androgen source, inhibition of androgen
production, anti-androgens LNRH or LH inhibition.
1. Surgical castration 2.medical castration 3. Anti-androgens 4. LHRH antagonists 5. Biphosphanate
6. Bone lesions= palliative radiotherapy
Bladder cancer
epidemiology; men/woman ratio; 3/1. Woman 8th most seen cancer, 2.5% of women’s cancer. Genellikle
ileri yaslarin hastaligi.
Etiology and risk factors; smoking, aromatic amines, analgesic, chronic infection, pelvic radiation.
Chemical carcinogens.
Pathology; bladder tumors 98% from epithelial origin. Epithelial tumors (90% transitional epi ca, 5-7% scc)
Squamous cell carcinoma; 5-7%, shistosmiasis, chronic irritation and inflammation are important, bad
Adenocancer; 1-2%, generally chronic irritation and inflammation related (metaplasmic, urachal,
metastatic). Muscle invasion when diagnosed. Secrete mucus. Prognosis worse than others.
Transitional epithelial cancer (pathogenesis); 75-85% initially superficial tumors—> become invasive
20-30%. Epithelial hyperplasia, metaplastic changes, dysplasia, cancer development
Primary tumor; T0: no tumor Ta: mucosal involvement Tis; carcinoma in situ T1: lamina propria involved.
T2; muscular involvement, T3: perivesical involvement, T4: spread to surrounding organs & tissues
Diagnosis; - symptoms seen; painless clotted hematuria en sik. Bladder irritation symptoms, tumor
localization in upper and lower urinary system.
—>hematuria; microscopic or macro. Hematuria grade. Secondary anemia symptoms.
—> bladder irritation symptoms; burning when urinating, frequent urination, frequent urge to urinate,
passing urine at night.
—> obstructive symptoms; flank pain due to hydronephrosis secondary to ureter obstruction.
- sensation of fullness may develop= result of intravesical
obstruction and increase in residual urine after voiding.
—> metastasis related symp; weight loss, loss of appetite, weakness,
Systoscopy; bladder tumor diagnosis and follow up = gold standard
Testis tumors;
1. Germ cell tumors—> a. Classic, anaplastic, spermatocystic. b)
embryonal carcinoma (adult/ juvenile) c. Teratocarcinoma d. Teratoma
e. Choriocarcinoma.
2. Gonadostromal tumors; leydig, sertoli
3. Metastatic tumors; lymphoma, prostate, melanoma, AC
etiology; gonadal dysgenesis (20-30% cancer), gonadoblastoma
Urological cancer
Risk factors;
etiological; cryptorchidism, klinefelter syndrome, family. History, contralateral tumor, testicular
intraepithelial neoplasia (TIN), infertility.
pathological; histological type, tumor size, vascular lymphatic peri-humoral invasion
Clinical (metastatic diseases); primary localization, non pulmonary visceral metastasis.
symptoms; painless mass (hydrocele), gynecomastia (germ cell, 50% sertoli/ leydig), right testis more often
Diagnosis physical examination / USG / chest CT (small lymph nodes seen <2cm)/ orchioectomy/ tumor
markers (AFP, B-hCG, LDH); after orchioctomy elevations suggest metastasis. Lymph node diagnosis.
Differential diagnosis; torsion, epididimitis, hydrocele, hernias.
a-fetoprotein; produced in pure embryonal, teratocarcinoma, yolk sac, mixed tumors, high in
embryogenesis (increased in liver and GI tract diseases).
h-CGT; produced in placenta, produced from syncytiotrophoblastic tissue, all choriocarcinomas (40%
embryonal, 5-10% seminoma).
Serum tumor markers;
Orchioctomy; high inguinal, spermatic cord isolation at external inguinal ring, testicles taken up,. one or
both testicles are removed
Primary tumor; pT1is; intratubular germ cell neoplasia. pT1; tumor testis and epididymis no nerve,
vascular and lymphatic invasion yok. pT2; vascular or lymphatic invasion seen. pT3; spermatic cord
involvement. pT4; scrotum involvement.
Kidney tumors;
• 90% parenchymal (primary kidney tumor), 5-10% calyces and pelvic renal origin.
- Primary kidney… from prancheyma divided into benign and malignent.
• Adult kidney tumors classification; epithelial tumors—>benign epithelial tumor, cortical papillary
adenoma, renal oncocytoma, juxtaglomerular cell tumor, metanephric tumors, renal cell carcinoma.
• Mesenchymal tumors—> benign mesenchymal.., angiomyolipoma, medullary fibroma,
leimyoma, lipom, hemangiom, malignant mesenchymal tumors, sarcomas, lymphoma.
• Blastema kaynakli; mesoblastic nefroma, neuroblastoma
• Neuroendocrine tumors; carcinoids, primitive neuroectodermal tumor
Renal cell cancer;
Urinery sistem kaynaklı maligniteler arasında 3. Sıklıkta. Daha çok 60-70 yaşları.
ertiology; smoking (risk increases 30-50%) / extreme obestiy/ hypertension / genetic (major genetic
anomaly= loss of chromosome 3p)—> tumor suppressor genes inactivation, oncogenes activation.
—> hereditary kidney tumors; Von hippel Lindau disease, familial papillary renal cell carcinoma, BHD
syndrome, familial leiyomyomatosis + RCC
pathology; conventional RHK, papillary, chromofobe, collecting canal.
—>conventional RCC; most commonly seen type (70%), yellow in color
due to the abundance of lipids and glycogen in their cytoplasm.
-Kökeni proksimal kıvrıntılı tüpler
—> papillary RCC; 2nd most common seen type. Cytogenic anomalies.
multifocal, type 2 prognosis bad
- Kökeni distal kıvrıntılı tüpler
—> chromophobe renal cell cancer; 3rd most common. Prognosis very good. unilateral. Oncocytomy
diagnosis. Kökeni kortikal toplayıcı kanallar .
Urological cancer
—> collecting canal RCC; least seen. Kökeni medüller toplayıcı kanal. Very aggressive, prognosis very
Symptoms; classic triad = hematuria, side pain, palpable mass
RCC paraneoplastic syndroms; hypercalcemia, polisitemi, hypertension, Stauffer syndrome, weight loss,
fever, amyloidosis, prolactin and glucagon hormones increase.
Physical examination; palpable cysts, vericocele, supraclavicular/ servical
adenppathy. Lower extremity edema.
Goruntuleme yöntemleri;
• USG; non invasive, sensitivity high, kidney cysts.
• B; gold standard of kidney tumor diagnosis. Sensitivity and specificity (95%)
• MRI; - The most effective radiological imaging method for determining vascular
invasion in kidney tumors..
• Differential diagnosis; oncosytoma, angiomyolipoma, abscess, infarcts, vein malformations,
pseudotumor, mestasis.
Upper urinary system uroepithelial tumors;