Television Violence and Society Though I have been in the States for only one month, I was stunned by what I saw on TV. Most TV presentations – movies, shows, serials and even cartoons – contain numerous scenes of violence and explicit or implicit sexual allusions. Such scenes have – as many research findings have proved – very detrimental effects on kids and adolescents who usually tend to imitate movie stars in actual reality. And the result is: theft, murder, juvenile delinquency, sexually transmitted diseases, drug addiction, defiled married life and all sorts of abominable and abhorrent crimes. When the value system crumbles and when morals decay, the whole structure of the society is doomed to collapse. Do you know what the problem is? Everyone seems to be quite satisfied with the status quo. It has become some sort of fait accompli and people are oblivious to the danger. Most people think they are safe but I bet they are not for they are in it up to their necks. I hope something will be done before it is too late. Essam Wahba (14 March 1995)