Uploaded by Shelly Hudspeth

CER Framework: Claim, Evidence, Reasoning Worksheet

C​laim - a bold statement that answers the question
E​vidence - give data, facts or evidence that supports your claim
R​easoning - explain how your evidence proves that your claim is correct
Let’s see it in action for math.
Q:​ Sally had earned $22 over the month for doing extra chores. After her
birthday, she had a total of $67. How much money did she receive for her
A:​ Sally received $45 for her birthday.​ ​Her ending total was $67
and I subtracted the $22 from before her birthday.​ I​ chose to subtract
because it would show the difference.
In science, it does not always matter about the order. What does
matter is that all 3 parts are included. There have been times when I
couldn’t figure out which part was the evidence and which part was
the reasoning. Don’t worry! Just make sure you have facts and
Heat​ is the transfer of energy from one place to another. It moves in three
different ways: conduction, convection or radiation. Conduction is the
transfer of heat between objects that are in direct contact (rubbing your
hands together). Convection is the transfer from the cycling of material due
to density change in the material (like in a lava lamp). Radiation is the
transfer of heat by invisible waves until absorbed (like the sun’s rays).
Q: While cooking dinner, I left the spoon in the pot of spaghetti sauce
and it got extremely hot. Explain whether the ​heating of the spoon​ is
an example of conduction, convection or radiation.