Title Your name and class Name 1 Step -1 -Global goal • Introduce the global goal that you are working on in one or two sentences • https://www.globalgoals.org/ • Global Goals: https://www.globalgoals.org/; https://www.globalgoals.org/7-affordable-and-cleanenergy • Countries and energy sources: https://energytransition.org/2016/12/costa-ricas-transitions-2/ 2 Step 2 – What is the problem? Outline the energy crisis the world is facing. Identify the range of renewable energy resources that could be used to solve the crisis. Select a city, town or village anywhere in the world and state the renewable energy resource you think is well suited to the location chosen. Resources • Step-1Global Goals: https://www.globalgoals.org/; Countries and energy sources: https://energytransition.org/2016/12/costa-ricas-transitions-2/; • The energy crisis: http://planetforlife.com/ • http://school.ebonline.com/levels Log on to GESS Home page, go to library, Britannica series • http://www.global-economic-symposium.org/knowledgebase/the-global-environment/the-energy-crisis-and-climate-change/proposals/the-energy-crisis-and-climate-change 3 Step -2 - Select a city, town or village anywhere in the world and state the renewable energy resource you think is well suited to the location chosen. 4 Step 3 – What is the solution? • Write a scientific explanation of how your chosen renewable energy resource provides energy using appropriate scientific terminology from the unit. Include appropriate diagrams/pictures to support your explanation. • Resources- use Brain pop ; videos from https://www.energy.gov/eere/education/eere-energy-101-video-series Hydroelectricity: http://energy.gov/eere/water/how-hydropower-works • Wind energy: http://windeis.anl.gov/guide/basics/ • Solar energy: http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/renewable-energy/how-solar-energy-works.html#.VqfdBk3ovIU • Nuclear energy: http://education.nationalgeographic.org/encyclopedia/nuclear-energy/ • Tidal energy: http://learning.media.mit.edu/seed/wave%20energy.html • Geothermal energy: http://www.ucsusa.org/clean_energy/our-energy-choices/renewable-energy/how-geothermal-energy-works.html#.Vqfdtk3ovIU • Biomass: http://www.reenergyholdings.com/renewable-energy/what-is-biomass/ 5 Step 4 – Discussion of the benefits of the chosen renewable energy State- minimum of 4 benefits • Resources• Your textbook • http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/pros-and-cons-of-renewable-energy.php • https://www.betterworldsolutions.eu/pros-cons-of-renewable-energy-sources/ • http://blog.iass-potsdam.de/2016/05/social-benefits-of-renewable-energies/ 6 Step 4 – Discussion of the benefits of the chosen renewable energy Do PEEL approach for at least two benefits- link it to your location Point ; Example; Evidence; Link o Describe what is it about the environment (i.e. your chosen location) that makes your choice of energy source the most suitable. o Describe how your choice of energy source positively impacts on the environment? o Describe how will people benefit by your choice of energy source? Will people: o be healthier? lose land or be moved from their homes? have a more/less reliable supply of energy? have to pay more for their energy supply? Include statistics, pictures, tables and graphs to support your presentation. • Resources• Your textbook • http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/pros-and-cons-of-renewable-energy.php • https://www.betterworldsolutions.eu/pros-cons-of-renewable-energy-sources/ • http://blog.iass-potsdam.de/2016/05/social-benefits-of-renewable-energies/ 7 Step 5 – Discussion of the limitations of the chosen renewable energy State a minimum of 4 limitations • Resources• Your textbook • http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/pros-and-cons-of-renewable-energy.php • https://www.betterworldsolutions.eu/pros-cons-of-renewable-energy-sources/ • http://blog.iass-potsdam.de/2016/05/social-benefits-of-renewable-energies/ 8 Step 5 – Discussion of the limitations of the chosen renewable energy Do PEEL approach for one limitation –link to your chosen place Point ; Example; Evidence; Link o Describe how your choice of energy source negatively impacts on the environment? o Describe how will people be negatively affected by your choice of energy source? o Include statistics, pictures, tables and graphs to support your presentation. • Resources• Your textbook • http://www.conserve-energy-future.com/pros-and-cons-of-renewable-energy.php • https://www.betterworldsolutions.eu/pros-cons-of-renewable-energy-sources/ • http://blog.iass-potsdam.de/2016/05/social-benefits-of-renewable-energies/ 9 Step 6 – Summary Summarise how the energy source can contribute to the global goal of providing affordable and clean energy for all. Global Goals: https://www.globalgoals.org/; https://www.globalgoals.org/7-affordable-and-clean-energy 10 Works cited list- minimum 3 resources; 2 types of resources • Name of the author/ organization, name of the article, date published, url, date accessed. • Books – Name of the author, Name of the book, date published, publisher. • List all the resources in alphabetical order • Make sure you have in-texted them in your presentation 11