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ITTT TEFL Course Introductory Unit

ITTT 000
International TEFL and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
120-hour Course
Welcome to the International TEFL and TESOL
Training (ITTT) online TEFL course.
The purpose of this first unit is to provide an overview
of and an introduction to the course. You will find full
details of the course contents as well as information
on how the course is organized, how to complete it
successfully and how to proceed through the course.
The ITTT course is unique for an online course as it
enables graduates to receive ongoing career support
and teacher development long after completion and
provides an opportunity to see 'real' lessons through
our online videos.
We believe that you will find this course of great
benefit as you embark upon a career in TEFL.
Thank you once again for choosing International TEFL
and TESOL Training.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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Course Aims
This course aims to provide a solid introduction to the
world of TEFL. Upon completion of the course,
graduates should have acquired a good working
knowledge of the English grammatical and phonology
systems as well as an awareness of the skills and
techniques required for successful language
While the course is both theoretical and knowledgebased, we also give participants the maximum
opportunity to reflect on the course content, and on
the processes of learning and teaching a foreign
language. We have tried to make this course as
practical as possible with the help of the video, but as
with most things practice makes perfect.
We recommend that while studying the course you try
to arrange to observe experienced teachers at a local
language school. You may even get an opportunity to
act as the teacher's assistant or to give a supervised
lesson yourself! Maybe you have some friends that
are not native speakers of English who you could
practice on. The more practice you can get at the start
of your teaching career the better.
Ideally, you might want to give one or two supervised
lessons yourself, and receive feedback from an
experienced teacher afterwards. If you are ever able
to video record one of your lessons, we would be
happy to look at it and give you our comments.
After you have successfully completed the course,
you will also be given details of how you could attend
one of our training centers where a trainer would
watch you teach several lessons to local students of
English, and offer constructive feedback afterwards.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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Course Content
This course provides details of the techniques and
skills required by teachers of English as a foreign
language in the classroom.
This 120-hour course consists of twenty units,
carefully chosen and organized to ensure a gradual
build up of knowledge whilst not overloading students
with too much information at any one time. These
units allow you to work through the course at a pace
that suits your requirements. The final component of
the course is a short essay-writing task of between
500 and 1,000 words.
The course units are:
Unit 1 Teachers and Learners
Unit 2 Parts of Speech
Unit 3 Theories, Methods and Techniques
Unit 4 Present Tenses
Unit 5 Managing Classes
Unit 6 Past Tenses
Unit 7 Teaching New Language
Unit 8 Future Tenses
Unit 9 Lesson Planning
Unit 10 Video Lessons
Unit 11 Teaching Receptive Skills
Unit 12 Teaching Productive Skills
Unit 13 Teaching Pronunciation & Phonology
Unit 14 Course Books and Lesson Materials
Unit 15 Evaluation and Testing
Unit 16 Conditionals & Reported Speech
Unit 17 Equipment and Teaching Aids
Unit 18 Modals, Phrasal Verbs and Passive Voice
Unit 19 Teaching Special Groups
Unit 20 Troubleshooting
Summative task
Supplementary units:
Practical teaching tips
Job application advice
How to construct a CV/résumé
Interview questions and answers
Useful web links
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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How the course works
The course has been designed to allow for maximum
flexibility. You can work at a pace that suits you, as
long as you complete the course within six months of
receiving your login details. The time remaining will
always be displayed at the top of each page.
In order to get the maximum benefit from the course
we recommend working on one unit per day. This will
allow you to complete the course in under three
weeks and will also give you time to understand and
digest the lesson fully before continuing. However, if
you wish to work through the course more quickly, or
slowly, the choice is yours.
Our online courses are designed to be as user-friendly
as possible. To move comfortably through the course,
simply follow these straightforward steps for each
Work through the materials for the first unit until you
1 feel
you have fully absorbed all the information
Once you are ready you can then check your
of the subjects covered by completing
the end-of-unit task sheet that accompanies the unit.
After completing the task sheet you should click on
‘test’ tab in the red bar at the top of your control
panel which will take you to the multiple choice
assessment for the unit.
When you are happy that you have answered all the
4 questions
to the best of your ability, simply click on
the 'submit' button at the bottom of the test which will
take you to your results page.
After completing the test you can then move on to the
Click on the ‘instructions’ tab in the red bar at the top
of the online course control panel for more details.
After successfully completing the course, you will
receive your letter of recommendation and your 120hour certificate in the mail.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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Online course tutors
If you have chosen the tutored version of the course,
you will be able to contact a tutor at any time by
clicking on the green tab in the right hand corner of
the online system (marked 'contact a tutor'). Your
tutor will be available to help you with any questions
you have regarding the course content for the
duration of your studies.
For both the tutored and non-tutored version of the
course, you can contact us with questions regarding
administration or technical support issues by sending
a message via the 'contact' tab in the control panel of
the online training system.
All online tutors are experienced teacher trainers and
English teachers and communicate with each other
regularly to discuss the progress of their course
Another advantage of completing the ITTT course with
tutor support is the nineteen videos that accompany
the course materials. Click on the ‘videos’ tab in the
red bar at the top of the control panel to watch an
experienced teacher trainer guide you through the
units, with a classroom presentation.
If you are doing the course without a tutor and at any
stage you would like to switch to a course with tutor
support, please send us a request via the ‘contact’
tab in the control panel and we will make the
necessary arrangements.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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Post Course Job Guidance
ITTT will provide you with every reasonable assistance in
finding a TEFL job after you have completed the course.
This includes the following support services, which we are
happy to provide throughout your teaching career:
Resume/CV preparation
Information on likely sources of TEFL vacancies
Job guidance counseling
Job search and application
Interview preparation
Access to online resources
Common Terminology
If you have been doing any research on English language
teaching, you will have probably come across a variety of
acronyms that are commonly used. These are the major
terms used but expect to come across many more during
your teaching career! A brief explanation follows:
TEFL: Teaching English as a Foreign Language. This term
is predominantly used when English is being taught in a
country where it isn't the native language (for example
teaching English to Spanish people in Spain).
TESL: Teaching English as a Second Language. This is
where English is being taught to non-native speakers of
English in a country where it is the native language (for
example teaching immigrants to the UK or USA).
TESOL: Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages.
This term theoretically encompasses both of the above.
English Language Teaching.
institutions in the UK.
Mainly used by
English for Young Learners. A common term for
teaching children.
ESP: English for Specific Purposes. This refers to
teaching specialist and specific areas of English. There are
many examples, such as English for International Banking
and Finance, English for Nursing, for Tourism, etc.
English for Academic Purposes.
EAL: English as an Additional Language. This is a term
becoming more widely used in the US and the UK, and has
a similar meaning to TESL.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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Recommended Reading
The following books have been found useful by many
teachers, during both their TEFL course and teaching
Practical English Grammar, A.J. Thomson and A.V.
Martinet (OUP).
English Grammar in Use, Raymond Murphy (CUP).
Practical English Usage, Michael Swan (OUP).
How to Teach English, Jeremy Harmer (Longman).
More Grammar Games, Rinvolucri and Davis (CUP).
Grammar Practice Activities, Penny Ur (CUP).
Grammar Games and Activities, Peter Watcyn-Jones
The Resourceful English Teacher, Chandler/Stone
1000 Pictures for Teachers to Copy, Andrew Wright
It is certainly not essential to have all (or any) of the above.
However, we would particularly recommend the books by
Swan and Harmer.
There are several editions of many of the books above, but
as the fundamental information in them isn’t likely to
change much, the edition shouldn’t really matter.
Teacher Development
We are available to give you help and assistance for the first
six months of your teaching career. If you ever encounter any
problems in the classroom that you don't know how to deal
with, just ask! We can also provide details of further and
more advanced qualifications that you may contemplate
later on in your teaching career.
That's the introduction over!
Please remember that all course components must be
completed within six months.
We wish you the best of luck with the rest of the course.
The ITTT Administration Team.
International TEFL
and TESOL Training
Where the world is your classroom
ITTT 000 Copyright © 2011 International TEFL and TESOL Training. All rights reserved.
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