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Back to School Student Worksheet

My summer described using hashtags:
Draw a picture of yourself.
First Name:
Second Name:
Preferred Name:
My favorite memory from last year:
What is your favorite food?
Things I am looking forward to this year:
What are your hobbies?
Where would you like to visit?
What makes you happy?
The start of the school year mostly feels like this for me (circle one).
This is because...
Copyright © Creative Flow Learning
(Circle one)
Complete this graph in any way you would like.
For example, you could show which subjects you like most and which
you like least.
My favorite way of working is:
On my own
In pairs
In groups
(Circle one)
At home, I am allowed to use
a computer and the internet
to complete school work.
If I could change anything about school, it would be...
In this class, I would like to learn...
I find it easy to ask for help
if I am stuck.
The one thing that would really help me learn this year is...
I love it when teachers...
Create your own statements.
I don't like it when teachers...
If I am having a bad day, I appreciate...
One thing I want to share about myself is...
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