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Biochemistry Basics: Molecules, Biomolecules, and Functions

Structure – what something looks like
Function – a job
Mono- prefix meaning “one”
Poly – prefix meaning “many”
-ose and – saccharide are suffixes meaning sugar
-ase is the suffix for enzymes
What is a molecule?
A molecule is a very small piece of something. It is
made up of different kinds of atoms.
Example – a Water molecule (H2O) is made of
2 atoms of hydrogen and 1 atom of oxygen.
A water molecule looks like this:
The atoms in molecules are held together by forces
called bonds.
•Biomolecules are molecules that are made and used
by living things.
•A polymer is a large molecule that is made up of
smaller molecules called monomers.
•Most biomolecules are polymers.
•Biomolecules are organic. This means they contain a
chain of carbon atoms.
All Biomolecules contain carbon, hydrogen and
How are monomers joined together?
Monomers can be joined together to form polymers
when water is removed. This is called
Dehydration synthesis.
How can you split up polymers?
Polymers can be split into monomers when water is
added. This is called Hydrolysis.
There are 4 kinds of
Carbohydrates, Lipids,
Proteins, and Nucleic Acids.
1. Carbohydrates
Made of:
CHO (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen)
Monomer: monosaccharides such as glucose and sucrose
Looks like:
Polymer: polysaccharides such as starch and glycogen
Looks like:
•Make cell walls strong.
•Provide quick energy for animals (sugar makes
you hyper)
Found in:
•Fruits (fructose is fruit sugar)
•Breads and
pasta (in the
form of
•Plant cells (lignin
and cellulose make
plant cells strong,
chitin makes the walls
of mushrooms strong)
2. Lipids
Made of:
CHO (Carbon, hydrogen, oxygen)
Lipids are NOT polymers. They
are made of glycerol and fatty acids.
Looks like:
3 Fatty
Functions of the 3 types of lipids:
•Fats and oils – store long term
Found in animal fats, vegetable oil,
•Phospholipids – makes coverings
(membranes) water resistant
Found in cell membranes
•Steroids and Hormones – produce
body changes such as puberty
• Found in cholesterol, testosterone, estrogen
3. Proteins
Made of:
CHON - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen,
and Nitrogen
Monomer- Amino Acid
•20 different types
•Different side
chains (R-groups)
Polymer – peptides
•Once the polypeptide is made it twists
and folds into a protein.
•Shape dictates what a protein does.
•Held together by hydrogen bonds called
peptide bonds.
Looks like:
Amino Acid
Control chemical reaction rates.
Proteins that control reactions are called enzymes
•Bone and muscle movement
•Transport substances – hemoglobin
•Fight disease
– antibodies
4. Nucleic Acids
Made of:
CHONP - Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, and
Look like:
Monomers - Nucleotides
Polymers - DNA and RNA
DNA and RNA are made of nucleotides which
consist of a sugar, phosphate group and a
nitrogenous base.
You will learn more about this later.
The bases pair up accordinglyDNA: Adenine pairs with Thymine
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
RNA: Adenine pairs with Uracil
Guanine pairs with Cytosine
Transmits genetic information from parents to