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Human Skeletal System Lesson Plan

The Bone Connection
Artis, Emma
Emmet School
1. The student should be able to list the functions of the human
skeletal system
2. The student should be able to name some bones in the human skeletal
system and at least one function of each
Apparatus Needed:
1. Model of a house under construction (made out of popsicle sticks)
2. Parts of the skeleton (cut into puzzle pieces and placed in an
3. A rag doll, A doll with a stand, A model of a skeleton
4. A bone cut in half (uncooked chicken or turkey bone)
Recommended Strategy:
1. Show the class a model of a house under construction and pass out a
ditto sheet with a picture of a house under construction.
2. Ask students if they can give the purpose of the framework of a
house (expected response: Acts as a support for the house)
3. Ask students if they can explain the system in the human body
that has a similar function (expected response: The skeleton)
4. Show the students a rag doll and a doll supported by a stand. Ask
them why is it that the rag doll can not sit up, but the doll
supported by the stand can and why they can sit up in their
seats? (expected response: The skeletal system supports the human
body and the stand supports the doll, but the rag doll has no
support system.)
5. Ask the students to describe how the skeleton differs, if at all,
from the frame of a house (expected response: the skeleton is
made of living substance.)
6. Pass out activity 2:3 (the student will fill in the body part and
the number of bones in each using the model of the human skeleton
to count the bones.)
7. Activity 2:4 (Mastering Concepts: similar bones, different
function, example: arm and leg bone (humerus) is similar to the leg
and foot bone (femur) but they have different functions)
8. Have the class move their finger over their skull to feel the
extent (ask if any one can think of the function the skull serves)
9. Give some background information on the long bone of the leg,
include that it provides the greatest possible strength with the
least possible weight. (roll a piece of note paper and secure it
with a rubber band and place a book on top of it. To show how the
legs support the body weight. Cut the bone to show marrow
10. Give some background information on the muscle (include that bones
are moved at the joints by muscles (show a cardboard model of the
arm with a balloon attached for muscle and tape as the tendons).
Explain further (biceps, triceps, etc.).
11. Pass out the skeleton and let the student assemble it, label the
parts and give the function of each.
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