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TESOL Essentials Course Syllabus | Penn GSE

Winter 2021 Session:
January 11-March 5, 2021, plus practicum
(all requirements due by June 18, 2021)
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
AM Section: 7-8:30am EST / 1-2:30pm CET / 8-9:30pm China
PM Section: 7-8:30pm EST / 1-2:30am CET / 8-9:30am China
What is TESOL?
Week 1
Introduction and Q&A session
How did the field of TESOL emerge?
What is a practicum and how do I
find a teaching site?
What does it mean to know a language?
Week 2
What is communicative competence?
What is communicative language
teaching, and how do I do it?
What other contemporary teaching
approaches are used today?
What are the four skills, and how do I teach them?
Week 3
What are the receptive skills, and how
do I teach them?
What are the productive skills, and
how do I teach them?
How are the four skills integrated,
and where does grammar fit in?
How do I plan a lesson?
Week 4
What is backwards design, and how
do I write lesson objectives?
What goes into planning a cohesive
How can I differentiate instruction in
my classroom?
Teaching demos
Week 5
Practice teaching:
15-minute demo
Practice teaching:
15-minute demo
Practice teaching:
15-min demo
Co-teaching demos
Week 6
Practice co-teaching:
30-minute demo
Practice co-teaching:
30-minute demo
Practice co-teaching:
30-minute demo
What does it mean to be a culturally responsive teacher?
Week 7
What are the principles of culturally
responsive teaching, and why do they
What is the role of students’ first
language in the ESOL classroom?
How can I affirm and help my
students build on their cultural
What does a job in TESOL look like?
Week 8
How can I maintain a safe and secure
learning/teaching environment?
What do school directors and
companies look for in a TESOL
Weekly time commitment: approx. 15 hours
Tuition: $2,400
To learn more, please visit www.penntesolcertificate.com.
To register, please visit https://penntesolcert2021.eventbrite.com.
Contact us at gse-tes@gse.upenn.edu for more information.
What does it mean to be a TESOL
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