ADEBOLE OREOLUWA OMOTOLA BU19CIT1002 200LEVEL CIT 1) Write algorithm for a program to compute and print the area and perimeter of a rectangle with length L and breadth B: a.) Get the values of L, B, b.) Calculate the Area of the rectangle using the formula = L * B, c.) Calculate the Sum using the formula = L + B, d.) Calculate the Perimeter of the rectangle using the formula = 2 * Sum, e.) Output the values for Area and Perimeter, f.) STOP. 2) Question Two: a.) Write algorithm for a program to compute the roots of a quadratic equation • ax2 + bx + c = 0 given by Provided b2 – 4ac ≥ 0 : 𝑥= −𝑏±√𝑏 2 −4𝑎𝑐 2𝑎 ADEBOLE OREOLUWA OMOTOLA BU19CIT1002 200LEVEL CIT START INPUT a, b, c discrim =√(( b2 )– 4*a*c) Y discrim ≥ 0 X1 = (- b + discrim) / 2 *a X2 = (- b - discrim) / 2 *a X = X1 & X2 OUTPUT X, X1, X2, discrim N STOP ADEBOLE OREOLUWA OMOTOLA BU19CIT1002 200LEVEL CIT b.) A program is to input salary and gender of an employee and output the tax payable. A male employee pays 10% of his salary as tax while a female counterpart pays 5% of her salary as tax. Design the algorithm for the program: Input NAME Input SALARY Input GENDER IF GENDER = Male then TAX = (SALARY * 10 )/100 ELSE TAX = (SALARY* 5)/100 ENDIF Output NAME, SALARY, GENDER, TAX. Stop. 3) I.) o Set Kounter = 0 o Do while (Kounter < 10) Input names, cit201score, cit203score and cit205score Calculate totalscore = cit201score + cit203score + cit205score Compute averagescore = totalscore / 3 If averagescore > 50 then Remark = ”Pass” ADEBOLE OREOLUWA OMOTOLA BU19CIT1002 200LEVEL CIT Else Remark = “Fail” Endif Output names, cit201score, cit203score, cit205score, averagescore, Remark Kounter = Kounter + 1 o Enddo o Stop II.) o Input N o Set Kounter = 0 o Do while (Kounter < N) Input names, cit201score, cit203score and cit205score Calculate totalscore = cit201score + cit203score + cit205score Compute averagescore = totalscore / 3 If averagescore > 50 then Remark = ”Pass” Else Remark = “Fail” Endif Output names, cit201score, cit203score, cit205score, averagescore, Remark ADEBOLE OREOLUWA OMOTOLA BU19CIT1002 Kounter = Kounter + 1 o Enddo o Stop 200LEVEL CIT