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Health & Safety
in the workshop
Resistant Materials & Systems &
Health and Safety in a workshop
B. Health and Safety in a workshop is very
important. If a pupil/student uses equipment,
tools and machinery, he/she should have
received safety training. This should ensure that
he/she feels confident in the use of machines
and can operate them without having an
accident or causing an accident to other people.
Below are a number of exercises that introduce
pupils/students to an understanding of working
in a safe environment.
Before you can use equipment and machines or attempt
practical work in a workshop you must understand
basic safety rules. These rules will help keep you and
others safe in the workshop.
Safe Ed (left) always thinks about working safely. On
the other hand, Ed the Handyman (right) never
considers safety. Not only is he at risk of having an
accident but so are those who work near him. They
could have an accident because of his reckless
1. Always listen carefully to the teacher and follow instructions.
2. Do not run in the workshop, you could ‘bump’ into another pupil and
cause an accident.
3. Know where the emergency stop buttons are positioned in the
workshop. If you see an accident at the other side of the workshop you can
use the emergency stop button to turn off all electrical power to machines.
4. Always wear an apron as it will protect your clothes and hold lose
clothing such as ties in place.
5. Wear good strong shoes. training shoes are not suitable.
6. When attempting practical work all stools should be put away.
7. Bags should not be brought into a workshop as people can trip over
8. When learning how to use a machine, listen very carefully to all the
instructions given by the teacher. Ask questions, especially if you do not
fully understand.
9. Do not use a machine if you have not been shown how to operate it
safely by the teacher.
10. Always be patient, never rush in the workshop.
11. Always use a guard when working on a machine.
12. Keep hands away from moving/rotating machinery.
13. Use hand tools carefully, keeping both hands behind the cutting edge.
14. Report any damage to machines/equipment as this could cause an
When using the brazing hearth always;
Face the brazing hearth.
Turn on the torch slowly and carefully.
Never turn round with the torch, this is highly dangerous.
Concentrate fully on the heating of the material.
When finished heating the material place the torch back onto its rest
Never pick up materials without using tongs and wearing leather gloves.
Allow the material to cool before moving it elsewhere in the workshop.
Ed the Handyman has rushed into the workshop with a piece of
driftwood to drill. He has left his commonsense at home, again.
1. What is unsafe about
the drilling machine that
Jeff is using?
2. What is Jeff doing
1. Which Ed has the right approach to safety - is it Ed1 of Ed 2?
2. Describe the safety factors you need to keep in mind when using a machine drill.
Ed the Handyman is taking his time. He will clean up the bench tomorrow
(possibly) and prefers to drink coffee than leave the bench safe for the next person
to use. Ed has left his commonsense at home, yet again.
QUESTIONS:1. What is unsafe about the bench that Ed has finished using?
2. Describe how you intend to leave a workbench after using it.
Ed the Handyman is using a fretsaw. His brother is trying to tell him about what he
did at lunch time. Ed does not have the commonsense to tell him to act in a safe
manner or to use the machine safely himself.
1. What is unsafe about the way Ed and his brother are behaving?
2. What is wrong with the way the machine is being used?3. Explain how you intend
to use a fretsaw safely.
Anyone working in a workshop should be in a fit and well condition.
Working on machines when you are not able to think clearly could result in
a dangerous accident. One of the 'Eds' seen below is ready for work whilst
the other is unfit to work, especially in a workshop that is full of machinery.
1. Look at the two drawings below. Explain, in detail, which diagram shows
safe use of the buffing machine and which shows dangerous/reckless use of
the machine.
When using the brazing hearth always;
Face the brazing hearth.
Turn on the torch slowly and carefully.
Never turn round with the torch, this is highly
Concentrate fully on the heating of the material.
When finished heating the material place the torch
back onto its rest
Never pick up materials without using tongs and
wearing leather gloves.
Allow the material to cool before moving it elsewhere
in the workshop.
Safety Poster
Think of your
own ideas to go
into your
Ideas and design symbols that you could
put on your poster