Parts of an Essay Notes 1. Parts of an Essay ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ 2. Introduction What is an essay? An essay is a piece of _____________ that usually has five or more _____________. An essay is written about one ______________ that has several __________ ___________. The main points are introduced in an ________________ paragraph and supported in ______________ paragraphs. The _____________ is the last paragraph. 3. Overview of an Essay Introduction o ______________ statements and ____________ about the topic. o _______________ statement- lists the _______ ________ in the essay Body Paragraphs o Support the __________ ___________ of the _____________ statement o Begin with ___________ sentences Conclusion o Brief _________________ of main points of the essay Parts of an Essay Notes 4. The Hamburger Method Essays, like sandwiches or burgers, are divided into different parts. Draw the Hamburger Method: 5. Introduction An ________________ paragraph is the __________ paragraph in an essay. It contains two parts. o 1. ____________________________: a few sentences about your subject that catch the attention of your reader. o 2. ____________________________: one sentence that tells your reader the main points of your topic and states the overall “plan” of your essay. 6. Body Paragraphs The body consists of one or more paragraphs following the introduction. Each ____________ supports the _________________ of your essay by breaking it down into smaller __________ or ________________. Each body paragraph consists of a _____________ sentence and several _______________ sentences. A ___________________ sentence draws the paragraph together. 7. Conclusion The _____________ paragraph is the ________ paragraph in the essay. It completes the essay by ___________ or ________________ the most ________________ ideas. The conclusion can also include an opinion, a prediction, or a solution to a problem.