Recall: Mean Standard deviation Variation Continuous variation Normal distribution THE X 2 AND T TESTS Use statistical methods to analyse ecosystems (t-test, x2) T-TEST • Used to assess whether or not the means of two sets of data with roughly normal distributions, are significantly different from one another. • Steps 1. Identify hypotheses (null vs. alternative) II. Compute for the mean and standard deviation of the two sets of data III. Apply the t-test formula IV. Determine the degree of freedom (v) V. Identify the t value T-test calculator CHI-SQUARED TESTS • To determine if there is a statistically significant association between the distribution of two species. • Steps 1. Identify hypotheses (null vs. alternative) II. Construct a table of frequencies (observed vs. expected) III. Apply the chi-squared formula IV. Determine the degree of freedom (v) df = (m – 1) (n – 1) V. Identify the p value Where: m = number of rows ; n = number of columns SAMPLE PROBLEM Two species of fir tree are found along the coast of Southern California. These two tree species are the Grand Fir (Abies grandis) and the Noble Fir (Abies procera). Their distribution patterns were established via 150 quadrat samples, yielding the following results: 25 = both present 30 = Noble Fir only 45 = Grand Fir 50 = neither present STEP 1: IDENTIFY THE HYPOTHESES • Null hypothesis (H0): There is no significant difference between the distribution of two species (i.e. distribution is random) • Alternative hypothesis (H1): There is a significant difference between the distribution of species (i.e. species are associated) STEP 2: CONSTRUCT A TABLE OF FREQUENCIES Expected frequency = (Row total x column total) / Grand total STEP 3: APPLY THE CHI-SQUARED FORMULA STEP 4: DETERMINE THE DEGREE OF FREEDOM STEP 5: IDENTIFY THE P VALUE df = (m – 1) (n – 1) Where: m = number of rows ; n = number of columns T TEST VS. X 2 TEST IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING FORMULAS: Question 2(a) two (for one mark) from number of ields tudied ; (width of) the headland/strip ; (type of) cer al/crop ; Answer Total: 19 Mark 1 Ad it onal Guidance A length if qualifed by 6m 2(b)(i dat is nominal/categoric 1 A dat can be grouped/is discret or testing the dif er nce betwe n observed (O) and expected (E) results ; 2(b)(i) ther is no signifcantdifer nce betwe n umber of but erflies of each 1 A without herbicde/not reated/control for not sprayed species when headland sprayed and when ot sprayed ; A with erbicde/treated for sprayed