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UFONE HRM Practices: Recruitment, Performance, and More

Introduction ufone
We have selected UFONE as an organization. As we all know that Pakistan Telecommunication
Corporation Limited (PTCL) that started its operations in January 2001 under the brand name
‘UFONE’. As a result of PTCL’s privatization, UFONE became a part of the Emirates
Telecommunication Corporation Group (Etisalat) in 2006.
(Referenced from: - http://ufone.com/about.aspx
What is stratic management:
Strategic hrm is study of human resource in which we plan for long time. Basically in strategic hrm we
align business strategy with human resource strategy.
Strategic hrm in ufone:
task 3
hr activites in ufone
human resource planning:
Recruitment:Employment is a significant process in human resource management .the aim of recruitment is to
collect the well qualified and specified quantity of employees from the internal and external
labour market to fulfil the need and objectives of organization with the procedure of recruitment
new employees is inducted in the organization
In ufone the capable candidates are called for interview the interview is taken by the
management. After interview they are given the time of a week or a month for the result of
interview the HR department along with the concerned department jointly evaluate the
interviews of candidates and select the best candidates for their jobs as employee. A form is
given to the employee after selection with full information regarding to his job and also the rules
and regulation of the organization this form is signed by the candidate and given back to
management .the management keeps his other documents and form in their record. Than they are
also give the training of one year.
performance mangment
reward mangment
health y safety and walfare
recruitment in ufone:
We have selected UFONE as an organization. As we all know that Pakistan Telecommunication
Corporation Limited (PTCL) that started its operations in January 2001 under the brand name
‘UFONE’. As a result of PTCL’s privatization, UFONE became a part of the Emirates
Telecommunication Corporation Group (Etisalat) in 2006.
(Referenced from: - http://ufone.com/about.aspx )
They have got large human resources in their Peshawar branch office. They have a human
resource department in Islamabad to guide their employees and provide those facilities and
comfort. In this company there are several departments such as sales department, customer care
department, finance department, marketing department, corporate department etc. In UFONE
Human Resource Department has individual relationship with each department. In UFONE the
roles and responsibilities of Human Resource Management Department which was previously
known as Personal management in recruitment process is given below:
Before hiring new employees the HR department ensures that whether there is a
need to hire a new employee for the particular job. The recruitment in UFONE is of both internal
and external nature.
Internal Recruitment: In this case the employees already in the organization are encouraged to fill the vacant position.
The HR department and other senior department choose the best fit from the employees within
the UFONE. After the promotion employees are sent for further training. Internal recruitment
motivates the employees to perform well and produce good results. It also creates a healthy
competition within the staff of UFONE.
External Recruitment: If the HR department of UFONE feels that there is no one in the company who can fill the
vacancy then they recruit from external sources. First they select some supervisors with whom
the new people will work in order to form a panel of people who will interview applicants.
UFONE has a data base system i.e. HRMS (Human Resource Management System) for its
current applicants as well for the future employees. People just drop their CV’s there and in case
some vacancy occurs HR department call them for an interview. UFONE also advertise
internally for recruitment purpose, because their current employees pass this information to their
friends and families. UFONE’s HR management has the service of internal flow, web designer,
and Eveready media in order to post their advertisement. They also have CV’s format in which
people put their CV’s without moving and this system forward them to the HRM department.
Recruitment procedure in UFONE: For collecting application everything is computerized and it is very easy for them to reply too
many applicants. They handle first those people who do not fit in their job and deal them
carefully because they consider them their future applicants. Then they take on-line evaluation
test (basically for testing personality and skills) and candidates that pass this test are called for an
interview and the day for the interview is already set. Then the results are screened by an expert
penal in order to reduce the chances of errors in selecting the candidates. After selecting the
candidates then they are referred to accounts department for settling the pay and they give the
new employees an orientation of what is his/her duties and responsibilities in UFONE. Then
after some time they provide them training for enhancing their skill of communication with their
client. The basic purpose behind all these recruitment steps is to hire a skillful workforce in
UFONE who work toward department and the organization’s goals and objectives and to get
competitive advantage.
performance mangment
Reward Systems:Once of a manager’s most important tools is the ability to select rewards and time the rewards
properly. Even if managers are not solely responsible for financial rewards, they can use a
number of tools to increase the effectiveness of their organization. Reward systems can address
several important managerial objectives as they relate to employee motivation. A solid reward
system requires concerted attention in its development. The following sections provide a basis
for a well-contructed reward system.
training and development in ufone:
task swot analysis of unfone hrm :
Retirement:When the employee’s age reach to limit of retirement he is removed from the job and some
facilities are still available for him after the retirement Retirement is the simple act of leaving
one’s job and ceasing to work. It is the end of one’s working life and beginning of a life where
finally have
Most people retire when they get to a certain age. For instance, the retirement age in Australia is
63.5 for women and 65 for men. This is when you are eligible for the age pension.
Unfortunately, not everything in life goes to plan and some people are forced
The resignation is one of the factors that arise when employee is not satisfied from his job and
wants to exit on his own choice. Resignation also refers to the termination of employment in the
instance of the employees. The administration of separation caused by resignation is very simple
because the employee him self or her self is responsible for it.
Dismissal:Dismissal normally occurs when an employee is found guilty of performing a bad behavior
which is against the rules and policies of the organization. As a result the organization will have
to dismiss the employee in order to keep disciplinary procedures intact. A dismissal needs to be
supported by just and sufficient reasons. the following reasons lead to dismissal of an employee.
 Excessive absenteeism.
 Serious misconduct.
 False statement of qualification at the time of employment.
 Theft of company’s property.
Redundancy:Redundancy mean that the employee is dismissed from the job if the work is finished for which
the employee has been selected .or the company can not afford employees exceeding their limit
or if the business is finished .or if the employee is unfit. Redundancy means that the employee is
dismissed from the job if The work is finished for which the employee has been selected:
 Company cannot afford employees exceeding their limit
 The business is diminished.
 The employee too aged to work now.
 The employee medically unfitted
Exit Procedure in PIA:Retirement:As every other organization employees equal to age of 60 and above will have to be retired
occasionally golden hand shakes are given to the employees due to over load of workers.
 19 months salary and 4 years of free medication facilities were given to recently golden
hand shake employees.
 Mandatory retirement of 57 years and above.
 Early retirement of 25 years of services can retire with normal benefits and incentives
which is free medication and some financial help.
 Employees are on contract basis so an employee can retire by his/her choice by giving
notice a month before.
 PIA will inform the employee with a notice of leaving the organization within a month.
 Deaths are also considered as retiring of employee.
 If an employee isn’t fit enough for the job 10 years of service incentives is given to
him/her and will be asked to leave the organization.
An employee may resign from service by giving a previous notice in writing of his intention to
do so or by paying wages in leave the resign letter must be given to the management one month
earlier but the acceptance of resignation is on authority’s choice they will judge the condition .If
the resignation is accepted the personnel section issues the acceptance letter along with a
clearance certificate form to be filled by all concerned for the purpose of final settlement of his
account. An employee who has given previous notice is released immediately on expiry period.
Before leaving the corporation employee submits a clearance certificate on prescribed performer.
If the resignation is not accepted the employee is advised accordingly.
Dismissal:PIA being a government organization follows the ordinance of 2000 Removal of employees from
services. Dismissal normally occurs when an employee is found guilty of performing a
misconduct which is against the rules and policies of the organization. As a result the
organization will have to dismiss the employee in order to keep disciplinary procedures intact. In
case of misconduct an inquiry commission is in operation in PIA which investigates the case of
the employees and makes a decision either against or in favor of the employee or organization if
the employee isn’t satisfied with the outcome of the case he/she can anytime appeal to the court.
Redundancy in PIA:The redundancy took place in PIA in October 2007 .this was happened when the organization
was having over load of employees especially in aircrafts. The average workers on air craft is 62
while the PIA exceeds the limit and reached to 100.What happened was PIA faced a loss period
of 5 years which started the redundancy of new employees and the aged ones with some