Status and features of CITIRA/CREATE bill Senen Quizon, Tax Principal, Navarro Amper & Co. (Deloitte Philippines) 02 December 2020 CITIRA/CREATE Bill Status update and features © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 1 CITIRA/CREATE bill Legislative Status HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES • 10 September 2019 - House of Representatives approved House Bill No. 4157 SENATE OF THE PHILIPPINES • • • • 19 15 12 26 February 2020 – Sponsorship speech delivered by Sen. Pia Cayetano September 2020 – Filed substituted bill (Committee Report No. 50 - SB 1357) October 2020 – Interpellation closed and commenced period of amendments November 2020 – Closed period of amendments, and approved on second and third reading © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. CITIRA/CREATE bill Legislative Status WHAT TO EXPECT BICAMERAL CONFERENCE COMMITTEE (?) 1. Bicameral conference committee shall be called to reconcile the difference in the Senate and House versions. 2. Approval ratification of the conference report by both Houses. 3. Enrolled bill will be printed, signed by the Speaker of the House and the Senate President, and send to the President for signature. 4. President has 30 days from receipt to sign the bill. If the President does not sign a bill within 30 days from receipt in his office, the bill becomes a law. A bill may also become a law without the President’s signature if Congress overrides a presidential veto by two-thirds vote. Senate designated Senators PIA S. CAYETANO, RALPH G. RECTO and FRANKLIN M. DRILON as conferees to the Bicameral Conference Committee on the disagreeing provisions. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 2 Corporate income tax and other tax reforms © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Corporate income tax reforms Reduction in corporate income tax • HB 4157 – staggered reduction by 1% every year, until it reached 20% in 2029 • CR NO. 50 - SB 1357 (Original Proposal) - Outright drop to 25% beginning July 2020, followed by 1% point reduction beginning January 2023 until it becomes 20% CIT rate beginning January 2027 CITIRA (HB 4157) 35% 30% 25% CREATE (SB 1357) Total Assets Not over P100,000,000 Taxable Income Tax Rate P5,000,000 and below 20% Above P5,000,000 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% Over P100,000,000 25% 0% NOTE: The value of the land where the property plant and equipment are situated shall not be included in the determination of total assets. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 3 CITIRA/CREATE: Other salient features Tax Reform Measure House Bill No. 4157 Minimum Corporate Income Tax (MCIT) Tax on resident foreign corporations (RFC) and nonresident foreign corporations (NRFC) None Senate Version Effective 01 July 2020 until 30 June 2023, the MCIT shall be reduced from 2% to 1% Staggered reduction by 1% every year from 30% until it reached 20% in 2029 RFC – Effective 01 July 2020, subject to 25% tax on net taxable income NRFC – Effective 01 July 2020, subject to 25% tax on gross income None Beginning 01 July 2020 until 30 June 2023, the tax shall be reduced from 10% to 1%. Tax on proprietary educational institutions Tax on Regional Operating Headquarters After two years from the effectivity of CREATE, subject to regular CIT Tax on offshore banking units Subjects OBUs to regular corporate income tax (10% preferential tax rate will be removed) 10% shall continue up to 31 December 2021. Subject to regular corporate income starting from 01 January 2022. However, they may avail of tax incentives under CREATE. Same © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. CITIRA/CREATE: Other salient features Tax Reform Measure Taxation of foreign sourced-dividends House Bill No. 4157 None Senate Version Exempt from tax provided it is reinvested in the business operations of domestic corporation; limited to funding working capital/infra project/investment in domestic subsidiaries/dividend payments; and domestic corporation holds directly at least 20% of the outstanding shares of the foreign corporation and held shareholdings for a minimum of two years from time of dividend distribution. Interest income derived by resident foreign corporations from foreign currency deposits Increases the rate from 7.5% to 15% Same Gains on the sale of shares of unlisted shares of stock by a resident and nonresident foreign corporation Replaces the two-tiered rates of 5% and 10% tax on the sale, transfer, or exchange of shares of stock by resident and nonresident foreign corporations with a fixed rate of 15%. Same Exemption from branch profit remittance tax of PEZA enterprises Subjects branch profit remittances of PEZA enterprises to 15% tax Same © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 4 CITIRA/CREATE: Other salient features Tax Reform Measure House Bill No. 4157 Senate Version Optional standard deduction Limits the 40% OSD to individuals and corporations classified as MSME. OSD shall uniformly be based on gross income. None Tax exemption of transactions under Section 40(C)(2) Adds in the definition of reorganization considered not subject to tax recapitalization and reincorporation. Same Added: No prior BIR confirmation of tax ruling shall be required to avail of exemption. General Anti Avoidance Rules (GAAR) Introduces GAAR under Section 50 None Liquidating dividends Liquidating dividends should be considered as taxable income or as deductible loss, as the case may be None © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. CITIRA/CREATE: Other salient features Tax Reform Measure House Bill No. 4157 Senate Version Exemption from VAT of sale, importation, printing or publication of books and any newspaper, magazine, review and bulletin None Includes journal and educational reading materials covered by UNESCO Agreement and importation of educational and cultural materials including digital or electronic format. VAT on sale or importation of prescription drugs and medicines for cancer, mental illness, tuberculosis, and kidney diseases None VAT exemption beginning January 01, 2021 VAT on sale of real properties not primarily held for sale to customers or held for lease in the ordinary course of business or real property utilized for low-cost and socialized housing. Increases VAT exemption threshold: 3% percentage tax Effective 01 July 2020 until 30 June 2023, the rate shall be 1%. Residential lot from P1.5M to P2.5M House and Lot and other residential dwellings from P2.5M to P4.2 M © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 5 Making the right choice 8% or regular IT (P3M) under 3% PT Regular Income Tax 8% Tax on Gross Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: (250,000) Taxable sales/receipts - 2,750,000 Multiply: 8% tax Tax due * - 8% 220,000 * Tax due is in lieu of income tax and percentage tax. Effective tax rate – (P220,000/P3M x 100%) 7.33% Itemized Deductions Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: Cost & Itemized Deductions (80% of gross sales/receipts) - (2,400,000) Taxable sales/receipts –P Income tax due (P30,000 plus 25% of Over P400,000) - P 600,000 80,000 Percentage tax (PT) (3% x P3M) - 90,000 Total tax due (PT + IT) - P 170,000 Effective tax rate – (P170,000/P3M x 100%) 5.7% Optional Standard Deduction Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: 40% OSD - (1,200,000) Taxable sales/receipts – 1,800,000 Income tax (IT) due (P130,000 Plus 30% of over P800,000) - P 430,000 Percentage tax (PT) (3% x P3M) - 90,000 Total tax due (PT + IT) - P 520,000 Effective tax rate (P520,000/P3M x 100%) – 17.33% Making the right choice 8% or regular IT (P3M) under 1% PT Regular Income Tax 8% Tax on Gross Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: (250,000) Taxable sales/receipts - 2,750,000 Multiply: 8% tax Tax due * - 8% 220,000 * Tax due is in lieu of income tax and percentage tax. Effective tax rate – (P220,000/P3M x 100%) 7.33% Itemized Deductions Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: Cost & Itemized Deductions (80% of gross sales/receipts) - (2,400,000) Taxable sales/receipts –P Income tax due (P30,000 plus 25% of Over P400,000) - P Gross sales/receipts – P 3,000,000 Less: 40% OSD - (1,200,000) Taxable sales/receipts – 1,800,000 600,000 Income tax (IT) due (P130,000 Plus 30% of over P800,000) - P 80,000 Percentage tax (PT) (3% x P3M) - 30,000 Total tax due (PT + IT) - P 460,000 Percentage tax (PT) (1% x P3M) - 30,000 Total tax due (PT + IT) - P 120,000 Effective tax rate – (P140,000/P3M x 100%) Optional Standard Deduction 4.0% 430,000 Effective tax rate (P460,000/P3M x 100%) – 17.33% 6 CITIRA/CREATE: Other salient features Tax Reform Measure Sale or importation of the following: 1. Capital equipment, its spare parts and raw materials necessary for the production of personal protective equipment components such as coveralls, gown, surgical cap, surgical mask, N-95 mask, scrub suits, goggles, and face shield, double or surgical gloves, dedicated shoes, and shoe covers, for COVID19 House Bill No. 4157 None Senate Version VAT exemption starting 01 January 2021 to 31 December 31, 2023 2. All drugs vaccines and medical devices specifically prescribed and directly used for the treatment of COVID 19 registered with and approved by the FDA; and 3. Drugs for the treatment of COVID 19 approved by the FDA for use in clinical trials, including raw materials directly necessary for the production of such drugs. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Transition period on tax incentives © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 7 Transitory rules for tax incentives Registered business enterprises under income tax holiday (ITH) HOUSE BILL NO. 4157 Continued availment of ITH for the remaining period of ITH or period of five years, whichever comes first. SENATE VERSION Continued availment of ITH until the remaining period ends. If the firm has not availed of the ITH yet, they may use the ITH for the period specified by their registration. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Transitory rules for tax incentives Existing registered business enterprises under 5% GIT LATEST SENATE VERSION House Bill No. 4157 Number of years under GIT Sunset More than 10 years 2 years 5 to 10 years 3 years Less than 5 years 5 years 10 years transition period (Regardless of number of years under 5% GIT) Option to avail of incentives under SIPP: Qualified existing enterprises may avail of incentives under SIPP upon surrendering of their certificate of registration. • After expiration of the transitory period, the export enterprises registered prior to the effectivity of the CREATE shall have the option to reapply and avail of the tax incentives under CREATE. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 8 Tax incentives under CITIRA/CREATE © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Strategic Investment Priority Plan (House Bill No. 4157 vs. Senate version) SIPP CONTENT House Bill No. 4157 Senate Bill No. 1357 1. Priority Projects/Activities under Philippine Development Plan • Substantial amount of investments √ √ • Considerable generation of employment √ √ • Adoption of adequate environmental protection systems √ √ • Addressing missing gaps in value chain √ √ • Promotion of market competitiveness √ √ • Export of at least 70% of products/services from its registered activities √ X • Considerable amount of net exports X √ © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 9 Strategic Investment Priority Plan (House Bill No. 4157 vs. Senate version) SIPP CONTENT House Bill No. 4157 Senate Version 2. Agribusiness activities in less developed areas or those recovering from armed conflict and major disaster √ X 3. Determine services and activities that can spur regional or global operations in the country √ √ 4. Include existing registered projects or activities that shall relocate from Metro Manila to other areas of the country. √ X 5. Terms and conditions on the grant of enhanced deductions including appropriate level of percentage of deductions X √ © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Senate version: Category of tax incentives Category of tax incentives = location + industry tiers LESS DEVELOPED AREAS AREAS OUTSIDE OF AND CONTIGUOUS OR ADJACENT TO NCR AND METROPOLITAN AREAS AREAS OUTSIDE OF NATIONAL CAPITAL REGION NCR AND OTHER (NCR) AND OUTSIDE OF METROPOLITAN AREAS THAT METROPOLITAN AREAS ARE NOT LESS DEVELOPED © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 10 Senate version: Category of tax incentives Industry TIER 2 shall include activities that produce supplies, parts and components that are not locally produced or manufactured but are critical to industrial development and import-substituting activities operating under highly-contestable markets. TIER 1 shall include agriculture, fishing, forestry, agribusiness activities and energy, ecozone and Freeport zone development; manufacturing of medical supplies, devices and equipment, and construction of healthcare facilities and infrastructure, including manufacturing and service industries that are emerging resulting from innovation, upgrading or addressing gaps in the supply and value chain, mass housing, as well as infrastructure, transportation, utilities and logistics that are critical to the country’s industrialization. TIER 3 shall include research and development, generation of new knowledge and intellectual property registered and/or licensed in the Philippines highly technical manufacturing and services activities that indispensably requires the employment of knowledge, modern science, engineering, and research in the process of production of goods, resulting in demonstrably significant value added and high-paying jobs. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Senate version Category and maximum availment period Location + industry tiers Location/ Industry Tiers TIER I TIER II TIER III NCR and other Metropolitan areas A (14) B1 (15) B2 (16) Areas outside of and contiguous or adjacent to NCR and Metropolitan areas B1 (15) B2 (16) C (17) Areas outside of NCR and outside of Metropolitan areas, and all other areas not less developed B2 (16) C (17) C (17) Less developed areas C (17) C (17) C (17) • Figures in parenthesis ( ) are the maximum number of years of availment of tax incentives. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 11 ROLE OF FISCAL INCENTIVES REVIEW BOARD (FIRB) Fiscal Incentives Review Board (FIRB) – To approve or disapprove the grant of tax incentives to the extent of the registered project or activity upon the recommendation of the investment promotion agencies (IPA). Delegated authority For investment capital of P1Billion and below, the approval or disapproval of tax incentives shall be delegated by the FIRB to the IPAs. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. House Bill No. 4157: Tax incentives for qualified enterprises SET A (ITH + Reduced CIT) • Income tax holiday (ITH) for a period of 3 to 6 years NCR – up to 3 years Laguna, Batangas, Cavite, Rizal – up to 4 years All other areas – up to 6 years • Reduced CIT: 18% (2019) to be gradually lowered to 13% (2030) on taxable income after expiration of ITH for 2 to 4 years NCR – up to 2 years Laguna, Batangas, Cavite, Rizal – up to 3 years All other areas – up to 4 years PLUS 3 years for: o Investing in agribusiness o Relocating from NCR or adjacent areas o Areas recovering from armed conflict/major disaster SET B (ITH + Enhanced Deductions) • ITH for a period of 3 to 6 years • Enhanced deductions for 2 to 4 years NCR – up to 2 years Laguna, Batangas, Cavite, Rizal – up to 3 years All other areas – up to 4 years o Depreciation allowance: 10% for buildings and 20% for machineries and equipment o 50% additional deduction on labor expense o 100% additional deduction on research and development o 100% additional deduction on trainings o 100% additional deduction on infrastructure development o 50% additional deduction for reinvestment allowance to manufacturing enterprises o Carry over of losses for 5 consecutive taxable year on losses incurred for the first 3 years of operation o 50% additional deduction on domestic input expense © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 12 House Bill No. 4157: Tax incentives for qualified enterprises SET C Enhanced Deductions (For industry-specific basis) • Enhanced deductions for 2 to 4 years o Depreciation allowance: 10% for buildings and 20% for machineries and equipment o 50% additional deduction on labor expense o 100% additional deduction on research and development o 100% additional deduction on trainings o 100% additional deduction on infrastructure development o 50% additional deduction for reinvestment allowance to manufacturing enterprises o Carry over of losses for 5 consecutive taxable year on losses incurred for the first 3 years of operation o 50% additional deduction on domestic input expense CUSTOMS AND VAT EXEMPTION • Customs duty exemption on imported capital equipment and spare parts on equipment which are used directly and exclusively on registered activity • VAT exemptions on importations, including source documents, and VAT zero-rating on domestic purchases of capital equipment, and raw materials used in the manufacturing and processing of products for registered enterprises whose exports meet the 90% threshold • Refund of VAT paid on importations of capital equipment and raw materials of export registered enterprises with do not meet the 90% export sales threshold AVAILABLE TO ALL REGISTERED ENTERPRISES © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. Senate version Tax incentives for qualified enterprises Export Oriented Activities or Projects 1. Income tax holiday (4-7 years) 2. 5% tax based on gross income or Enhanced deductions under RCIT (10 years) 3. Duty exemption on importation of capital equipment, raw materials, spare parts or accessories. 4. VAT exemption on importation and VAT zero-rating on local purchases of goods and services directly and exclusively used in the registered project or activity by registered business enterprises located inside an economic zone or Freeport. Export enterprises as those registered under IPA engaging in manufacturing, assembling or processing activity and IT/BPO services resulting in direct exportation of at least 70% of its total production or output or sales of its product that will form part of the final export product or services. Domestic Oriented Activities or Projects 1. ITH (4 to 7 years) 2. Regular CIT under enhanced deductions (10 years) • Depreciation allowance: additional 10% for buildings and 20% for machineries and equipment • 50% additional deduction on labor expense • 100% additional deduction on research and development • 100% additional deduction on trainings • 50% additional deduction for reinvestment allowance • Carry over of losses for 5 consecutive taxable years on losses incurred for the first 3 years of operation • 50% additional deduction on domestic input expense • 50% deduction on power expense 3. Duty exemption on importation of capital equipment, raw materials, spare parts or accessories. 4. VAT exemption on importation and VAT zero-rating on local purchases of goods and services directly and exclusively used in the registered project or activity by registered business enterprises located inside an ecozone or Freeport. © 2020 Navarro Amper & Co. 13 About Deloitte Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”). DTTL (also referred to as “Deloitte Global”) and each of its member firms and related entities are legally separate and independent entities, which cannot obligate or bind each other in respect of third parties. DTTL and each DTTL member firm and related entity is liable only for its own acts and omissions, and not those of each other. DTTL does not provide services to clients. Please see to learn more. This communication contains general information only, and none of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms or their related entities (collectively, the “Deloitte organization”) is, by means of this communication, rendering professional advice or services. Before making any decision or taking any action that may affect your finances or your business, you should consult a qualified professional adviser. No representations, warranties or undertakings (express or implied) are given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information in this communication, and none of DTTL, its member firms, related entities, employees or agents shall be liable or responsible for any loss or damage whatsoever arising directly or indirectly in connection with any person relying on this communication. DTTL and each of its member firms, and their related entities, are legally separate and independent entities. © 2020. For information, contact Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited. 14