UCS1505 - ICT Unit 1 Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSE SSN College of Engineering, Chennai Aug 2020 Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Introduction to syllabus Unit I to II Unit I Introduction and classical cryptography and symmetric cryptography Cryptography and Modern Cryptography – Setting of Private-Key Encryption – Historical Ciphers – Basic Principles; Perfectly Secret Encryption; Private-Key Encryption and Pseudo randomness Unit II Message authentication codes and collision-resistant hash functions Secure Communication and Message Integrity – Encryption vs. Message Authentication – Message Authentication Codes – Constructing Secure Message Authentication Codes – CBCMAC – Collision-Resistant Hash Functions – NMAC and HMAC – Constructing CCA-Secure Encryption Schemes – Obtaining Privacy and Message Authentication. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Introduction to syllabus Unit III to IV Unit III Block ciphers Substitution-Permutation Networks – Feistel Networks – DES – AES – Differential and Linear Cryptanalysis; One-Way Functions – From One-Way Functions to Pseudo randomness – Constructing Pseudorandom Generators – Constructing Pseudorandom Permutations – Necessary Assumptions for Private-Key Cryptography. Unit IV Number theory & key distribution Number Theory: Preliminaries and Basic Group Theory – Primes, Factoring, and RSA – Cryptographic Applications of Number-Theoretic Assumptions; Private-Key Management and the Public-Key Revolution: Limitations of Private-Key Cryptography – Key Distribution Centers – The Public-Key Revolution – Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Introduction to syllabus Unit V Unit V Public-key encryption & digital signature Public-Key Encryption An Overview – Definitions – Hybrid encryption – RSA encryption The El Gamal Encryption Scheme – Security Against Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks; Digital Signatures Schemes: An Overview – Definitions – RSA Signatures – The Hash-and-Sign Paradigm – Lamport’s One-Time Signature Scheme – Signatures from Collision – Resistant Hashing – The Digital Signature Standard – Certificates and Public-Key Infrastructures; Authentication Protocol: SSL and TLS. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Unit 1 : Introduction and classical cryptography and symmetric cryptography Topics 1 2 3 Cryptography and Modern Cryptography – Setting of Private-Key Encryption – Historical Ciphers – Basic Principles Perfectly Secret Encryption Private-Key Encryption and Pseudo randomness Book 1 2 3 Chapter 1 - Cryptography and Modern Cryptography – Setting of Private-Key Encryption – Historical Ciphers – Basic Principles Chapter 2 - Perfectly Secret Encryption Chapter 3- Private-Key Encryption and Pseudo randomness Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Cryptography and Modern Cryptography Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Cryptography and Modern Cryptography Cryptography - secret communication, secure systems for ordinary people all across the globe. Modern cryptography - study of mathematical techniques for securing digital information, systems, and distributed computations against adversarial attacks. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Cryptography and Modern Cryptography Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Setting of Private-Key Encryption Classical encryption schemes : symmetric-key setting private key encryption : A private key is shared by the communicating parties in advance Cipher text : Send a message to receiver by using the shared key to encrypt the message. The receiver uses the same key to decrypt the ciphertext and recover the original message. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Setting of Private-Key Encryption(Contd..) The syntax of encryption A private-key encryption scheme is defined by specifying a message space M along with three algorithms: a procedure for generating keys (Gen), a procedure for encrypting (Enc), and a procedure for decrypting (Dec) Encrypting a message and then decrypting the resulting ciphertext (using the same key) yields the original message. Deck (Enck (m))=m. Keys and Kerckhoffs principle. Encryption schemes to be standardized Utilize an encryption scheme that has undergone public scrutiny Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis historical encryption schemes highlight the weaknesses secure encryption Caesars cipher Encryption: Shifting the letters of the alphabet 3 places forward: a was replaced with D, b with E, and so on. z was replaced with C, y with B, and x with A. key : shift the letters with 3 places Message: begin Encryption : EHJLQ Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) shift cipher and the sufficient key-space principle. Key k is a number between 0 and 25. Gen outputs a uniform key k ∈ { 0, . . . , 25}. A=0, B=1, C=2, ...,Y=24, Z=25 Enck (m1 ..ml ) = c1 .. cl , where ci = [(mi + k) mod 26]. Deck (c1 ..cl ) = m1 ..ml , where mi = [(ci - k) mod 26]. Shift Cipher insecure? brute force attack : frequency distribution of characters in the plaintext. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) shift cipher and the sufficient key-space principle(Contd..) Encryption procedure 1 Convert the letter into the number that matches its order in the alphabet starting from 0, and call this number X. ( A=0, B=1, C=2, ...,Y=24, Z=25) 2 Calculate: Y = (X + K) mod 26, let K=19 3 Convert the number Y into a letter that matches its order in the alphabet starting from 0. (A=0, B=1, C=2, ...,Y=24, Z=25) Decryption procedure 1 Convert the letter into the number that matches its order in the alphabet starting from 0, and call this number Y. (A=0, B=1, C=2, ..., Y=24, Z=25) 2 Calculate: X= (Y - K) mod 26, where K=19 3 Convert the number X into a letter that matches its order in the alphabet starting from 0. (A=0, B=1, C=2, ..., Y=24, Z=25) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Figure: Caeser and shift code (python) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Figure: Caeser and shift code with brute force code (python) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Figure: Caeser and shift code(C++) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Figure: brute force code(python) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) The mono-alphabetic substitution cipher the key space is of size 26! map is a fixed shift determined by the key. does not mean the cipher is secure! The attack relies on the facts: mapping of each letter and frequency distribution of individual letters Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Figure: mono-alphabetic(python) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) The Vigenere (poly-alphabetic shift) cipher. poly-alphabetic substitution cipher : key defines a mapping that is applied on blocks of plaintext characters. 2-character block ab to DZ while mapping ac to TY poly-alphabetic shift cipher : key is a string of letters, encryption is done by shifting each plaintext character by the amount indicated by the next character of the key, Attack : length of the key. method:: letter-frequency analysis, Kasiskis method, index of coincidence method Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Modern cryptography - Definitions, assumptions, and proofs Principle 1 Formal Definitions First define what is to be constructed, study the proposed scheme, and then prove the definition its secure as per definition. Understand what notion of security and encryption scheme. Definition Two components: (1) security guarantee (2) threat model. Guarantee : Based on Encryption (1) impossible for an attacker to recover the key (2) impossible for an attacker to recover the entire plaintext from the ciphertext. (3) attacker already has, a ciphertext should leak no additional information about the un- derlying plaintext. Thread model : Based on Encryption : (1) Ciphertext-only attack (2) Known-plaintext attack (3) Chosen-plaintext attack. Threat modeling can identify potential security threats and vulnerabilities, quantify the seriousness of each, and prioritize techniques to mitigate attack and protect resources. Who might attack? Why might the system be attacked? What assets are of interest? How can these attacks be implemented? Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Principle 2 Precise Assumptions Validation of assumptions Comparison of schemes Understanding the necessary assumptions If the developed code does not satisfy the stated assumption, the encryption scheme can still be instantiated using a different component to satisfy the necessary requirements. Principle 3 Proofs of Security Proofs of security give an iron-clad guarantee Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Provable Security and Real-World Security A proof of security is always relative to the definition being considered and the assumption(s) being used. If the security guarantee does not match what is needed, or the threat model does not capture the adversarys true abilities, then the proof may be irrelevant. Job of cryptographers to continually refine their definitions to more closely match the real world, and to investigate their assumptions to test their validity. Battle between attacker and defender Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Case study Definition : Cryptographic Algorithms and Protocols, refers to algorithms and protocols that provide to the software process the services of confidentiality, integrity, authentication and non-repudiation. Assumption 1 2 3 4 5 6 The length of the key being used by the cryptographic algorithm and protocol is sufficient. Random data being used by the cryptographic algorithm/protocol is unpredictable. The hashing algorithm will not produce same hash for two different inputs. The process cannot use encryption to ensure data integrity. The process cannot use a key more than once for a stream cipher. The process cannot store keys/passwords in clear text. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Case study Definition: Cloud service user : cloud user is an active member of the cloud community utilizing all different services offer by the cloud provider including the data computation services such as data modifications, additions, deletions, insertions, and searches. Assumption 1 2 3 the encryption module the Cloud service users, uses the symmetric key algorithm to perform the data encryption and the subsequent transmission of the secret key the trusted third party module where the third party maintains a database of secret keys and the subsequent exchange of secret keys on behalf of cloud users the service provider where all the customer’s data is stored in data center and the request of secret keys. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Principles of Modern Cryptography Case study Definition: Multi-owner data sharing scheme Assumption 1 to enable sharing data in a multi-owner manner while still preserve data privacy and identity privacy even in untrusted clouds. Case study Definition: Secure cloud storage services sharing. Assumption 1 The sender needs to encrypt the file once only and store just one copy of the ciphertext in a cloud that communicate with no users. Case study Definition: Secure cloud user Assumption 1 the data remains encrypted and the cloud provider has no knowledge of the key, data confidentiality is guaranteed. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Unit 1 Assignment - 1 Develop a code using an environment of your choice, to demonstrate the following methods: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Caesar cipher method Shift cipher Brute force attack Mono alphabetic cipher Attack on mono alphabetic cipher Poly alphabetic substitution cipher Poly alphabetic shift cipher Attack on Vigenere Document the Encryption definition, guarantee, threat model, assumption for an encryption scheme in a domain of your choice. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Historical Ciphers and Their Cryptanalysis(Contd..) Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1 Reference Book: Jonathan Katz, YehudaLindell, Introduction to Modern Cryptography,2nd Edition (Chapman & Hall/CRC Cryptography and Network Security Series), 2014. Chamundeswari Arumugam Professor, Dept of CSESSN College of UCS1505 Engineering, - ICT Chennai Unit 1