2019-2020 – Long Range/Yearly Plan (Grade 4) Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 September October November Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Technology-Integration C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. (Cross-Curricular) C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. English Language Arts – Units of Study C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. -Assessment/Diagnostics (Reading Intervention, Writing Prompt, Vocabulary Test) Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. --Express ideas and develop understanding, experiment with language and forms, express Balanced Literacy All Year Long: preferences, set goals, consider the idea of others, combine ideas, and extend including but not limited to Read understanding Aloud, Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Interactive Writing, Shared G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media Writing, Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s texts Workshop & Word Study -Express ideas and develop understanding, experiment with language and forms, express preferences, set goals, consider the idea of others, combine ideas, and extend understanding Writing Literacy: Write Aloud, Shared Writing, Guided Writing, -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand Independent Writing, and Picture forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. Prompt Strategies based on Exemplars and Marking Matrix -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to produce structured texts (i.e. narratives that describe experiences and reflect personal responses) G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts texts -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to understand the structure of texts. understand the structure of texts. G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) G.E. (5) - Respect and cooperate G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information with others, strengthen community and work within a group -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. -use organizational patterns of expository texts to understand ideas and information, focus (ONGOING): print/media and electronic) topics appropriately for particular audiences, ask relevant questions, and respond to questions related to particular topics, & develop and follow a class plan for accessing and By appreciating diversity, relating gathering ideas and information -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) texts to culture, celebrate accomplishments and events, use -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. language to show respect, and and electronic) evaluate/assess collaborative -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills process -Use varied organization strategies (e.g. chronological order, cause and effect, etc.), record information by taking notes & paraphrasing, and evaluate information to identify requirement G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication of it -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work 1 C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media and electronic) -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work Daily Homework -Communicate ideas & information and present it in varied oral, print and other media texts -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Home Reading - ReadWorks.org -Establish self goals for enhancing research process and skills -Research & Inquiry G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication -Incomplete Classwork (if necessary)-Appraise own/others’ work orally & visually communicate/share work and give supported and constructive feedback -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) -Revise/edit for ideas/information, write legibly (alignment/shape/slant), expand knowledge of language, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Present and enhance information by using oral/visual presentation methods where effective -Listen/view attentively and be engaged by asking questions and expressing opinions on presentation Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture/Topic Prompts Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Reading Resource: Fountas and Pinnell, Levelled Literacy Intervention Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place/Literacy in Action Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Self-Monitoring, Context Clues/Text Features, Organization, Setting Goals, & Getting Setup Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Making Connections (Self, Text, & World), Utilizing Learned Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Analyzing text, Picture It, Interviewing Character & Identifying Strategies, Setting & Following Reading Goals Character Personality Writer’s Workshop: Sensory Words & 5W/H Brainstorming, & Friendly Letter/Postcard Writer’s Workshop: Sentence, Paragraph and Topic Writing Fluency Writer’s Workshop: Character Traits, Setting and Object Description Words Their Way: Use of Dictionary/Thesaurus & Intro to Word Wall Working with Words; Nouns, Adjectives, Verbs & Adverbs Working with Words; Homonyms, Homographs, Contractions, & Possessives Yearlong/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computers High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Derivational Relations High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Derivational Relations Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & & Exam Bank Exam Bank Numbers - G.E. - Develop Number Sense Math Daily Math (all year long) Review Grade 3 Math Math Diagnostics Patterns and Relations - Patterns, Variables & Equations (Algebra) S.O.1. - Represent and describe whole numbers to 10 000, pictorially and symbolically. G.E. – Use patterns to describe the world and to solve problems. S.O.2. - Compare and order numbers to 10 000. S.O.1. – Represent and describe patterns and relationships, using graphs and tables. S.O.3. - Demonstrate an understanding of addition of numbers with answers to 10 000 and their corresponding subtractions (limited to 3- and 4-digit numerals) by using personal strategies for adding & subtracting, estimating sums & differences, and solving problems involving addition & subtraction. S.O.2. – Demonstrate an understanding of the relationships within tables of values to solve problems. S.O.4. – Apply the properties of 0 and 1 for multiplication and the property of 1 for division. S.O.3. – Represent generalizations arising from number relationships, using equations with letter variables. G.E. - Represent algebraic expressions in multiple ways. S.O.5. – Describe and apply mental mathematics strategies to determine basic multiplication facts to 9 × 9 and related division facts by understanding & applying strategies for multiplication and related division facts to 9 x 9. Also, S.O.4. – Express a given problem as an equation in which a letter variable is used to represent an recall multiplication and related division facts to 7 x 7. unknown number. S.O.6. – Demonstrate an understanding of multiplication (2- or 3-digit by 1-digit) to solve problems by using personal S.O.5. – Demonstrate and explain the meaning of preservation of equality, concretely and pictorially. strategies for multiplication with and without concrete materials, using arrays to represent multiplication, connecting concrete representations to symbolic representations, estimating products, and applying the distributive property. End of Unit Project S.O.7. – Demonstrate an understanding of division (1-digit divisor and up to 2-digit dividend) to solve problems by 2 using personal strategies for dividing with and without concrete materials, estimating quotients, and relating division to multiplication. S.O.8. – Demonstrate an understanding of fractions less than or equal to one by using concrete, pictorial and symbolic representations to name and record fractions for the parts of a whole or a set, compare and order fractions, model and explain that for different wholes, two identical fractions may not represent the same quantity, and provide examples of where fractions are used. S.O.9. - Represent and describe decimals (tenths and hundredths), concretely, pictorially and symbolically. End of Unit Project Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 Week 22 December January February Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Week 23 Islamic Virtue Technology-Integration C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. (Cross-Curricular) C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. English Language Arts – Units of Study Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to Balanced Literacy All Year Long explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. (including but not limited to Read consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. Aloud, Guided Reading, Shared Reading, Interactive Writing, Shared G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media Writing, Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s media texts texts Workshop & Word Study) -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. Writing Literacy: Write Aloud, Shared -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand Writing, Guided Writing, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. Independent Writing, and Picture Prompt Strategies based on -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. 3 G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to Exemplars and Marking Matrix understand the structure of texts. understand the structure of texts. understand the structure of texts. G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) G.E. (5) -Respect, support and collaborate with others (ONGOING): -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information Demonstrate respect by choosing appropriate language/tone, -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. appreciate diversity of texts and print/media and electronic) relate to self/culture to celebrate accomplishments/events, and -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) cooperate and work effectively with others in group scenarios to -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. revise/enhance varied texts(i.e. peer teaching) -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media and electronic) and electronic) -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation capitalization and punctuation -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) Daily Homework (Monday – Thursday): -Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompt -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Sequencing, Signal Words, Timelines & Procedures Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Predicting, Main Idea, and Pause & Predict Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Inferring, Visualizing, Pack up your Story/Reading Buddies Writer’s Workshop: Building Suspense/Main Event Writer’s Workshop: Extended Endings & Comic Writing Writer’s Workshop: Expository Writing (Newspaper & Advertisements) & Poetry/Onomatopoeia Working with Words; Antonyms, Synonyms & Plurals Working with Words; Homophones, Rhymes & Commas Working with Words: Suffixes, Compound Words, & Abbreviations High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Syllables & Affixes High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Syllables & Affixes High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Syllables & Affixes Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club -Home Reading: R.A.Z. Kids/Reading Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Comprehension Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & & Exam Bank Exam Bank Exam Bank Shape & Space (Measurement and 3D Objects & 2D Shapes) Shape & Space (Transformations) Math Daily Math (all year long) G.E. - Use direct and indirect measurement to solve problems. G.E. - Describe and analyze position and motion of objects and shapes. S.O.1. - Demonstrate an understanding of angles by: •identifying examples of angles in the environment, •classifying angles according to their measure, •estimating the measure of angles, using 45°, 90° and 180° as reference angles, •determining angle measures in degrees, & •drawing and labelling angles when the measure is specified S.O.6. - Perform a combination of translations, rotations and/or reflections on a single 2-D shape, with and without technology, and draw and describe the image. S.O.2. - Demonstrate that the sum of interior angles is: •180° in a triangle & •360° in a quadrilateral S.O.7. - Perform a combination of successive transformations of 2-D shapes to create a design, and identify and describe the transformations. S.O.3. - Develop and apply a formula for determining the: •perimeter of polygons, •area of rectangles, & •volume of right rectangular prisms S.O.8. – Identify and plot points in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane, using whole 4 G.E. - Describe the characteristics of 3-D objects and 2-D shapes, and analyze the relationships among them. number ordered pairs. S.O.4. - Construct and compare triangles in different orientations, including: •scalene, •isosceles, •equilateral, •right, •obtuse, •acute S.O.9. – Perform and describe single transformations of a 2-D shape in the first quadrant of a Cartesian plane (limited to whole number vertices). S.O.5. - Describe and compare the sides and angles of regular and irregular polygons. End of Unit Project End of Unit Project 5 Week 24 Technology-Integration Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 Week 33 Week 34 Week 35 March April May Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts Photography and Techno-graphics Arts C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C1 - Students will access, use and communicate information from a variety of technologies. C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. (Cross-Curricular) C6 - Students will use technology to investigate and/or solve problems C7 - Students will use electronic research techniques to construct personal knowledge and meaning. P2 - Students will organize and manipulate data. P5 - Students will navigate and create hyperlinked resources. English Language Arts – Units of Study Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: Students will listen, speak, read, write, view and represent to: G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences G.E. (1) - Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. -Choose appropriate reading texts, use prior knowledge & oral/print/other media texts to explore ideas/make connections, set goals to enhance language learning/use, and consider/combine the idea of others to extend understanding. G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media textsG.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other media texts -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to understand the structure of texts. -Create original texts by generating ideas, elaborating on the expression of ideas, and to understand the structure of texts. Writing Literacy: Write Aloud, Shared understand the structure of texts. G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information Writing, Guided Writing, Independent Writing, and Picture G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information G.E. (3) - Manage ideas and information Prompt Strategies based on -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) Exemplars and Marking Matrix -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) -Distinguish among facts, supported inferences and opinions (i.e. point of view) -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Develop a plan for assessing and gathering ideas/information -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media G.E. (5) -Respect, support and and electronic) -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. -Use/access/evaluate appropriate varied sources for gathering information (i.e. print/media collaborate with others (ONGOING): print/media and electronic) and electronic) -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) Demonstrate respect by choosing -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) -Use varied organization strategies (i.e. compare/contrast, classification/sorting, etc.) appropriate language/tone, -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. appreciate diversity of texts and -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. -Communicate ideas and information in varied oral, print and other media texts. relate to self/culture to celebrate -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills accomplishments/events, and -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills -Establish own goals for enhancing research skills cooperate and work effectively with G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication others in group scenarios to G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication G.E. (4) - Enhance the clarity and artistry of communication revise/enhance varied texts (i.e. -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work peer teaching) -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work -Appraise own/others’ work, orally and visually communicate/share work -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, G.E. (2) - Comprehend and respond personally and critically to oral, print and other Balanced Literacy All Year Long media texts (including but not limited to Read Aloud, Guided Reading, Shared -Use prior knowledge, comprehension strategies, textual clues, phonics/structural Reading, Interactive Writing, Shared analysis, and references to comprehend & respond to oral/print/other media texts. Writing, Reader’s Workshop, Writer’s Workshop & Word Study) -Experience various texts to construct meaning, appreciate the artistry of texts, understand forms/genres/techniques/elements, and experiment with language. 6 -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) Daily Homework (Monday – Thursday): capitalization and punctuation -Revise/edit, write legibly & at a pace, and attend to conventions such as grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Expand knowledge of language by exploring varied brainstorming strategies such as outlining, webs, and lists -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) -Present and share information by using oral/visual communication methods where appropriate, listen/view attentively and present with a controlled voice (pacing/gestures) Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Journal Writing (Revision of in-class Skills): Picture Prompts/Cartoons Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Resource: Moving up with Literacy Place//Literacy in Action Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Evaluating & Cause/Effect, Newspaper Article & Four Corners Strategy Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Synthesizing/Combining Previously Learned Skills, Newspaper Article & My Opinion Reading Strategy/Mini-Lesson: Review all Skills Writer’s Workshop: Expository Writing (Newspaper & Advertisements) Writer’s Workshop: Expository Writing (Newspaper & Advertisements) Working with Words: Prefixes, Similes, Idioms, & Alliteration Working with Words; Catch Up High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Within Words Patterns High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Within Words Patterns Writer’s Workshop: Review all Expository & Narrative Writing Skills Working with Words: Review all Skills -Journal Writing:(Revision of in-class Skills); Current Events High Frequency and Spelling Activities: Within Words Patterns -Home Reading: R.A.Z. Kids/Reading Comprehension Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & Exam Bank Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & Exam Bank Statistics & Probability (Data Analysis & Probability) Year-long/Ongoing Centres: Guided Reading, Reader’s Theatre, Listening, Independent Reading, Word Work, Computer Station, Self-Selected Writing, & Book Club Year-round P.A.T. Review using: P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams, student writing exemplars & Exam Bank Review of ALL concepts using: Math Daily Math (all year long) G.E. - Collect, display and analyze data to solve problems. -P.A.T. guides & Past P.A.T. exams S.O.1. - Create, label and interpret line graphs to draw conclusions. -Mathletics/IXL? S.O.2. - Select, justify and use appropriate methods of collecting data, including: •questionnaires, •experiments, •databases, & •electronic media -Exam Bank S.O.3. - Graph collected data, and analyze the graph to solve problems. G.E. - Use experimental or theoretical probabilities to represent and solve problems involving uncertainty. S.O.4. - Demonstrate an understanding of probability by: •identifying all possible outcomes of a probability experiment, •differentiating between experimental and theoretical probability, •determining the theoretical probability of outcomes in a probability experiment, •determining the experimental probability of outcomes in a probability experiment, & •comparing experimental results with the theoretical probability for an experiment End of Unit Project 7 Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 September Science General Learning Outcomes (Overall): Trees & Forests G.E.6.10. - Describe characteristics of trees and the interaction of trees with other living things in the local environment. Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 October Week 11 Sky Science G.E.6.7. - Observe, describe and interpret the movement of objects in the sky; and identify pattern and order in these movements. S.O.6.10.1. - Identify reasons why trees and forests are valued. Students meeting this expectation should be aware that forests serve as habitat for a variety of living things and are important to human needs for recreation, for raw materials and S.O.6.7.1. - Recognize that the Sun and stars emit the light by which they are seen and that most other for a life-supporting environment. bodies in space, including Earth's Moon, planets and their moons, comets, and asteroids, are seen by reflected light. S.O.6.10.2. - Describe kinds of plants and animals found living on, under and among trees; and identify how trees affect and are affected by those living things. S.O.6.7.2. - Describe the location and movement of individual stars and groups of stars (constellations) as they move through the night sky. S.O.6.10.3. - Describe the role of trees in nutrient cycles and in the production of oxygen. S.O.6.7.3. - Recognize that the apparent movement of objects in the night sky is regular and predictable, and explain how this apparent movement is related to Earth's rotation. G.E.6.2. - Recognize the importance S.O.6.10.4. - Identify general characteristics that distinguish trees from other plants, and characteristics that distinguish of accuracy in observation and deciduous from coniferous trees. measurement; and apply suitable S.O.6.7.4. - Understand that the Sun should never be viewed directly, nor by use of simple telescopes or methods to record, compile, interpret S.O.6.10.5. - Identify characteristics of at least four trees found in the local environment. Students should be familiar with at filters, and that safe viewing requires appropriate methods and safety precautions. and evaluate observations and least two deciduous trees and two coniferous trees. Examples should include native species, such as spruce, birch, poplar, measurements. and pine and cultivated species, such as elm and crab apple. S.O.6.7.5. - Construct and use a device for plotting the apparent movement of the Sun over the course of a day; e.g., construct and use a sundial or shadow stick. S.O.6.10.6. - Describe and classify leaf shapes, leaf arrangements, branching patterns and the overall form of a tree. S.O.6.7.6. - Describe seasonal changes in the length of the day and night and in the angle of the Sun G.E.6.3. - Design and carry out an S.O.6.10.7. - Interpret the growth pattern of a young tree, distinguishing this year's growth from that of the previous year and above the horizon. investigation of a practical problem, from the year before that. Students meeting this expectation should recognize differences in colouration and texture of new and develop a possible solution. growth and old growth, and locate scars that separate old and new growth. S.O.6.7.7. - Recognize that the Moon's phases are regular and predictable, and describe the cycle of its phases. S.O.6.10.8. - Identify human uses of forests, and compare modern and historical patterns of use. S.O.6.7.8. - Illustrate the phases of the Moon in drawings and by using improvised models. An improvised model might involve such things as a table lamp and a sponge ball. S.O.6.10.9. - Identify human actions that enhance or threaten the existence of forests. S.O.6.7.9. - Recognize that the other eight known planets, which revolve around the Sun, have characteristics and surface conditions that are different from Earth; and identify examples of those differences. Student Project & End of Unit Test S.O.6.7.10 - Recognize that not only Earth, but other planets, have moons; and identify examples of similarities and differences in the characteristics of those moons. S.O.6.7.11 - Identify technologies and procedures by which knowledge, about planets and other objects in the night sky, has been gathered. S.O.6.7.12 - Understand that Earth, the Sun and the Moon are part of a solar system that occupies only a tiny part of the known universe. Student Project & End of Unit Test 8 Week 13 November G.E.6.1. - Design and carry out an investigation in which variables are identified and controlled, and that provides a fair test of the question being investigated. S.O.6.10.10. - Identify an issue regarding forest use, identify different perspectives on that issue, and identify actions that might be taken. Week 12 Evidence & Investigation G.E.6.8. - Apply observation and inference skills to recognize and interpret patterns and to distinguish a specific pattern from a group of similar patterns. G.E.6.9. - Apply knowledge of the properties and interactions of materials to the investigation and identification of a material sample. S.O.6.9.1. - Recognize evidence of recent human activity, and recognize evidence of animal activity in a natural outdoor setting. S.O.6.9.2. - Observe a set of footprints, and infer the direction and speed of travel. S.O.6.9.3. - Recognize that evidence found at the scene of an activity may have unique characteristics that allow an investigator to make inferences about the participants and the nature of the activity, and give examples of how specific evidence may be used. S.O.6.9.4. - Investigate evidence and link it to a possible source; e.g., by: •classifying footprints, tire prints and soil samples from a variety of locations, •analyzing the ink from different pens, using paper chromatography, •analyzing handwriting samples to identify the handwriting of a specific person, •comparing samples of fabric, & •classifying fingerprints collected from a variety of surfaces Social Studies Mapping Skills (World & Historical Maps) Citizens Participating in Decision Making Citizens Participating in Decision Making Citizens Participating in Decision Making Benchmark Skills/Processes: S.O.6.1.3. - Analyze how the democratic ideals of equity and fairness have influenced S.O.6.1.5. - Analyze the structure and functions of Alberta's provincial government by exploring and legislation in Canada over time by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: •Cooperation, Conflict Resolution and issues: G.E.6.1. - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the dynamic Consensus Building: demonstrate the skills of •How is the provincial government structured? relationship between governments and citizens as they engage in the democratic process. compromise in order to reach group •How does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect the individual rights and consensus freedoms of all Canadians? •What is the role and status of the Lieutenant Governor within the provincial government? S.O.6.1.1. - Recognize how individuals and governments interact and bring about change •Age-appropriate behaviour for Social within their local and national communities: •What are the responsibilities of the provincial government (i.e., laws, taxes, services)? •How does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms protect collective rights in Involvement: demonstrate commitment to the well-being of the community by drawing Canada (i.e., Aboriginal rights, the linguistic rights of official language minorities)? •recognize and respect the democratic rights of all citizens in Canada attention to situations of injustice where •How are representatives chosen at the provincial level of government (i.e., electoral process)? action is needed •How did the Treaty of La Grande Paix de Montréal address collective identity and •value the role of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in protecting individual collective rights? •What are the differences between the responsibilities of a Member of the Legislative Assembly and collective rights and freedoms •Decision-Making and Problem Solving: (MLA) and a cabinet minister? Propose and apply new ideas, strategies and opinions, supported by facts and •recognize the influence of historical events and legislation on democratic decision making •How do the Treaty of La Grande Paix de Montréal and the Canadian Charter of Rights and reasons, to contribute to decision making Freedoms compare in the way that each addresses individual and collective identity and S.O.6.1.6. - Analyze how individuals, groups and associations within a community impact decision in Canada and problem solving. collective rights? making of local and provincial governments by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: •value citizens' participation in a democratic society •Oral, Written and Visual Literacy: Express •Why is the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms entrenched in the Canadian opinions and present perspectives and Constitution? •How can individuals, groups and associations within a community participate in the decisioninformation in a variety of forms, such as oral •value the contributions of elected representatives in the democratic process making process regarding current events or issues (i.e., lobbying, petitioning, organizing and or written presentations, speeches or debates S.O.6.1.4. – Analyze the structure and functions of local governments in Alberta by exploring attending local meetings and rallies, contacting elected representatives)? S.O.6.1.2. - Demonstrate an understanding of the fundamental principles of democracy by and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: •How do associations such as the Association canadienne-française de l'Alberta (ACFA), the Métis •How are representatives chosen to form a local government (i.e., electoral process)? Nation of Alberta Association (MNAA) and the First Nations Authorities (FNA) provide their members •What is democracy (i.e., justice, equity, freedoms, representation, etc.)? with a voice, at local and provincial levels, exercising historical and constitutional rights? •What are the responsibilities of local governments (i.e., bylaws, taxes, services)? •What are the similarities and differences between direct and representative democracy? •In what ways do elected officials demonstrate their accountability to the electorate (e.g., •How are local governments structured differently in rural and urban settings? respond to constituents, participate in local events, represent and express in government meetings •What are the rights and responsibilities of citizens living in a representative democracy? the concerns of constituents)? •How does Canada's justice system help protect your democratic and constitutional rights? •What role is played by school boards (i.e., public, separate, Francophone) within local communities? Student individual or group research is presented to the class. Student individual or group research is presented to the class. Student individual or group research is presented to the class. Physical Education (P.E.) Fitness, Cooperative Games, & Team Handball Fitness & Volleyball Fitness & Basketball Fine Arts Reflection: Artist Study of Greek/Iroquois Artwork/Artists & Drawing Skills Depiction: Drawing Depiction: Drawing Health -Character Education: 7 Habits of Happy Kids (Covey) Life Learning Choices – Learning Strategies: Personal Management/Study Skills/Goal-Setting Life Learning Choices – Life Roles & Career Development: Job Roles/Career Research Project 1st Habit: Be Proactive 2nd Habit: Begin with the End in Mind 3rd Habit: Put First Things First Islamic Studies Unit C: Al-Qur’an Unit C: Al-Qur’an Unit D: Prophet Muhammad Calls for Peace Arabic •Develop the ability to communicate in a simple way. •Develop the ability to communicate in a simple way. •Develop the ability to communicate in a simple way. •Establish rules to assess their goals •Establish rules to assess their goals •Establish rules to assess their goals •Build a good word vocabulary to increase communication •Build a good word vocabulary to increase communication •Build a good word vocabulary to increase communication •Apply the proper skills of listening and spoken language to everyday reading and writing.. •Apply the proper skills of listening and spoken language to everyday reading and writing.. 9 Life Learning Choices – Volunteerism: Bottle Collection/Community Cleanup •Apply the proper skills of listening and spoken language to everyday reading and writing.. Week 14 Week 15 Week 16 December Science Week 17 Week 18 Week 19 Week 20 Week 21 January Week 22 Week 23 February Evidence & Investigation Air & Aerodynamics Flight G.E.6.5. - Describe properties of air and the interactions of air with objects in flight. General Learning Outcomes (Overall): Student Project & End of Unit Test S.O.6.5.1. - Provide evidence that air takes up space and exerts pressure, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications. G.E.6.1. - Design and carry out an investigation in which variables are identified and controlled, and that provides a fair test of the question being investigated. S.O.6.5.2. - Provide evidence that air is a fluid and is capable of being compressed, and identify examples of these properties in everyday applications. S.O.6.5.3. - Describe and demonstrate instances in which air movement across a surface results in lift; Bernoulli's principle. S.O.6.5.4. - Recognize that in order for devices or living things to fly, they must have sufficient lift to overcome the downward force of gravity. S.O.6.5.5. - Identify adaptations that enable birds and insects to fly. G.E.6.2. - Recognize the importance of accuracy in observation and measurement; and apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpret and evaluate observations and measurements. S.O.6.5.6. - Describe the means of propulsion for flying animals and for aircraft. S.O.6.5.7. - Recognize that streamlining reduces drag, and predict the effects of specific design changes on the drag of a model aircraft or aircraft components. S.O.6.5.8. - Recognize that air is composed of different gases, and identify evidence for different gases. Example evidence might include: effects on flames, the "using up" of a particular gas by burning or rusting, animal needs for air exchange. Student Project & End of Unit Test G.E.6.3. - Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible solution. Social Studies Mapping Skills (World & Historical Maps) Historical Models of Democracy: Ancient Athens Historical Models of Democracy: Iroquois Confederacy Historical Models of Democracy: Ancient Athens Benchmark Skills/Processes: •Cooperation, Conflict Resolution G.E.6.2. - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the democratic and Consensus Building: principles exemplified by ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy. demonstrate the skills of compromise in order to reach group consensus S.O.6.2.1. - Appreciate the relationship between the values of a society and the model of government adopted within a society •Age-appropriate behaviour for Social Involvement: demonstrate S.O.6.2.2. - Value the role of participation by citizens in diverse democratic societies commitment to the well-being of the community by drawing attention to situations of injustice where action is needed Students will learn to express a point of view orally and as a formal or informal essay. •Decision-Making and Problem Solving: Propose and apply new ideas, strategies and opinions, supported by facts and reasons, to contribute to decision making and problem solving. G.E.6.2. - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the democratic principles exemplified by ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy. S.O.6.2.3. - Analyze the structure and functions of the democratic system in ancient Athens byS.O.6.2.1. - Appreciate the relationship between the values of a society and the model of exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: government adopted within a society •How was the government of ancient Athens structured? 10 S.O.6.2.2. - Value the role of participation by citizens in diverse democratic societies •How did the structure of the government in ancient Athens provide opportunities for citizens to participate in decision making? Students will learn to express a point of view orally and as a formal or informal essay. •How did identity, status and class structure impact citizenship in ancient Athens? •How did the social structure of ancient Athens impact its political structure? •To what extent were democratic ideals of equity and fairness part of the structure of government and society in ancient Athens? Students will learn to express a point of view orally and as a formal or informal essay. •Oral, Written and Visual Literacy: G.E.6.2. - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the democratic principles exemplified by ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy. Student present projects on a theme. Express opinions and present perspectives and information in a variety of forms, such as oral or written presentations, speeches or debates Physical Education (P.E.) Health Fitness Fitness Fitness Badminton Floor Hockey Tchoukball Relationship Choices – Understanding & Expressing Feelings: Expressions/Emojis Relationship Choices – Interactions: Empathy & Healthy Relationships Relationship Choices – Group Roles/Processes: Social Influences/Consensus-building Process 4th Fine Arts 11 Habit: Think Win-Win 5th Habit: Seek First to Understand, Then be Understood 6th Habit: Synergize Depiction Composition Composition Painting Painting Painting Islamic Studies Unit D: Prophet Muhammad Calls for Peace Unit E: Prayer is Light Unit E: Prayer is Light Arabic - Write a short paragraph using questions and answers. - Write a short paragraph using questions and answers. - Write a short paragraph using questions and answers. -Learn the types of Sentences, filya and ismiya…etc -Learn the types of Sentences, filya and ismiya…etc -Learn the types of Sentences, filya and ismiya…etc - Learn the different types of al jomla l ismya اال سم ية م لةال ج - Learn the different types of al jomla l ismya اال سم ية ال جم لة - Learn the different types of al jomla l ismya اال سم ية ال جم لة . Use proper comprehension and grammar . Use proper comprehension and grammar . Use proper comprehension and grammar -Use tharf al zaman w tharf al makan accurately in a sentence. -Use tharf al zaman w tharf al makan accurately in a sentence. -Use tharf al zaman w tharf al makan accurately in a sentence. ال م كان و ال زمان ظرف ال م كان و ال زمان ظرف ال م كان و ال زمان ظرف - Answer comprehension questions after listening to a story-text. - Answer comprehension questions after listening to a story-text. - Answer comprehension questions after listening to a story-text. Week 24 Week 25 Week 26 Week 27 Week 28 Week 29 March Science Week 30 Week 31 Week 32 April Flight Week 33 Week 34 May Review of ALL major concepts using: -P.A.T. guides, Past P.A.T. exams, and Exam Bank General Learning Outcomes (Overall): G.E.6.6. – Construct devices that move through air, and identify adaptations for controlling flight. S. - Conduct tests of a model parachute design, and identify design changes to improve the effectiveness of the design. G.E.6.1. - Design and carry out an investigation in which variables are identified and controlled, and that provides a fair test of the question being investigated. S. - Describe the design of a hot-air balloon and the principles by which its rising and falling are controlled. S. - Conduct tests of glider designs; and modify a design so that a glider will go further, stay up longer or fly in a desired way; e.g., fly in a loop, turn to the right. S. - Recognize the importance of stability and control to aircraft flight; and design, construct and test control surfaces. G.E.6.2. - Recognize the importance S. - Apply appropriate vocabulary in referring to control surfaces and major components of an aircraft. This vocabulary of accuracy in observation and should include: wing, fuselage, vertical and horizontal stabilizers, elevators, ailerons, & rudder. measurement; and apply suitable methods to record, compile, interpretS. - Construct and test propellers and other devices for propelling a model aircraft. and evaluate observations and measurements. S. - Describe differences in design between aircraft and spacecraft, and identify reasons for the design differences. G.E.6.3. - Design and carry out an investigation of a practical problem, and develop a possible solution. Social Studies Student Project & End of Unit Test Historical Models of Democracy: Iroquois Confederacy Review of ALL major concepts using: Current and Local Events Benchmark Skills/Processes: G.E.6.2. - Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the democratic principles exemplified by ancient Athens and the Iroquois Confederacy. •Cooperation, Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building: demonstrate S.O.6.2.4. - Analyze the structure and functions of the Iroquois Confederacy by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions and issues: the skills of compromise in order to reach group consensus •How was the Iroquois Confederacy structured? •Age-appropriate behaviour for •What was the role and status of women within the Iroquois Confederacy? Social Involvement: demonstrate commitment to the well-being of the community by drawing attention to •What are the advantages and disadvantages of consensus as a decision-making model for situations of injustice where action is government? needed •How did the Six Nations use the consensus-building process? •Decision-Making and Problem Solving: Propose and apply new •How did the Wampum Belt address collective identity? ideas, strategies and opinions, supported by facts and reasons, to •How did the social structure of the Iroquois Confederacy impact its political structure? contribute to decision making and •To what extent did the decision-making process within the Iroquois Confederacy reflect 12 Express viewpoints on quality of life and social issues -P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams & Exam Bank Week 35 problem solving. democratic ideals of equity and fairness? •Oral, Written and Visual Literacy: Express opinions and present perspectives and information in a variety of forms, such as oral or written presentations, speeches or debates Students will learn to express a point of view orally and as a formal or informal essay. Student present projects on a theme. Physical Education (P.E.) Fitness Fitness Fitness Gymnastics Soccer (Indoor/Outdoor) Track and Field Skipping/Rhythmic Health Wellness Choices – Personal Health: Personal Fitness/Body Image 7th Fine Arts Habit: Sharpen the Saw Swimming? Wellness Choices – Personal Health: Benefits & Risks to Overall Health 7th Habit: Sharpen the Saw 7th Habit: Sharpen the Saw Composition Expression Expression Print Making Sculpture Fabric Arts Islamic Studies Unit E: Prayer is Light Unit B: Faith and Miracles: Story of Prophet Musa Unit B: Faith and Miracles: Story of Prophet Musa Arabic - learn about the adjective and how to use it. - learn about the adjective and how to use it. -Identify main ideas and details in text. -learn about the five nouns ال خم سة ااأل سماء -learn about the five nouns ال خم سة ااأل سماء - Conjugate the verb in past tense and present/ future tense. -Identify main ideas and details in text. - Present a story or a poem. - Conjugate the verb in past tense and present/ future tense. -Use phonic knowledge and skills in spelling. - Present a story or a poem. -Use phonic knowledge and skills in spelling. 13 Wellness Choices – Safety & Responsibility: Health & Safety Practices Week 36 Week 37 June Technology-Integration Review all skills learned in the year (Cross-Curricular) English Language Arts Journal Writing Reading Strategy: Visualizing Math Review of ALL major concepts using: -P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams & Exam Bank Daily Math all year long Science Review of ALL major concepts using: -P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams & Exam Bank Social Studies Review of ALL major concepts using: -P.A.T. guides, past P.A.T. exams & Exam Bank P.E. & Health Fitness Yoga Fine Arts Expression Drawing and Painting Islamic Studies Unit A: The Wonderful Unseen World Arabic -Identify main ideas and details in text. - Conjugate the verb in past tense and present/ future tense. - Present a story or a poem. -Use phonic knowledge and skills in spelling. Core Subject Resources: L.A.: LLI (Levelled Literacy Intervention) 14 Week 38 Literacy in Action Empowering Writers Reading Online Program (RAZ Kids?) Math: Pearson’s Math Makes Sense Textbook, TG, & Practice Workbooks Math online program (Mathletics/IXL?) Science: EPS Teacher’s Resource EPS Student Workbook? Social Studies: Pearson’s Voices of Democracy 6 Summaries of Critical Challenges: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/ssocirm/html/summariesoftheccs/index.htm?grade=6 15