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Film Studies: La La Land, Shaun of the Dead, Pulp Fiction

ThinkIT- A level Film Studies
(C1, Section B)
‘La La Land’ (Chazelle, 2016)
Research the history of Hollywood musicals
Give definitions of the following features of
post-modernism: Parody/Pastiche/Homage.
Find and view an example of each in the film.
List all the examples of intertextuality in ‘La La
Explain how the songs are used to tell the story
of the film as much as the dialogue itself.
How does Chazelle’s musical compare to older
musicals and examples since 2000?
-Watch the trailer for ‘Whiplash’ and identify the comparisons between the
two films. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7d_jQycdQGo
-Research the jazz music movement in America. How does ‘La La Land’ pay
tribute to the musicians past and present?
-Re-watch/view the opening sequence from the film
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xVVqlm8Fq3Y . Identify as many
significances about the use of music/sound in this sequence.
-Re-watch the last audition scene from film’s narrative. In terms of the plot,
how does this suggest Mia is the main character? Identify the intended
effects of Chazelle’s choice to position her as the main character.
-The film was written/released in the 2010s but still reflects aspects of Old
Hollywood. Identify what these features are.
A Level Know It
American Film/Hollywood
Music is the Medium
-What is a typical Hollywood ending and which characters are involved?
-Summarise the significance of each song in the film.
-How does the American dream relate to the themes of the film?
-What are the effects of the costumes during each sequence?
-How is binary opposition used in the film?
-List the ways that Chazelle’s love of musicals is evident in the
film. Consider: casting, narrative, aesthetic, core features.
-How political or apolitical is the film? Argue both sides.
- Research and create a profile of performers: Ryan Gosling, Emma Stone,
J.K. Simmons and John Legend from before and after the film.
Identify links/points of interest between their Hollywood profiles/careers
and their roles within ‘La La Land’.
- What are the differences between Mia’s song and dance
numbers and Sebastian’s musical pieces? What’s the
-Watch either ‘Whiplash’ or ‘First Man’ and answer the question –
The music by Hurwitz is more influential than Chazelle’s
direction. Discuss.
ThinkIT- A level Film Studies
(C1, Section C)
‘Shaun of the Dead’, Wright (2004)
Zombie Horror
Research the history of zombie horror films
and create a timeline
Give definitions of the following features of
post-modernism: Parody/Pastiche/Homage.
Find and view an example of each in the film
List all the examples of intertextuality in ‘Shaun
of the Dead’.
Explain the ways in which the film straddles
How is Wright’s use of comedy both a strength
and a weakness for a zombie horror film?
-‘Spaced’ was Wright’s initial claim to fame. Watch any episode of the show and
establish what you think his hallmarks are/would go onto be.
-Re-watch/view the opening pub sequence from the film
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hj_dbS3PEH0 . Identify as many significances
about the use of music/sound in this sequence.
How does this sequence also set up the three sub-genres of the hybrid – horror,
comedy and romance?
-Re-watch the jukebox fight scene. In terms of the plot, how does this establish
Shaun as the hero of the film at last? Identify the intended effects of Wright’s
choice to present him unheroically earlier in the narrative.
-The film was written/released in the 2000s but still reflects aspects of classic
comedies. Identify what these features are.
A Level Know It
British Cinema
The Wright Stuff
-Give a definition of what ‘British Cinema’ means, outline the main characters
in the film, according to Propp’s theory, and explain how these would be
different in a Hollywood narrative.
--How are the films in the Cornetto Trilogy (‘Shaun of the Dead’,
-Apply Todorov’s theory to the narrative and explore how the stages are
especially British.
-Explain how political or apolitical the film can be judged. Argue for both sides
with evidence.
-Research and create a profile of performers: Simon Pegg, Nick Frost and
three others of your choice from the main cast from before and after the
release of the film. Identify links/points of interest between their British and/or
Hollywood profiles/careers and their roles within ‘Shaun of the Dead.
‘Hot Fuzz’ and “The World’s End’) remarkably different from
Wright’s other works (‘Scott Pilgrim Vs. the World, ‘Baby Driver’,
the screenplay for ‘Ant Man’)?
-List the ways that Wright’s love of cinema is evident in the film.
Consider: casting, narrative, aesthetic, core features.
- Identify the ways that Wright uses contrapuntal music in ‘Pulp
Fiction’. How does the use of music link to the hybrid genres?
-Watch another Wright film (ideally one you haven’t already seen)
and make a Venn diagram of overlapping ideas and themes. What
would you expect his next project to include?
ThinkIT- A level Film Studies
(C2,Section D)
‘Pulp Fiction’ (Tarantino, 1994)
- View this short film and then write your own
summary on Post-Modernism in film:
- Give definitions of the following features of postmodernism: Parody/Pastiche/Homage. Find and
view an example of each.
- List all the examples of intertextuality in ‘Pulp
- Explain the concept of the fourth wall and how
‘breaking the fourth wall’ applies to postmodernism.
- How is Tarantino’s use of a non-chronological
narrative structure an example of postmodernism?
-‘Pulp Fiction’ was Tarantino’s defining work but released after ‘Reservoir Dogs’
(1992) View the film’s opening scene and identify the comparisons between the
two films. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GyR4RK0LA_E
-Research the definition and history of pulp fiction in America. Find examples of
pulp fiction texts. Identify links between this genre and the film ‘Pulp Fiction’.
What links can you identify between pulp fiction and film noir?
-Re-watch/view the opening credit sequence from the film
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LI1yt38A9-E . Identify as many significances
about the use of music/sound in this sequence.
-Re-watch the diner scene from the exposition of the film’s narrative. In terms of
the plot, in which part of the narrative does the scene appear? Identify the
intended effects of Tarantino’s choice to make the scene the first viewers see.
-The film was written/released in the 1990s but still reflects aspects of New
Hollywood. Identify what these features are.
A Level Know It
Experimental Film/Hollywood
FILM Summarise the significance of Tarantino’s cameo as Jimmy in the
Tarantino as Auteur
-Outline definitions of circular narrative and atypical characters
-Research/rise your understanding of the sub-genres of experimental film e.g.
surrealism, Czech and Japanese New Wave. Identify what is significant about
their production contexts.
-What are the effects of the black and white suits used as costume in
the film?
-What are the arguments for and against ‘Pulp Fiction’s status as an
experimental film?
- What is a portmanteau film? Find examples of portmanteau films, explaining
how they fit the criteria
-Research and create a profile of performers: Bruce Willis; Uma Thurman;
John Travolta from the 80s-90s. Identify links/points of interest between their
Hollywood profiles/careers and their roles within ‘Pulp Fiction’.
-List the ways that Tarantino’s cinephile identity is evident in the
film. Consider: casting, narrative, aesthetic, core features.
- Identify the ways that Tarantino uses contrapuntal music in ‘Pulp
Fiction’. How does the use of music link to its
experimental/postmodern status?
-Find another example of a Tarantino film that uses one or more of
the stars of ‘Pulp Fiction’. Compare the
role/performance/representation of the character(s) with that of ‘Pulp