Uploaded by Saiful Islam

Biochemistry Lab Safety Rules & Regulations

Page No: 01
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
 Students should be punctual and attentive to their practical classes, so that they can
clearly understand the instructions given by the teacher about the experiment.
 Students must wear apron / lab coat (and do it up) inside the laboratory. Must use
shoes. Should use other protective wears like gloves, goggles and face shield whenever
appropriate. Contact lenses are forbidden.
 Everyone should avoid making unnecessary noise and conversation while inside the
laboratory. Students must not wear earphones / headphone while in the laboratory.
 Eating, drinking, chewing gums and smoking are prohibited. Loose hair must be tied
back. No visitor / guest are allowed.
 Before starting the experiment one must have the theoretical knowledge and clear
understanding about the experiment. They must try to gather technical knowledge
about the procedure from the teacher or laboratory instructor (Lab-technicians).
 Students must handle the laboratory equipment and apparatus with special care.
 Students should not use unclean glasswear and apparatus.
 Special caution and care is needed while handling poisonous and corrosive reagents,
sharp equipment, gas burner, electric equipment, explosive and flammable substances
and radioactive materials.
 After the procedure one should keep the apparatus, equipment or chemical / reagent
bottles in the proper place where they belong.
 Students must dispose waste properly and in a timely manner and according to the
instructions (different types of waste in specific and labeled container separately).
 In case of any accident like spillage of large amount of acid, exposure to an infected
sample or any medical condition of a student should be reported immediately.
 Nobody should remove or use anything from the shelf or table without instructor’s
 Before leaving the laboratory students should handover the apparatus, equipment,
chemical / reagent bottles as well as samples to the instructors. They should also ensure
that all burners, electrical equipment and water tap is switched off.
 Students should wash their hands before leaving the laboratory.
 Students should maintain a laboratory note book that would be signed by the respective
teacher on a regular basis. They should realize the importance of documentation of
their activities in the laboratory.
 Experiments should not be performed without an instructor in attendance and must not
be left unattended while in progress. No unauthorized experiments are allowed. No
modification of the experiments is allowed. No work outside of regular hours is allowed.
Laboratory shoe
Safety goggles
Face shield
Page No: 02
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
 Students must remember that the first safety rule is: FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS!
Whether it is listening to their teacher or lab instructor or following a procedure in a
book, it is critical to listen, pay attention, and be familiar with all the steps, from
beginning to end.
 Every participant should be aware of potential hazards or possible risk in different steps
of conducting the experiment.
 Students must become familiar with the location and use of the SAFETY SHOWERS,
 Students must know the route they are supposed to take in case of an evacuation. They
should be familiar with standard fire drill.
 Students must wear apron / lab coat (AND DO IT UP) inside the laboratory. Must use
shoes (NO SANDALS / OPEN-TOED FOOTWEAR). Should use gloves, goggles and face
shield whenever appropriate. Contact lenses are forbidden.
 Loose hair must be tied back so as to be out of the way. Dangling jewelry must be
 Should not eat or drink in the laboratory. Chewing gums and SMOKING are prohibited.
 Visitors are not allowed to be in the laboratory.
 Students MUST NOT WEAR EARPHONES / HEADPHONE while in the laboratory.
 Students should keep their work area and the common work areas clean and tidy.
 Special caution and care is needed while handling poisonous and corrosive reagents,
sharp equipment, gas burner, electric equipment, explosive and flammable substances
and radioactive materials. They should use fume hood whenever instructed.
 Students must be very cautious during collecting and handling samples (Blood / urine/
sputum) as careless attempts might make them exposed to potentially life threatening
infectious agents like Mycobacterium tuberculosis, HBV or HIV. They should wash hands
properly after collecting samples.
 Student should be very watchful in handling needles (DON’T RE-SHEAT or RE-CAP A
NEEDLE) and other sharp objects like broken glasswear.
 Students should label all test tubes and other containers with contents they have
collected / prepared.
 Students must not PLAY MAD SCIENTIST in the laboratory and should not EXPERIMENT
 Students should LEAVE EXPERIMENTS AT THE LABORATORY. They should not take it
(Sample / specimen / reagents / chemicals) home with them.
No contact lenses in Lab
Don’t disturb others
No smoking
Tie your hair back
No visitors in Lab
No chewing gums in Lab
No food or drink in Lab
No headphone/earphone
Don’t re-cap needles
Page No: 03
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
 Students must not forget: HOT GLASSWARE BURNS (Hot glassware looks the same as
cold glassware!). They should be watchful about any open flame, which should be by no
means come in contact of a flammable substance or fume / gas.
 Students must dispose waste properly and in a timely manner and according to the
instructions (Different types of waste in specific and LABELED WASTE CONTAINER
 In case of any accident like spillage of large amount of acid, exposure to an infected
sample or any medical condition of a student should be reported immediately.
 If someone is in doubt about directions for an experiment or activity or about use or
disposal of materials, the student should ask first before acting.
 Students must leave all glassware, equipment, tools, etc. as clean as or cleaner than
they found them.
 Before leaving the laboratory students should handover the apparatus, equipment,
chemical / reagent bottles as well as samples to the instructors. They should also ensure
that all burners, electrical equipment and water tap are SWITCHED OFF.
 Students should WASH THEIR HANDS before leaving the laboratory.
 The vapors of many organic solvents are flammable or combustible. Students must not
expose electric sparks, open flames and heating elements to organic solvent vapors.
Unless otherwise stated, assume ALL ORGANIC SOLVENTS ARE FLAMMABLE.
 Many chemicals (solid, liquid or vapor) are poisonous and corrosive. Students MUST
NOT EAT, TASTE OR SNIFF CHEMICALS. If it is necessary to smell a chemical, they should
do so by fanning the vapors towards their nose. NEVER INHALE DIRECTLY.
 Students should use fume hoods and personal protective equipment (Gloves / goggles /
face shield) when necessary. All strongly smelling, volatile or poisonous chemicals must
be handled (Especially during heating them) in a fume hood.
 Students must be extremely careful when transferring, distilling or mixing volatile
 They should not heat, measure or mix any chemicals in front of their face.
 Students should never heat anything in a closed system – IT WILL ACT AS A BOMB!
 Students must not pipet with their mouth.
Students must be familiar with the location and usage of the following:
Emergency shower
Fire extinguisher
Eyewash station
First aid kits
Fire blankets
Special caution and care is needed while handling the following:
Corrosive chemicals
Poisonous chemicals
Sharp objects (Broken glass, needle)
Page No: 04
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
 Students should make sure that, test tubes containing reactions are pointed away from
people, especially when they are being heated.
 Students should NEVER POUR WATER INTO CONCENTRATED ACID. Instead they should
pour acid slowly into water and stirring constantly. Mixing acid with water is often
 Concentrated acids and bases are stored in a storage rack or a fume hood. Students
should not carry them to the working bench.
 Chemical reagents are always stored in labeled bottles. Students must read the label
carefully before using the reagent. They should not take more than the required amount
of chemical and must NOT return any unused chemical back to the reagent bottle.
 Students should not pour reagents and chemicals down the sink. They should dispose
these only in designated containers.
The following substances cannot be poured down the sink / drain:
Acetone, Organic solvents or chemicals, Mercury or other heavy metals, Strong acids (pH < 5.5), Strong
bases (pH > 12.0), Malodorous substances, Hazardous waste, Infectious/biological waste, Radioactive
Anyone who fails to be governed by the Safety Regulations is subject to disciplinary action and
possible removal from the laboratory.
 Become familiar with the location of the safety showers, eyewash stations, first aid kits
and fire extinguishers. Remember, every sink with a hose can act as an eyewash station.
 Know the route you are supposed to take in case of an evacuation.
 If your clothes catch on fire, STOP, DROP and ROLL.
 In a potentially life threatening emergency situation, notify your Teacher / instructor
and call for an ambulance and / or local fire service & civil defiance station.
 For non-life threatening security emergency situations, notify your teacher / instructor,
who is also a registered physician, would provide adequate medical service.
Special caution and care is needed while handling the following:
Flamable chemicals
Lab Burners
Comburstible chemicals
Radioactive materials
Electric equipments
Infectious samples & contaminated objects
Students must be very careful about the following matters:
DO NOT – Sniff (directly), Eat, taste or Touch CHEMICALS
Be careful about HOT glasswear and equipment
NO Mouth pipetting
Awareness poster
Page No: 05
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
Burns represent the most common injury in the Biochemistry laboratory. They are generally of
either the thermal or chemical type.
 Thermal burn: First aid for surface burns of the thermal type involves immersing the
burned part in cool water or applying an ice pack to relieve pain and prevent swelling
and blistering. The burn is then covered with a clean, sterile, lint-free dressing. Do not
apply lotions, ointments or oily dressings. For more serious burns involving deeper
layers of skin and tissue, arrange for immediate medical aid.
 Chemical burns: To minimize injury due to chemical burns, the chemical must be
removed from the skin immediately. Flush liquid chemicals away with water; continue
to flush for 20 minutes. Continue first aid as for a thermal burn. Medical attention
should always be sought in the case of chemical burns, especially as delayed reactions
are not uncommon.
 Quickly remove all contaminated clothing while using the safety shower to flush the
chemical from the skin. Time is of the essence here and there is no place for modesty.
Continue to flush the affected area with water for at least 20 minutes. Do not use
chemical neutralizers. Treat any chemical burns as outlined in the Burns section above.
 Immediately flush the affected area with cold water. Once again, time is of the essence.
Do not use chemical neutralizers. Treat any chemical burns as outlined in the Burns
section above.
 Immediately flood the eyes with water so as to dilute and eliminate the chemical. Hold
the eyelids open to facilitate the process. Flush the eyes for at least 20 minutes. Apply
clean dressings over both eyes and arrange for immediate medical aid, regardless of the
severity of the injury.
Waste should be disposed in colour coded containers according to instruction.
Use Fume hood while handling strongly smelling, volatile, corrosive or poisonous chemicals.
Page No: 06
Name of the experiment:
Exp No: 01
Introduction to Biochemistry laboratory.
Date: 05/02/20
 Contact the ASWMCH or JMCH and call for ambulance. Identity of the poison, the
quantity taken, the route of entry into the body and the time elapsed since the
ingestion. The attending teacher in the laboratory, who is also a registered physician,
will start immediate management according to the situation and the nature of the
poison, until the ambulance arrives.
Before leaving the laboratory, make sure that: