Fundamental particles Particle quarks Baryon Strangeness Charge number n ddu + p uud Σdds uuu uud udd ddd Particle quarks Baryon Strangeness Charge number + ̅ π πQuark u d s c b t Charge +2/3 -1/3 -1/3 +2/3 -1/3 +2/3 1. Fill in the baryon number, strangeness and charge for the particles in the tables above. 2. The last three particles are all Δ particles. Δ+, Δ++, Δ-, Δo. Put the names in the correct rows 3. Show that baryon number and charge are conserved in the following interactions Σ → + Δ → + Δ → + 4. Why isn’t strangeness number conserved in the first interaction? © Chris Hamper, InThinking 1