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Ideology & Music: Lecture Notes on Cultural & Political Uses

0920 Lec3
What is ideology?
A system of ideas about how the world should be
Politics, religion, law, philosophy, aesthetics, culture
How can music be ideological?
The ideas of beauty
Why do people make music?
Self-expression: Music is appropriate to express emotion/experience
Amusement/ Entertainment
Music with capitalism/individualism?
Music can display, rehearse or create power, legitimacy, righteousness,
social/cosmic harmony etc.
For instruction and cultivation of self or others
Cultivation of harmony, social order
Religious practice
[For ritual hearing, transformation]
Court Music:
Two philosophical sources:
1) Daoism: legend states founded by mystic Laotzi
2) Confucianism: Kong Zi
“Lead the people with administrative injunctions and keep them orderly
with penal law, and they will avoid punishments but will be without a
sense of shame. Lead them with excellence and keep them orderly
through observing ritual
A tonal order (a system of pitches) as a moral order, or a reflection of that
Dynastic change, tonal reform
Fixed pitch instruments: sounding image of social order and its stability
What kinds of order? Hierarchies
Heaven: earth: humans
Confucian relationships of filial piety
Brothers (elder and younger)
Social structure
Upper classes(in order)
Lower classes:
Example: Guan Pinghu “Flowing Water” (guqin)
Military, salves, entertainers, etc.
How could this music aid in self-cultivation?
Practice, skill development
“Sound painting,” or music’s program
Contemplating a scene, the natural elements of that scene
Harmonics, acoustic, a kind of experimentation
Music and idology in the PRC (1949 and onwards)
Lau: using music to disseminate political messages… shades of
Confucian thought about music
Glorify Mao/party, express gratitude
Commemorate battles and regions assoc. with Civil War
Promote political/reform campaigns
Recount class struggle
Promote unity (esp.among minorities)
Praise work