ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM: A PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT TO REDUCE CORRUPTION, INCREASE REVENUE COLLECTION AND PROMOTE COMPLIANCE FROM TAXPAYERS. GRADUATE SCHOOL MASTERS IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION In final fulfillment of the requirements for Managerial Accounting and Control Prepared by: Jeffrey Jan T. Peralta Submitted to: Prof. Edgel Earl A. Abear, CPA, DBA INTRODUCTION The Bureau of Internal Revenue is under the supervision and control of the Department of Finance and its powers and duties shall comprehend the assessment and collection of all national internal revenue taxes, fees, and charges, and the enforcement of all forfeitures, penalties, and fines connected therewith, including the execution of judgments in all cases decided in its favor by the Court of Tax Appeals and the ordinary courts. The Bureau shall give effect to and administer the supervisory and police powers conferred to it by this Code or other laws. (Section 2 of the National Internal Revenue Code of 1997). BIR collects more than half of the total revenues of the government. Accounts Receivable Management System (ARms) is a web-based system that enables the establishment of accurate Accounts Receivable/Delinquent Account database covering all concerned BIR offices for easy monitoring/tracking and timely generation of the required correspondences and reports. The system likewise provides functionalities for online generation of Tax Clearances requested by taxpayers who are participating in government biddings and other purposes, the processing and monitoring of installment agreements, actions on applications for compromise settlement/abatement, the enforcement of summary remedies from issuance and execution of Warrant of Distraints and Levy, as well as the disposition/auction of seized real/personal properties for conversion into cash/revenues. The Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR) is among the topped on the list of the most corrupt departments and agencies of the government, in a report released in 2019 by the Presidential Anti-Corruption Commission (PACC). Company are able to evade payment of billions of taxes that should have been collected due to corruption in the bureau internal revenue. (Tax expert Mon Abrea) Corruption has fierce impacts on economic and societal development and has permeated through entire portions of society and the economy. Corruption is a complex social phenomenon and the motivations to engage in corrupt behavior are multifaceted and is the result of interactions at the micro-, meso-, and macrolevel (Bicchieri and Ganegonda, 2016; Dimant and Schulte, 2016) There is a broad consensus that Information Communication Technology have the potential to make a significant contribution to the fight against corruption. By facilitating the flow of information between government institutions, between government and citizens, as well as among citizens, new technologies can promote transparency, accountability and civic participation (Chene, 2011). There are numerous ways in which Information Communication Technology can trigger positive change: by reducing the asymmetries of information between public officials and citizens; limiting the discretion of public officials; automatizing processes, cutting out intermediaries, and reducing red tape and bureaucracy. (Zinnbauer, 2012). THEORETICAL & CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Input ALLEGATIONS OF CORRUPTION AND UNATTAINED COLLECTION TARGETS DUE TO VULNERABILITY TO CORRUPTION, BLOATED ASSESSMENTS AND DISSATISFIED TAXPAYERS Process DESCRIPTIVE STUDY Output PROPOSAL TO INCLUDE AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT IN ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM TO REDUCE CORRUPTION, INCREASE COLLECTION AND PROMOTE COMPLIANCE FROM TAXPAYERS. RESEARCH DESIGN The purpose of this study is to propose enhancement in Accounts Receivable Management System (ARms) to promote transparency in the bureaucracy, reduce vulnerability to corruption, encourage compliance from the tax paying public and increase revenue collection for the interest of the government. METHOD This concept paper had utilized quantitative and qualitative research in collecting data. Data were first obtained through researcher-made survey questionnaire. The survey was participated by various delinquent taxpayers and conducted at the office during their informal conferences with assign revenue seizure agents. Secondary data were based on the report from Receivable Accounts Collection Enforcement Section. The report is based on the number of taxpayers who’ve availed of compromise settlement on the grounds that the assessment is doubtful in nature for the period October - December, 2019. Survey Results Statement 1. The office will automate the assessment where it can be viewed online. 2. The office respond to the needs of its Response Result Pct. Agee 24 96.0% Disagree 0 0.0% No Opinion 1 4.0% Agee 2 8.0% Disagree 23 92.0% No Opinion 0 0.0% Agee 18 72.0% Disagree 3 12.0% No Opinion 2 8.0% client in a timely manner. 3. The office is highly vulnerable to corruption due to its function. Data Receivable Accounts Collection Enforcement Section No of taxpayer who availed of compromise settlement Doubtful Financial Validity Incapacity October 29 (26%) November Month No Application TOTAL 16 (14%) 67 (60%) 112 (100%) 21 (20%) 12 (11%) 74 (69%) 107 (100%) December 27 (24%) 18 (16%) 68 (60%) 113 (100%) TOTAL 77 (23%) 46 (14%) 209 (63%) 332 (100%) PROBLEM STATEMENT The issue is that Accounts Receivable Management System (ARms) only deals with the assessment when it becomes delinquent and not while the investigation is on-going in the respected Revenue District Offices. This means that the revenue officer will have the freedom on how to go about the assessment and corruption may happen during this process through bribery or extortion. RECOMMENDATION To include in the web-based system the computerized matching of taxpayers’ tax return which will automatically generate an assessment including all penalties if there are any discrepancies taxpayer returns/reports. The automated assessment will then be assigned to a revenue officer for further verifications, review and provide updates online. The taxpayer is also able to view the automated assessment online through a specific link to check on updates that will be posted by the revenue officer assign to the case.