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Assignment 3

Assignment 3: Different shapes with its Fourier Transform
Due Date: 20/12/2020
Task 1:
Watch the video in the assignment page and then you have to draw two shapes of
polygon in paint program and then write a Matlab code to:
1. For each of these shape you have to create three versions of it:
a. Translate the polygon into another location.
b. Rotate the polygon into another direction.
c. Scale the polygon into another size.
2. Find their Fourier Transform.
3. Display all the polygons with their Fourier Transform.
Task 2:
Write a Matlab code to read ‘rice.png’ image and to do the following:
a. Add salt and pepper noise into the rice image (img1) of amount 0.1 and
save it in a noisy_img.
b. Create a new image of the same size of rice image and name it
Apply a 5 × 5 average filter with replicate border into the first half of the
noisy_img (col. 1 to col. 128), and save it in the first half of the
Apply a 3 × 3 median filter into the second half of the noisy_img (from
col.129 to col.256), and save it in the second half of the smoothed_img.
Display the result after filtering (smoothed_img).
Apply a Gaussian low-pass filter on the noisy_img with D0=30 and D0=15
and display the results