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Alternative Car Fuels: Biodiesel, Electric, Hydrogen

Alternative Fuels for Cars
1st December 2014
Cars are major polluters in our society, they omit fossil fuels into the air and considering we
are highly dependent on our cars running and every day we use them. So you think every
household in the UK (25,691,000 households in the UK) and there is 1.1 cars per those
households on average. The amount is around 28,260,100. On a global scale for instance
America and Russia you think there are way more than the amount of cars in our country
releasing these fossil fuels into the air. Around 1/7th of the world use cars.
Biodiesel is an alternative fuel based on vegetable oils or animal fats, even those recycled
after restaurants have used them for cooking. Vehicle engines can be converted to burn
biodiesel in its pure form, and biodiesel can also be blended with petroleum diesel and used
in unmodified engines. Positive: Biodiesel is safe, biodegradable, reduces air pollutants
associated with vehicle emissions, such as particulate matter, carbon monoxide and
hydrocarbons. Negative: Limited production and distribution infrastructure.
Electricity can be used as a transportation alternative fuel for battery-powered electric and
fuel-cell vehicles. Battery powered electric vehicles store power in batteries that are
recharged by plugging the vehicle into a standard electrical source. Positive: Electricity for
transportation is highly efficient, and we already have an extensive electricity network.
Negative: Much electricity is generated today from coal or natural gas, leaving a bad carbon
footprint. (Nonetheless, electric vehicles are still the greenest option around when it comes
to cars.)
Hydrogen can be mixed with natural gas to create an alternative fuel for vehicles that use
certain types of internal combustion engines. Hydrogen is also used in fuel-cell vehicles that
run on electricity produced by the petrochemical reaction that occurs when hydrogen and
oxygen are combined in the fuel “stack.” Positive: No bad emissions. Negative: Cost. And
also the lack of fueling infrastructure and difficulty of putting it in place.
There are just a few examples of alternative fuels, you need to begin to use them as our world, our
homes and our planets may come under great danger if we don't make a change. It is important too
because fossil fuels are running out. They help us make electricity, so if you save fossil fuels enough,
as at the minute fossil fuels could be gone in the next 20 years, they will last much longer and our
alternative fuels will come into much greater need and use. Some of them there are vast supplies of.
Elg - T 2020
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_fuel