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KFH Libshara Commercial Analysis

University of Bahrain
Collage of Business Administration
Marketing Department
MKT263 - Marketing Advertising
Assignment: Analyzing KFH Libshara
Mkt 263 – Sec1 | Dr. Hisham Al-Oraydh
Fajer Taleb Hussain - 20132146
Fatima Mahdi Ali Mayoof - 20154217
Abdulla Yaseen Alghasra - 20157601
A. About KFH:
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) is considered a pioneer in the Islamic banking
phenomenon known as ”Islamic Finance” or “Sharia’a” compliant banking.
Kuwait Finance House (KFH) is the first Islamic bank established in 1977 in
the State of Kuwait and today it’s one of the foremost Islamic financial
institutions in the world.
“Libshara” is an investment savings account, compliant with the Islamic
Shari’a principles, in which the funds are invested on a “Mudaraba” basis.
“Libshara” is an Arabic vernacular meaning the announcement of unexpected
great news.
B. The Aim:
The aim of this report is to analyze the KFH- Kuwait Finance House
commercial About Libshara investment prizes it will highlight the Components
of the communication process. As well as it will mention other analysis like
features of the commercial, limitation, Opinion of others and ours too.
C. Communication Process Analysis:
1. Sponsor& Sender
Sponsor: a person or organization that pays for or contributes to the costs
involved in staging a sporting or artistic event in return for advertising.
KFH was the sponsor of this commercial to promote for their Libshara
Source (Sender): the person who want to deliver a message for a target
In Libshara Commercial, the source was people from the general public make
up all segments of society to show up that they’re alive between us, As well
as the receiver will believe it more by feeling such contribution provided by
2. Encoding
-Transferring the idea into a message contains verbal and gestural codes.
KFH used to encode the message in an easy way, As well as common
synonyms that familiar to the target audience which is Libshara and
happiness feeling to be understood easily by them.
3. Message
-The message is that the company wants to attract the consumers to open an
account in their bank, and to have a chance to win in Libshara deal. The
whole message was verbal in the commercial except the types of grand prizes
mentioned in the end were written.
3.1. Content
The approaches used to deliver the message are the Rational and
Emotional appeals.
3.2. Emotional appeals:
"LIBishara" which means the good news that can be heard. The owners of the
accounts of "Libishara" are eligible to receive the following prizes provided by
the shareholders of the bank.
Was used in the commercial, the commercial brought joy and made some
people happy and gained people's emotions. Also they used traditional theme
to attract old people to invest with them as well as the national spirits
especially when they mentioned "Our national team won the championship".
3.3. Rational appeals:
Through the announcement, most people will open an account at KFH
because the prizes are very valuable and luxurious and the prizes will be
monthly. This may attract many people because the opportunity to get the
prize may be very high because it is monthly.
3.4. Structure
As shown the objective of this commercial was mentioned in the end after
presenting a lot of success and optimist emotions. Where the commercial
started with a child who announce to his mother that he passed, then the
commercial moves on to another announcement which is winning the
championship by our national team, in addition the commercial mentioned that
a fresh graduated who had a vacancy to work with the sponsor itself. Finally,
the objective arises when one of KFH employees call a customer to tell him
that he won the grand prize.
Therefore, the objective of the commercial was in the end through a voice
over which aware and encourage the target audience with the opportunity of
winning monthly grand prizes.
The commercial contains single argument which was the '' Libshara '' grand
3.5. Design
-Since the focus as to bring joy to the audience the colors in the commercial
including the theme, the clothes, the props were in bright joyful colors.
-The voice was clear and language used was easy to understand because
they used Bahraini accent and slang, so the message would be delivered
The majority used are sound and movement effects. However, they used
written message in the end of the commercial to shed lights on the grand
prizes offered by KFH.
4. Channel used
-The way that transfer the message from sender to receiver.
KFH used non-personal channel as well as they used their own E-channels
and social media accounts to be delivered for many individuals at the same
time to generate direct interaction and communication with their target
5. Receiver
-Individual who receives the message and they are define as the target
According to the commercial the target audience is all segments includes
employees, students, retired, nationalities and others whom looking for saving
their money in saving accounts in order to increase the opportunity of winning
a lot of prizes such as: amount of money or owning assets and other gifts.
6. Decoding
-Is the process of transferring message back into thoughts.
The field of experience between both the sender and the receiver is
celebrating different important announcements in Bahrain daily life.
In the end of the commercial one of the staffs of KFH call a customer to tell
him that he won the grand prize. The common scenes that were illustrated our
common in every individual in Bahrain therefore the message was delivered
clearly and easily, and the audience was able to get the message.
7. Noise
-Any distortion that may interfere the message.
o Many people will not bother themselves by opening this commercial
because they are already agents of other competing banks like BBK &
NBB which have similar type of accounts.
o Nowadays many of the residents in Bahrain are non-Arabic speakers and
the commercial was in Arabic therefore the non-Arabic speakers will not
understand the commercial and will not open an account in KFH.
8. Response
-The receiver reaction after seeing the commercial.
The commercial left the final decision for the audience so they can go to the
bank and open an account and start to deposit money in the account or not.
8. Feedback
-Receivers response that is communicated back to the sender.
Feedback can be seen through social media likes and views, Since they used
social media channels like Instagram and Youtube its easy to find the amount
of likes and views on the commercial, 649 views out of 20.1k followers on
instagram which is 3.25%, For the Youtube channel the commercial has been
seen by 226,377 viewers.
C. Features and limitations/Shortcomings:
Features include in "Al-Bishara" commercial:
- Sequential video quality from the past until the present are clear colors.
Moreover, there was an old-fashioned car at the beginning of the video and
old places, while in the closing it turned out that the son had grown up and
learned and even became a bank worker.
The limitations include in "Al-Bishara" commercial:
-As long as they made their best, But not the best of best. We will call it
Shortcomings because they used the same vibes from the beginning till the
end like the music, tone and reactions.
- They movement with fast transition in the time period from the 1980's to the
current days, (80's days and the bank branch as well as the prizes are
- Few views on this commercial in both channels, which shows that they failed
to well promoting this commercial.
- As long as they locked the comments on their channels so they prevent the
interaction and the feedback of viewers.
D. Our opinion about the commercial:
In our perception, KFH succeed in creating the message because they fulfilled
all the elements of the communication process successfully especially the
emotional appeals of the message such as: joy, announcements, slang and
simple theme.