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COVID-19 PSA: Global Impact & Problems

Title: PSA On the Covid-19 and the problems it is causing the world
Hospitals in NYC and Spain are being
overrun by coronavirus patients.
Tragically so many people have died
that in places like NYC some victims
unclaimed by family are being buried
in mass graves.
Nurses and healthcare workers are
risking their lives to treat them.
Some hospitals in Covid-19 hotspots
have to have military vehicles carry
away load after load of dead bodies
to these graves.
Another problem is that many
countries were not prepared for this
type of pandemic and do not have
enough life saving ventilators for the
And unfortunately many of those
who do get put on a ventilator never
make it off.
Sadly some of these healthcare
workers have caught and died from
Sadly also due to the shortage of
ventilators in doctors have had to
choose who and who doesn’t gets a
Which is some cases is the difference
of life and death.
Another huge problem problem is
that due to many countries wisely
ordering everyone to wear
facemasks there is a large amount of
people buying making them
unavailable to some.
Also not all face masks can properly
block the coronaviruses germs. And
there is even fewer of the ones that
can properly block the germs.
While it might not be so much of a
problem as it is a major
inconvenience but another thing that
people are being told to do by their
nations medical professionals is
social distancing.
The reason that this is a
inconvenience is because in order to
slow the spread people should a
distance of at least 6 feet from
people that do not live in their home
One of the actual orders from
nations around the world to their
civilians is the stay at home order.
A major problem from the
coronavirus is the affect it will have
on economies around the world.
This order prevents civilians from
leaving their place of residence
unless for exercise or necessary
travel such as the grocery store
Whatever the effects it is widely
believed that many countries will
enter a recession once this is over.
The purpose of this PSA was to inform you on the effects covid-19 is having on the world.
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