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eCQM Library & Quality Improvement in Healthcare

DNP825 What information is the eCQM Library?
Health Information Management and Informatics
Module 8 Assignment
A group of family practice physicians are having issues
meeting stage 2 of meaningful use because the staff forget
to provide patients
with information on accessing the portal. The staff
complain that they don’t
have enough time to go over the process with the patients
and the printed
information is stacked in the utility room. Which quality
improvement process
should the nurse leader use to analyze this issue?
Access the CMS.gov web site: https://www.cms.gov/ and
Read about the Quality Payment Programs and EHR Incentives.
Then select up-to-date information available for CQM
Reporting options and answer the following questions:
What information is the eCQM Library?
Using the educational resources available, how can the
leader use these resources when participating in the design
of the eCQM
Include both topics in a 1200-1500 word APA essay, using a
minimum or 4 scholarly sources to support your perspective.
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