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"A Sound of Thunder" Vocabulary Homework

Name: Period: VOCABULARY HOMEWORK: “A Sound of Thunder” Definitions
1. annihilate – destroy; wipe out 5. delirium – extreme mental problems 2. expendable – unnecessary; worth getting rid of 6. resilient – returns to its original shape; elastic 3. depression – major economic downturn, high 7. remit – return payment unemployment 8. revoke – cancel; withdraw 4. paradox – something that has contradictory 9. primeval – primitive; from a long time ago qualities
10. subliminal – below the level of awareness
Part I – Match the word with its closest synonym or definition. ____1. annihilate a. flexible ____2. expendable b. eliminate ____3. depression c. cancel ____4. paradox d. inconsistency ____5. delirium e. take away ____6. resilient f. unneeded ____7. remit g. prehistoric ____8. revoke h. decline ____9. primeval i.
____10. subliminal
j. insanity
hidden Part II – Sentence Completion - Using the definition of the underlined word, creatively finish each sentence starter with an appropriate response. 1. Many people suffered during the Great Depression because… 2. The patient had a high fever, and in his delirium he thought he saw…
3. Carl’s driver’s license was revoked after he… 4. When the army bombed the city, it annihilated all of the…
5. Kings, queens, knights, and ladies lived in medieval times, while in primitive times lived…
All Rights Reserved © Brynn Allison 2016 theliterarymaven.com
1. annihilate – destroy; wipe out 5. delirium – extreme mental problems 2. expendable – unnecessary; worth getting rid of 6. resilient – returns to its original shape; elastic 3. depression – major economic downturn, high 7. remit – return payment unemployment 8. revoke – cancel; withdraw 4. paradox – something that has contradictory 9. primeval – primitive; from a long time ago qualities
10. subliminal – below the level of awareness
Part III – Sentence Completion – Same as Tuesday night. 6. I had to remit Sarah’s money for her ticket to the dance because… 7. As the boat was sinking, expendable items were thrown overboard, such as… 8. The best tires are resilient and can… 9. The fortune teller claimed she could read my subliminal thoughts and knew that… 10. When some says that a heavy load is light to carry, that is a paradox, and so is the saying… Part IV – Choose a word from the list above and fill in the following boxes. Word: Define it in your own words: Draw a picture of it:
Examples: 1. 2. 3. Non-­examples: 1. 2. 3. All Rights Reserved © Brynn Allison 2016 theliterarymaven.com