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SWNT Fiber Purification by Current Injection & Acid Washing

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Cite this: RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 97865
Efficient purification of single-walled carbon
nanotube fibers by instantaneous current injection
and acid washing†
Shuhui Li,a Yuanyuan Shang,*a Wenqi Zhao,b Ying Wang,a Xinjian Lia
and Anyuan Cao*b
Growth of carbon nanotubes is usually accompanied by the trapping of large amount of amorphous
impurities and catalyst residue. So far, most purification methods have focused on powder-form
products and their dispersions. Here, we present a simple yet highly efficient method to directly purify
twist-spun single-walled carbon nanotube (SWNT) fibers by applying an instantaneous high current
through the fiber. The generated Joule heat burns away the amorphous carbon species coated on
SWNT bundles, and exposes Fe particles that can be easily washed by diluted acid, resulting in very clean
Received 20th August 2016
Accepted 10th October 2016
fibers. The purified fibers, consisting of only larger-size and clean-surface SWNT bundles, show
significantly enhanced electrical and mechanical properties. Our purification method is suitable to clean
DOI: 10.1039/c6ra20967j
long continuous single-walled or multi-walled nanotube fibers fabricated in various ways and those
containing a large amount of residual catalyst and co-deposited carbonaceous impurity.
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one-dimensional nanostructures
that typically grow from catalysts such as metallic nanoparticles, therefore as-synthesized products usually contain
a signicant amount of catalyst particles.1–4 For practical
applications, it is demanding to remove those residual catalysts
and other carbonaceous impurities as their presence is detrimental to the mechanical and electrical properties, and consequently impair the ultimate performance. To this end, there
have been extensive efforts in exploring effective techniques to
produce high-purity CNT samples.5–7 Although a number of
work can synthesize high purity single-walled carbon nanotubes
(SWNTs) by depositing a very thin catalyst layer or by in situ
monitoring the role of working catalyst,8 most of studies have
focused on post-treatment methods which can be low-cost and
scalable for industrial production. So far, a variety of purication methods have been reported, such as microwave heating,9
high-temperature calcinations,10 in combination with acid
treatment where ultrasonication, ltration and centrifugation
processes are frequently involved.11,12 The majority of above
recipes are developed to treat random, powder-form samples
dispersed in solvents, and are not suitable for assembled CNT
School of Physical Engineering, Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, Henan 450052,
China. E-mail: yuanyuanshang@zzu.edu.cn
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Engineering, Peking
University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China. E-mail: anyuan@pku.edu.cn
† Electronic supplementary
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structures at different dimensions, for example, aligned arrays,
porous networks, and twist-spun bers.
Among various macroscopic assemblies, CNT bers have
stimulated tremendous interest owing to their high mechanical
strength, electrical conductivity, exibility and weavability.13–18
Traditionally, CNT bers were prepared by extruding surfactantstabilized suspensions in continuous way.19,20 Aer that, twistspun bers were obtained by directly spinning as-grown CNT
aerogels or spiderwebs, or extracting a continuous ber/sheet
from a substrate-supported aligned array.21–24 Compared to
solution extrusion methods, dry-spinning of CNT bers holds
important advantages as the original lengths and interconnections between as-grown nanotubes/bundles are well protected,
a key factor for reaching high strength and conductivity. Twistspun CNT bers have demonstrated many intriguing applications such as torsional actuators and articial muscles,25,26
energy storage wires such as supercapacitors and batteries,27,28
and high purity of those bers is critical for achieving superior
performance in various elds. However, so far there have been
no efficient methods to purify those long continuous bers, and
the trapped impurities as well as catalyst particles make
a potential source for increasing the ber weight, reducing
structure homogeneity, and causing performance degradation
in mechanical or electrical applications. To purify a CNT ber,
a major obstacle is how to access the inner regions enclosed by
tightly-twisted CNTs, and remove the impurities without dismissing the integral ber structure.
Here, we present a simple yet highly efficient method to
purify twist-spun SWNT bers, while simultaneously improve
their mechanical and electrical properties. We nd that an
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instantaneous large current can burn away the carbonaceous
impurities and expose residual Fe catalyst particles that can be
easily washed by diluted acid. Our method could obtain very
pure SWNT bers (from surface to inside), and is especially
suitable for cleaning very dirty bers containing a large amount
of carbonaceous impurity and residual catalyst. Preliminary
tests have revealed 3 to 4-fold improvement of electrical
conductivity and enhanced strength as well as cyclic loading
behavior of those highly puried bers.
Experimental section
Preparation of as-spun SWNT bers
We synthesized thin lms consisting of interconnected singlewalled nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition as reported in
our previous work. Precursors are ferrocene (catalyst) and xylene
(carbon source). Reaction temperature was set as 1160 C; at
this temperature single-walled nanotubes will form in the vapor
phase and be blown out to low-temperature zone by the carrier
gas (mixed Ar/H2). The freestanding CNT lms were picked up
from the downstream side of the CVD reaction quartz tube, and
then used for spinning. One end of the CNT lm was xed to the
sha tip of an electric motor that was controlled by a power
supply (voltage controller, set as 1.5 V for spinning). The other
end of the lm was xed to the edge of a metal block that could
move freely across a smooth glass surface. The entire lm was
suspended between the motor and the block. The motor was
operated at a speed of about 3000 revolutions per minute (rpm),
and the CNT lm was spun into a straight yarn.
Purication of as-spun SWNT ber by current injection and
acid washing
An as-spun SWNT ber was connected to electrical wires by
conductive adhesive and silver paste applied at its two ends on
glass slides, and the ber between two ends was suspended
between glass slides to avoid touching other substrates and nonuniform heating. The resistance of sample was measured with
a multimeter. Typically, we applied a voltage of 45 V on a SWNT
ber with a resistance of 25 U (length ¼ 8 cm, diameter ¼ 138 mm).
Such an appropriate voltage value depending on the ber resistance was loaded for a short period of about 1 second. In a word,
the voltage was selected to ensure that the current density through
the ber is in a suitable range to avoid inadequate or excessive
oxidation. Aer loading the voltage, the ber was soaked in dilute
hydrochloric acid (HCl, 0.1 mol L1) for 12 hours, and then washed
in deionized water for several times. At last the ber was dried in
a vacuum drying oven at 80 C for 4 hours. We also prepared
puried bers without current-induced heating as a reference
sample. In this case, as-spun bers were directly puried through
hydrogen peroxide (H2O2, 1 mol L1, 12 hours) and dilute hydrochloric acid (HCl, 0.1 mol L1, 12 hours) treatment. At last the
bers were dried in a vacuum drying oven at 80 C for 4 hours.
Characterization and calculation
The surface and internal morphology of SWNT bers before and
aer purication were characterized by scanning electron
97866 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 97865–97872
microscopy (SEM, JEOL JSM-6700F, Japan) and transmission
electron microscopy (TEM JEOL JEM-2100). Chemical composition of the puried bers is detected by X-ray photoelectron
spectroscopy (XPS). The resistance of ber were recorded by fourelectrode method with a digital source-meter (Keithley2636 and
2400). Raman spectrometer (Renishaw-in Via Reex) was used to
authenticate the degree of purication while the excitation wavelength was 514 nm. The mass ratio of the original SWNTs ber
and puried ber were evaluated by thermal gravimetric analysis
(TGA LINSEIS STA PT1600) in air at 1000 C (10 C min1).
Mechanical tests were carried out in a single-column testing
instrument (Instron 5843) equipped with a load cell of 10 N. The
two ends of a CNT ber were xed on a small piece of paper
cutting centrally with a rectangular window by polyvinyl alcohol
as adhesive paint. Both ends of the paper were clamped with the
grips with the ber dangling vertically and aligned along the
grip axis. The paper was cut from the side to free the CNT ber.
For tension tests, the upper grip was moved away at a constant
speed of 1.0 mm min1. For 1000 loading–unloading cycles, the
strain rate was 125% per minute for all the cycles.
The conductivity of the SWNT bers was calculated using
follow formula:
where k represents the electrical conductivity, L is the diameter
of the bers measuring centimeter scale; R is the resistance of
the bers; S is the sectional area of the bers and it was
calculated by formula
pd 2
where d is diameter of ber. Four-electrode method was used to
measure the resistance. Neighboring distance of four electrodes
which were marked with A, B, C and D in sequence were about
LAB ¼ 2.6 cm, LBC ¼ 1.7 cm and LCD ¼ 2.3 cm as an example,
while homologous sectional area were labeled as SAB, SBC, SCD.
We loaded constant current 0.002 A between electrode A and D
(IAD) and measured simultaneously the voltage between electrode A and B (VAB), B and C (VBC), C and D (VCD) by turn.
Consequently, the resistances of three sections were
Finally the conductivity is average value of these three
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Results and discussion
Our purication method involves two sequential steps
including (1) an instantaneous high current injection through
the ber length and, (2) washing by diluted hydrochloride acid
(illustrated in Fig. 1a). The rst step removes amorphous
carbon and exposes Fe particles, whereas the second step cleans
residual catalyst completely by mild acid dissolution. To do this,
an as-spun SWNT ber suspended between two metal electrodes was subjected to a current injection by applying a high
voltage instantaneously (40 to 110 V, depending on the ber
length and diameter). Given a ber resistance of 25 U at a span
of 80 mm (shown in Fig. 1b), the current ow through the ber
is on the order of hundreds of mA. Upon the current injection,
the ber exhibited very bright incandescent light with a slight
yellow smoke coming out, indicating that carbonaceous species
and some Fe particles are burnt away. We estimate that the
instantaneous temperature of the ber might reach more than
1000 C to give such bright emission. Aer subsequent acid
Fig. 1
washing, rinsing and drying, the ber maintained the original
morphology without obvious change in the ber length and
diameter as seen by eyes. In principle, this method is applicable
to bers consisting of SWNTs or multi-walled nanotubes made
from various methods, and bers of different diameters and
We have carried out scanning electron microscopy (SEM)
and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) characterization
on the structural evolution of the SWNT bers through the
above process. The as-spun ber shows a uffy surface containing twisted SWNTs, among which a lot of small particles
and short curved nanotubes are observed (Fig. 2a). We have
adopted a high ferrocene concentration and precursor injection
rate to grow bers with a considerable amount of impurities.
The micro-morphology has changed noticeably aer current
injection. There are numerous polyhedral nanocrystals
appearing at the gaps between SWNT bundles, indicating the
formation of iron oxide crystals due to the current-induced
Joule heating in air (Fig. 2b). These crystals distribute
Mechanism of purification of SWNT fiber by instantaneous current injection and acid washing.
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Fig. 2
Structural evolution of as-spun (a), current injected (b), and current injected/acid washed (c) SWNT fibers during purification process.
uniformly at both the surface part and inside of the ber,
a consequence of the in situ current injection through the crosssection. Aer acid washing and drying, the ber diameter has
decreased from originally 100 mm to now 64 mm, due to the
removal of trapped oxide crystals (Fig. 2c). SEM images on both
the ber surface and inside do not reveal any trace of catalyst
particles (Fig. 2c, and ESI, Fig. S1†), suggesting that our purication method is highly efficient for tightly twisted bers. We
also notice that initially the lateral sizes of SWNT bundles are
relatively small (20–50 nm or less), but the bundle sizes in the
puried ber have increased to 50–100 nm or more (Fig. 2i).
This is a clear evidence that the interaction between SWNTs has
been enhanced owing to the removal of amorphous carbon
coating and residual catalyst, and adjacent small bundles tend
to aggregate under van der Waals force between SWNT shells.
TEM images reveal more useful information. In the as-spun
ber, a thick amorphous carbon layer is coated on virtually all
as-grown SWNT bundles (Fig. 3a). Co-deposition of such
amorphous coating is a common phenomenon that has been
observed in many SWNT products synthesized from different
methods.29–31 Furthermore, it also covers on the residual Fe
particles, forming carbon-encapsulated metal particles that are
tough to remove. The main function of our current-injection
step is to remove all the carbonaceous species, from both the
SWNTs and Fe particles. As a result, we observe SWNT bundles
with very clean surface and those exposed Fe oxide crystals
where the carbon coating has disappeared (Fig. 3b). This has
paved the way for subsequent acid dissolution of Fe particles.
Aer HCl washing and drying, the ber became very dense and
97868 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 97865–97872
we have to split it in order to characterize its inner portion by
TEM. Along the split ber edge there are close-packed SWNT
bundles with few catalyst residue (Fig. 3c), consistent with SEM
image. Although most of bundles are aligned along the ber
axis, the circular cross-sections of SWNTs arranged in triangular
lattice are frequently observed in those bending or kinked
bundles. TEM results reveal that the catalyst residue trapped
inside the ber has been removed completely. To further
conrm that Fe atoms have been removed, the as-spun, current
injected and puried bers were characterized by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy measurements (XPS). As shown in Fig. 3d,
the wide XPS spectrum of as-spun SWNT ber indicates the
presence of C, O, and Fe elements in the sample. Aer purication by instantaneous current injection and hydrochloric
acid, signals of C and O1s remain there but Fe2p peak has
disappeared, indicating that the iron oxide particles have been
removed completely.
We also used Raman spectroscopy to check the structural
evolution during our purication process and the presence of
impurities or defects, structural integrity and distribution of
different diameters of SWNTs. The as-spun ber, ber aer
current injection, and puried ber (aer washing away catalyst) all show typical G-band (1590 cm1), D-band (1340 cm1),
and radial breathing modes (RBM) related to SWNTs (Fig. 3e).
Specically, the D-band has diminished aer current injection,
due to the burning of amorphous carbon which is highly
defective. Correspondingly, the intensity ratio of G/D increases
from 16 in as-spun ber to 42 aer purication. In addition,
some RBM peaks (e.g. peaks at 168 cm1, under a laser
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Fig. 3 TEM images of as-spun (a), current injected (b), and purified by current injected/acid washed (c) SWNT fibers. XPS (d), Raman (e) and TGA
(f) curves of as-spun, current injected and purified by current injected/acid washed SWNT fibers.
excitation wavelength of 514 nm) seen from as-spun bers have
disappeared in puried bers. These SWNTs are categorized as
metallic species.32 As metallic SWNTs carry out most of the
current ow, they tend to be burned early (than semiconducting
tubes) during large current injection, as described in a previous
report on SWNT micro-bundles.33 It might be possible to
fabricate semiconductor-dominating SWNT bers by controlling the current injection and selectively removing metallic
species. Nonetheless, TEM and Raman study conrms that the
integrity of bundle structure has been maintained and the
defect degree has been reduced substantially.
To determine the remaining impurities in the SWNT bers in
a quantitative way, we performed thermogravimetry analysis
(TGA) on as-spun, current injected and puried samples (Fig. 3f).
Raising the temperature from ambient to 1000 C in air, the
SWNTs are burned away (at around 600 C) leaving catalyst
residue behind (in the form of iron oxide). The as-spun bers
show a remaining mass of nearly 40%, due to the trapping of
signicant amount of Fe particles introduced during chemical
vapor deposition (CVD). In contrast, the mass retention of puried
bers has decreased to less than 6% aer combustion, indicating
a high purity of 94%. Our method is thus amenable to directly
purify twist-spun CNT bers. Compared with the TGA result tested
in air, CNTs in puried bers are very stable in N2 environment,
with a mass loss of less than 5% aer rising temperature to 1000
C (Fig. S2†). In contrast, CNTs are burnt in air at a combustion
temperature of 500–600 C, resulting in a sharp mass decrease.
Efficient purication of SWNT bers lead to considerable
improvement in both electrical and mechanical properties. The
resulting puried ber shows a wrinkled surface morphology
due to the volume shrinkage aer removal of internal impurities (Fig. 4a and S3†), which is distinct from other twist-spun
bers without purication. These surface wrinkles indicate
a strong condensation of SWNTs inward, and also might be
useful as fatigue resistant bers if the wrinkles can be stretched
This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2016
reversibly. As a result, the measured 4-probe electrical conductivity has increased from below 1600 S cm1 in as-spun bers to
about 4000 S cm1 aer purication, mostly owing to the
formation of bigger bundles and shrinkage of cross-sectional
area (Fig. 4b). We also tested a control sample by the same
purication process but without the current injection step. It
shows that many impurities are still trapped within the bundle
since the amorphous carbon-encapsulated Fe particles could
resist acid attacking (Fig. S4†). The electrical conductivity
increases to about 2000 S cm1, which is not prominent.
As a result of high purity and enhanced conductivity, the
puried SWNT bers can be illuminated more stably in air. Asspun bers usually break very quickly (within several seconds)
aer applying a moderate voltage because of air oxidation at
elevated temperature. However, when we applied a constant
voltage of 7.5 V on a puried ber (2 cm segment), it produced
a rather stable emission in the middle part, which lasted for
nearly 2 minutes before breaking (Fig. 4c). During this stage, the
electric current passing through the ber maintains a stable
value (90 mA) without uctuation. Based on a ber diameter of
250 mm, the current density sustained by the ber is estimated
to be 1.8 105 mA cm2. The removal of impurities especially
amorphous carbon enhances the ber resistance to air oxidation at high temperature, leading to improved structural
stability in air environment. Our high-purity SWNT bers might
have applications as stable lament-like light-emission sources.
Mechanical properties have been evaluated by uniaxial
tension tests and stress–strain (s–3) curves. As-spun SWNT bers
with a length of 10 mm exhibit tensile stresses of about 200 MPa
with failure strains in the range of 15% to 20% (Fig. 4d). Puried
bers show higher tensile stresses (300 to 400 MPa) but reduced
strains (<10%). To study the structural homogeneity along the
ber axis, we adopt a larger gauge length (40 mm) to test our
puried SWNT bers, and nd that both the tensile strength (300
MPa) and strain (8%) decrease compared with the results from
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Fig. 4 Electrical and mechanical properties of purified SWNT fibers. (a) SEM image of the purified fiber with a wrinkled surface morphology. (b)
Statistical data of electrical conductivities of as-spun, purified and purified without current injection fibers. (c) Recorded current flow through an
illuminated purified fiber. Insets show the photos of the fiber at point A and B. (d) Tensile stress–strain curves. (e) Cyclic stress–strain curves of
a purified fiber.
shorter bers (10 mm) (Fig. S5†). The enhancement of ber
strength is mainly due to the decrease of cross-sectional diameter
(thus densication of SWNT bundles as shown in Fig. 3c) aer
purication. SEM images of the fractured section indicate that
the failure mechanism of the SWNT ber in tension is dominated
by the sliding between aligned SWNT bundles (Fig. S6†). On the
other hand, burning of metallic SWNTs upon current injection
might have negative effect on the mechanical strength. Puried
bers are also less porous than as-spun sample, resulting in
lower tensile strains upon breaking.
We also performed cyclic tests on the puried bers with
a wrinkled morphology. The ber can be repeated stretched to
a modest strain (3 ¼ 2%, producing a stress of 20 MPa) and
recover to its initial state, as the unloading curve returns to
origin enclosing a hysteresis loop (Fig. 4e). Over 1000 loading–
unloading cycles, the slope of loading curve remains constant
although the maximum stress at 3 ¼ 2% drops slightly. A small
permanent deformation (less than 0.5% residual strain) has
been developed aer 1000 cycles. These results suggest potential applications of puried SWNT bers under various external
conditions such as cyclic stresses.
97870 | RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 97865–97872
We demonstrated a simple and efficient method to directly
purify long carbon nanotube bers by introducing an instantaneous high current injection. This step burns away amorphous carbon coated on SWNT bundles and residual catalyst,
and the exposed catalyst particles can be washed thoroughly by
mild acid dissolution. Our high-purity SWNT bers show
enhanced electrical and mechanical properties, and have many
potential applications in developing high performance articial
muscles as well as exible ber-shaped energy conversion and
storage devices. Our method described here is suitable for
purifying various carbon nanotube bers, for example, those
made from multi-walled or single-walled nanotubes, and those
fabricated by dry or wet-spinning techniques.
The authors greatly acknowledge nancial support from the
National Natural Science Foundation under grants of NSFC
51325202, 51502267, and the Outstanding Young Talent Research
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Fund of Zhengzhou University (1521317003), Startup Research
Fund of Zhengzhou University (1512317001), Henan Province
Science and Technology Research Project (162102410069). Certificate of Postdoctoral Research Sponsorship Henan Province
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Published on 10 October 2016. Downloaded by Vanderbilt University Library on 21/10/2016 06:40:34.
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