Sudoku App Idea Explanation This project is a sudoku game application, and this is a demo explanation for how it’s going to work, focusing mostly on the user experience: Once you open the app, you’ll find a login page, asking for username and password, if the user isn’t registered yet, they can sign up through the “Sign up Now!” button on the top left of the screen, after registering they are taken back to the login page again. The user enters their info and are taken to the homepage, where they’ll find buttons for initiating the game in one of the three different modes (easy, medium, hard), viewing the high-scores (including the ones achieved by other users) for each game mode, and finally a logout button. The difficulty of each game mode is based on the time limit and how many numbers are already in the grid when a game starts. The game follows traditional sudoku rules. In the game page, the grid is in the middle of the screen, with a timer on the top left. A pause button (for the timer) is in the bottom along with a “clear” button, which clears all inputs the user made in the grid. The user enters/deletes numbers in the cells using keyboard controls. If they make a mistake (repeated a number in a specific column/row/sub-grid) the column/row/sub-grid are highlighted in red. When the user solves the puzzle, a small screen shows up stating the user’s score (which is based on how fast the user solved the sudoku). Closing that window will take the user back to the homescreen.