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Firm chosen: amazon
Amazon is a multinational corporation with outlets worldwide further the company enjoys
large shareholders’ base. Being the financial manager enshrined with fiduciary duty to maximize
shareholders wealth I am likely to encounter an uphill task of navigating through myriad of
challenges that bedevil incorporation of ethics into financial management practices. According to
research Thomas (2018) in the journal article professional responsibility and ethics in accounting
suggest that in exploration of ethics education in both business schools and schools of accountancy
theirs is a void in training. The likely challenge will be to incur training cost especially to
complacent employees. Further, since amazon is multinational challenges of variance in statutes
in different countries will be a significant hiccup while incorporating ethics in financial mangent
practices due to lack of uniformity in legal regulations.
Remarkably sustaining ethical practices in the face of internal and external market pressure
is also challenging especially in business that is in pursuit of maximizing shareholders wealth.
Since amazon is e-commerce-based technology is vital. Notably technology is changing at
extremely high rate thereby necessitating frequent realignment of financial decisions and practices.
The rapid changes in financial practices will inherently pose a challenge in company’s zeal to
sustain of code of ethics in financial management practices. According study Argandoña, (2020)
in the research article ethics and digital innovation in finance claims that due to disruptive nature
of technology maintaining ethical framework is challenging however establishment of
infrastructure and architecture will significantly aid in embedding ethical practices in finance
management. Indeed, firm needs to responsive to internal and external pressure in order to compete
favorably. Development of standard ethical code of conduct will covers common scenarios and
decisions and provides a guide to what behavior is considered ethical, correct, or right in certain
Argandoña, A. (2020). Ethics and digital innovation in finance. International Handbooks in
Business Ethics, 1-22. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-00001-1_9-1
Thomas, S. (2018). Management accountants’ professionalism and ethics. Research on