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Technology and Humanity: Lesson on Advancements & Ethics

Lesson 3: When Technology and Humanity Cross
Lesson objective: At the end of this topic the students should be able to:
Know the different technological advancement in the society;
Discuss the development of science and technology in the Philippines;
Discuss the effects of the interplay between technology and humanity
through the dilemmas they face.
instruction: Read the statement carefully underline or encircle your answer
which you think is correct between the choices inside the parentheses.
According to Rappler (2015). Here are some facts about Filipinos and their use
of gadgets and internet.
1. The population of Philippines is around 102 Million and the mobile phone
subscription is at (119 Million, 100 Million)
2. There are now (50 Million, 47 Million) active Facebook accounts in the
3. 89% of a typical Filipino household owns (TV, Cellphone)
4. (Google, YouTube) is the most visited website in the Philippines.
5. At least (20 Million, 30 Million) Filipinos are connected to the internet.
In modern times, there are different technological advancements in all
forms and sizes may it be inside the home, the workplace, the learning place,
or simply on the streets. It is now very accessible to almost anyone in the
world. It is not completely impossible to say that each person in the world
owns at least one technological device. Besides, technology is not enclosed
to expensive and high end devices. simple types of machines that can
perform simple task regularly can already be considered a form of
technology. However, despite its usefulness and beneficial characteristics,
there are still some problems faced by the different technological
advancements. To be more specific, these problems are ethical in nature
that involves not only the machine but also mankind. It is now impossible for
technology and humanity not to cross paths because as some would argue,
technology has become necessity for people. At the end of the day, ethics
should still be enforced in the field of technology so as to ensure the safety
and morality of these devices to people.