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Engineering Data Analysis: Charts & Graphs Worksheet

Component 3 Lesson 4 Worksheet 1
Mike the mechanic needs to strip down Cylinder head of his V8 engine and rebuild it.
He has decided as part of the rebuild he will replace all the bolts with newer stronger
and lighter bolts. He makes a note of them as he removes them.
Use the above data to record the number of each type of bolt/screw Mike the
Mechanic needs to order to rebuild his engine. Record the outcomes in a tally chart
in your exercise book.
Explain why a tally chart is a useful method to record this information
What type of graph/chart would you use to represent this data?
Use the tally chart data to present your work as a Pie Chart and a bar chart. Which is
the best way to view the data? Why? Which is easier? Why is it useful to view data
this way?
Martin is a structural engineer and he is working on a suspension bridge project. As
part of the Quality Control the company needs to ensure that the steel tension wires
can support the weight of the bridge and also any traffic. Each main stay cable
consists of over 200 000 wires. A selection of wires have been load tested to check
their tensile strength to ensure they do not over stretch. The data below has been
gathered to show the outcomes of the wire load test.
What type of chart would you use to represent this data and why?
Using graph paper plot a line graph to show the outcomes for the individual batches.
Can you identify a wire that is best suited to the task of manufacturing the mainstay
Which one and why?
As part of the stress testing for the suspension bridge that we looked at in task 3.
The engineers need to check the wires to ensure that they all behave as expected and work
within tolerances.
Using the data below, product a scatter graph and then decide if the wires will be
behave consistently when a load is exerted on them: