Uploaded by Philippe Lemieux


Writing Unit
Explore descriptive
and narrative writing
Task 1: Create your own island
For this first task you need to create your own island.
Go to ​canva.com​to create your own island.
You must include:
→ The name of your island.
→ 3 major geographical features like mountains, rivers,
lakes, etc.
→ Animals, plants, etc.
→ A compass that shows where the north is.
* Be creative! Your island can be in the sky or in space
if you want to! Include as many details as you can, it
will help you for the next two tasks.
Task 2: Descriptive writing
For this task you will need to write an information
report based on your island. This should be done in the
form of a travel brochure. Use the following template to
prepare your text, you can also add categories if you
wish. Your text should be a minimum of 1​50 words​
* Remember, this is your island, you make it what you
want! Be creative!
My mythical island by:
Name of my island:
Key landmarks:
Animal and plants:
The people:
The history:
Interesting events or facts:
Other information:
My mythical island by: example student
Island name:
Magic Island
Magic Island is located in the sky just above Australia.
It floats on a large cloud called Fluffy and is near the
Kingdom of Birds.
Key landmarks:
Magic Island is home to a variety of natural features.
In the north of the island, you will find the beautiful
Wishing Waterfall, which flows into the Dreams Come True
River. On this river you can hire a boat and travel
across the island. The river starts in the northern
Magnificent Mountains and ends in the east at the
Fabulous Sea. In the south you will find Imagination
Peninsula with stunning beaches of pure white sand.
Magic Island also has many magnificent man made
features. These include the Sky Monument in Skytacular
the capital city. The monument is a floating miniature
version of the city. There is a rollercoaster that runs
the entire circumference of the island instead of a
Animals and plants:
Most of the animals on Magic Island are birds due to its
location in the sky. There is a large variety of birds
of all colours of the rainbow. They are friendly and can
be fed by hand. Some are so big people use them for
The plants on Magic Island are bright and colourful too.
Some grow upside down and provide much needed shade from
the hot sun.
The people:
The people on Magic Island are known for their
friendliness. They are called Magicians and many have
magical powers. Some can fly, others can cast healing
spells or love spells. Magicians have bright coloured
hair that changes according to their mood, so you can
always tell if someone is unhappy. They wear long
The president of the island is Marvin the Magnificent.
He is a very kind and caring leader and makes an effort
to know all 1000 of his people.
Most people work in animal care and the Magicians are
well known around the world for looking after hurt
birds. Their magic powers help to heal birds quickly.
Some people sell love potions to other islands or fruit
from the exotic plants.
The history:
Magic Island has a proud history. It was discovered by
the great magical man Merlin, who decided it was the
perfect place to start a bird hospital. As the success
of the hospital grew, so did the population of the
island until it became a country of its own in 1956.
Since then it has had 4 presidents and built schools and
human hospitals.
The history of the island has been peaceful with no wars
or major conflicts. However, there was the Big
Disagreement of 1978 when the island’s people debated
for 6 months over whether the national colour should be
yellow or red. In the end someone suggested it should be
blue and everyone was happy.
Because Magic Island is so close to the sun, it often
gets very hot. Many of the Magicians with magical powers
create air cooling systems so it stays cool inside.
It also rains quite often because it is in the clouds.
The rain helps to cool down the hot air and keep the
beautiful plants alive so no one minds it raining.
Interesting events or facts:
Because the birds and plants on Magic Island are so
colourful, from space, Magic Island looks like a rainbow
Other information:
To get to Magic Island you need to fly to Fiji and take
the Cloud Express rocket. It takes about 2 hours.
Task 3: Narrative writing
For this task you need to write a story about how the
treasure was left on your island. In your text, you
should tell me ​how the treasure got there, ​
who took it
there, ​why it was left on your island in particular, and
what is the treasure. Include information from your
descriptive text from ​
Task 2​
. Your text should be a
minimum of 2​50 words​.