Uploaded by Andy L

andys about me

Paragraph 5: Conclusion (Summarize)
Life isn’t hard, at least it shouldn’t be. You live how you want to and then feel bliss when the day finally
comes. Problems do arise, but I believe you’ll overcome those issues and rise to the occasion for the
next. Problems do arise, but I believe you’ll overcome those issues and rise to the occasion for the
next. Hello, my name is Andy Lam, but you can just call me Andy. I was born on August 23, 2003 at
Cooper Hospital in Camden, New Jersey. I was also born two months before my due date which was
way earlier than anyone expected. My parents thought about naming me something on the lines of a
miracle since I was premature, but they decided to go with a normal name to not make me stand out
too much. My little brother is 14, so I am the oldest of the two of us that made it out the womb, and it
does come with its perks. I was spoiled the most out of the two of us, and I also got to experience much
more than my brother for a while. It gave my parents more time to learn about raising kids, so my
brother has had a better growing up experience, however. There’s not much more than that about
where I came from, but there's so much more that I can say about myself.
One trait about me that I’m proud of having is that I am a very loyal friend, even to a fault. My friends
have helped me through some of my worst times and have given me some of the best memories that I
have too. Friendship is important to me because without friends around I would feel lonely, incomplete,
and I wouldn’t be able to have anyone to share my problems with or just hang out. I enjoy spending
time with my brother, but it’s definitely not the same. Sometimes I feel like I’m too loyal as a friend
because I put more effort in than they do, and I can be too accepting and forgiving but at least I know
I’ve tried to do the right thing. I always try to listen to their problems, be there for them, and understand
or forgive them, even if they’ve done something that might have hurt me.
My personality is quite forgiving, I don’t take things for granted as much as I used to. I always try to look
on the bright side of every situation and then move on. I do enjoy having a nice time though. In Mr.
Fitz’s class, he always told us to enjoy the moment at hand and it really does help. It makes me have
fun in most situations that I am placed in, even though some of them aren’t all that pleasant. In the past
I was really on the selfish side, I couldn’t do anything without thinking about how something would only
benefit me. I would anger my parents and would do things that could make me be considered an
outcast. I met some really good friends after a while, and they made me open my eyes more to how I
had been acting. They told me that I really was just not an enjoyable person to be around. Instead of
them just cutting me off, they invested time and understanding into me and they really turned me into a
genuine person. I really can’t thank them enough for that.
Some hobbies that I enjoy are games, cooking, sleeping, and socializing. Games are about 90% of
what I do in a day, even though I know it’s unhealthy to sit in a chair all day. I also try to be active and
exercise to try and balance it out. My parents are exceptional chefs, so cooking became more of a
hobby to me from everything that they have taught me. They know many meals and recipes that they
can cook from scratch form almost anything. Everything that they cook comes from our Vietnamese
background, and that makes me really respect them. They were also countryside people back in the
day, meaning there was not many options on food in general. Besides all of that, I enjoy talking to my
friends on my off time. They really take my mind off of the stress that other tasks at hand give me and
let me have some sort of release on how I’m thinking and feeling at the moment. There’s never a dull
moment or ever anything stressful, which is something that I appreciate a lot on my down time.
Honestly, my life isn’t anything special. I just do things that many other people would probably do, but I
just like to keep my attitude in check. I really do need to improve on my daily routine of waking up,
eating, and then heading straight to the computer since it’s not something that would really benefit me
in the long run. I’m doing my best to try to be better about my responsibilities, and my friends make it so
much easier to just let go of the computer. They comfort me as well as entertain me just as genuine
friends would do. Although sometimes I feel like they get upset when I miss game night, but I know
important things should come before playing games and they understand that too. Anyways, that's a
little about me and my life, and I hope to get to know anyone who reads this as well!
Andy Lam