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Grid Code Analysis with DIgSILENT GridCode

Analysis of Grid Code requirements for
conventional and renewable generation with
DIgSILENT GridCode is a tool specially designed to check if a power plant is compliant with Grid Code connection
requirements established by the Transmission System Operator.
The seminar includes presentations not only about “understanding grid codes” but also about understanding methods
and procedures currently set up in these countries to demonstrate the compliance of a wind farm, a photovoltaic
power plant and a conventional power plant. An overview about the particular grid code situation in selected
countries or regions (Australia, Chile, China, ENTSO-e area, South Africa, etc.) is provided:
“ENTSO-e Network Code for Requirements for Grid Connection Applicable to all Generators”.
European network of transmission system operators for electricity (ENTSO-e), 8th March 2013.
“National Electricity Rules Version 58”. National Electricity Market (NEM), Australia, 26th September
“GB/T 19963-2011 Technical rule for connecting wind farm to power network”, State Grid Corporation
and China Electric Power Research Institute (CEPRI), 30th December 2012.
New methods and algorithms have been incorporated to be able to perform the check and post-processing of either
measurement data or simulation results at generator and power plant level. Voltage dip detection, step analysis and
model validation techniques are investigated during the training course. The following model validation methods are
AUSTRALIA AEMO (Rev. 1.0 – 29.02.2008): "Generating system model guidelines". Published by:
Australian Energy Market Operator. Australia.
IEC-61400-27-1 (CD1 2011.12.23): "Wind turbines – Part 27-1: Electrical simulation models – Wind
turbines". Published by: International Electrotechnical Commission – WG27.
GERMAN FGW - TR4 (Rev. 5 – 2010.03.22): "Technical Guidelines for Power Generating Units - Part 4:
Demands on Modelling and Validating Simulation Models of the Electrical Characteristics of Power
Generating Units and Systems". Published by: FGW e.V. - Fördergesellschaft Windenergie und andere
Erneuerbare Energien. Germany.
SPANISH AEE – PVVC (Rev. 10 – 2012.01.26): "Procedimientos de verificación, validación y certificación
de los requisitos del P.O.12.3 sobre la respuesta de las instalaciones eólicas y fotovoltaicas ante huecos
de tensión". Published by: Comité Técnico de Verificación de la Asociación Empresarial Eólica. Spain.
CHINA CEPRI (June 2012): Internal method applied by the "Wind Power Grid Interconnection Research
and Evaluation Centre". Published by: China Electric Power Research Institute. China.
The training course is limited to 12 participants. A workstation will be available when requested.
Introduction to Grid Code requirements:
Analysis of grid code requirements
General requirements.
o Geographical area, system limits: rated voltage and power
o Requirements at the connection point (POC, PUC, PCC, PC…)
o Short-circuit power requirements (Sk’’)
o Grounding systems
Steady-state performance:
o Frequency requirements
o Voltage requirements
o Requirements on active and reactive power
o Power quality requirements
Dynamic performance:
o Frequency gradients and power ramp rates
o Start–stop and islanding with load requirements
o Control of active power
o Run-back
o Frequency control
o Inertial response
o Controls utilizing the reactive power capability of the wind power plant
o Power factor control mode
o Reactive power control mode
o Voltage control mode
o Low voltage ride-through – LVRT
o Temporary overvoltages – TOV
o System and relay protection
Communication and control interface
o Plant status information
o Meteorological information
Simulation models, certification / verification, commissioning and performance verification:
o Integration and design simulation models
o System planning simulation models
o Certification / verification
o Commissioning
o Performance testing
Introduction to DIgSILENT GridCode tool:
Installation, licenses, functions and database
DIgSILENT GridCode to check steady-state performance:
o Power quality assessment: harmonics according to IEC 61000-4-7
o Power quality assessment: flicker according to IEC 61000-4-15
o Power quality assessment for wind power plants: IEC61400-21
Exercise 1: Introduction to DIgSILENT GridCode and data file management tools:
o Define per unit values and create a new generator
o Define input data file format
o Data visualization and graphical representation options
o Cut a file to optimize speed
o Resample a file to optimize input data
Exercise 2: Power quality assessment with DIgSILENT GridCode:
o At generator level
o At power plant level
Introduction to ENTSO-e and Australian Grid Codes:
Analysis of ENTSO-e testing requirements with DIgSILENT GridCode:
Step or ramp tests to check frequency and active power control (LFSMO, LFSMU, FSM) capabilities.
Steps and limits testing to check voltage, power factor and reactive power control capabilities.
Tests to check the capability to ride through voltage dips:
o Tests for B, C, D types
o Tests for synchronous power generating modules
o Tests for power park modules
o Tests for offshore power park modules
Analysis of AEMO testing requirements with DIgSILENT GridCode:
Analysis of AEMC template.
Step and limits testing on AVR systems.
Testing on GOV systems.
Exercise 3: Grid code compliance with DIgSILENT GridCode according to ENTSO-e:
o Testing procedures
o Data analysis and post-processing
o Results assessment and automatic reporting
Exercise 4: Grid code compliance with DIgSILENT GridCode according to Australia NEM:
o Testing procedures
o Data analysis and post-processing
o Results assessment and automatic reporting
Introduction to model validation techniques:
Model validation against field measurements with DIgSILENT GridCode:
IEC 61400-27-1 (CD) method. Calculation of MA, MAE and ME errors.
German TR4 method. Calculation of F1, F2, F3 y FG.
China CEPRI method. Calculation of ME (F1, F2), MAE (F3, F4), MA (F5) y FG
Spanish PVVC method. Calculation of reference percentile.
AEMO method. Representation of tolerance band and calculation of errors.
Exercise 5: Model validation and comparison between different validation methods.