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NJ Driver Testing Worksheet

NAME: _______________________________PERIOD: _____________Date_______________
Chapter 2 – NJ Driver Testing
1. When applying for a Basic Driver License, what are the test requirement for eyesight and the
written requirement?
Must have eyesight of 20/50 vision with or without corrective lenses for sight only in one eye only, that
eye must meet the 20/50 rule and document must be signed by licensed physician
Written requirement is to have 40 out of 50 questions correct.
2. What does it mean to have 20 / 20 vision? 20 / 40 vision?
20/20 is the normal vision which means that the test subjects sees the same line of letters at
20 feet that a normal person sees at 20 feet.
20/40 means person sees at 20 feet what normal person can see at 40.
3. What is Nikhil’s Law? What does the pledge state?
Obey traffic rules while driving
Be extra cautious
Be extremely attentive
I WILL come to a complete halt at any stop sign and never will go through a red light.
I WILL stay alert and keep my hands and mind on the steering wheel and road
I WILL use a handsfree cellphone system while driving and will not text or use a handset unless I pill
I WILL give myself an extra 5 minutes to get to any destination
4. When arriving at a MVC driver testing facility for the road test, what must the driver provide
prior to taking the road test?
1. Valid permit
2. Current insurance
3. Registration
4. Licensed driver
5. Proper vehicle
6. Valid inspection sticker
7. 2 red deflective decals
8. MUST have license insurance and registration while driving at all times.
5. What type of vehicle is not permitted when taking your road test?
1. Self parking vehicles
2. Cars with expired, rejected , or no inspection sticker
3. Lack of examiner being able to access foot brake or emergency brake
4. Any condition or defect in the vehicle that affects the way the vehicle operates or affects the
safety of the vehicle
6. If you fail your road test, how long must you wait before retaking the test?
Must wait 2 weeks.