By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT Addis Ababa Science and Technology University Pre-Engineering Department of Inclusiveness Review and reflection on concept of Inclusion Section L Prepared By: NFTALEM AREGA Id No = Ets0548 Submitted To: Mihret .A Submission Date: 10/30/2020 1|P a g e By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Definition of inclusion ............ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 2. Principal of inclusion .............. Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 3. Rational for inclusion.............. Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 4. Factor that influenced development of inclusion Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 5. Benefits of Inclusion ............... Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 6. Features of inclusion environment ................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. 7. Barriers to Inclusion................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Summary....................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена. Reflection................................................................................................... 4 References ........................................................................................... 6 2|P a g e By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT CHAPTER REVIEW Inclusion in education or service refers to a continuous process aimed at contributing quality education or services for all while respecting diversity and the different needs and abilities, characteristics, and learning expectations of the students and communities and reducing all forms of discrimination. All persons should learn, work, and live together wherever possible, regardless of any difficulties or differences they may have. Inclusion is regarded as a process of addressing and responding to the diversity of needs of all persons through enhancing participation in learning, employment, services, cultures and communities, and reducing isolation at all social circumstances. The concept of inclusive education originated from three major ideas. These include: inclusive education is a basic human right; quality education results from the inclusion of students with diverse needs and ability differences, and there is no clear demarcation between the characteristics of students with and without disabilities and vulnerabilities. The concept of inclusion has several rationales: educational, social, economic, legal and foundations or inclusive society. It has also benefits to students with and without special educational needs, parents, teachers and society at large. Inclusion is implemented as on its ultimate goal, which is aimed at building an inclusive society. Many influencing actors Communities facilitate inclusive education: pre-colonial and indigenous, Activists and advocates, the quality education and school improvement movement, Involvement of International agencies, Involvement of NGOs movements, networks, and campaigns, Special educational needs movement and the current world situation and practical experiences in education. Inclusive environments should be adjusted address factors that address the students ‘rights, respecting and valuing differences, foster teamwork, and improve academic achievement, promote healthy psychosocial development. The main goal of inclusion to create a school where everyone belongs, Crating a great understanding of difference and diversity that help to create tolerance society, Crating inclusion society and other. Implementation inclusion in education aces several barriers. The barriers are related to lack of teacher’s knowledge and skills, their negative attitude; rigid curriculum and teaching and 3|P a g e By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT learning methods; lack of active participation of relevant stakeholders; lack of resources and facilities; globalization and free-market economic policy; and Lack of considering local indigenous values, ideologies and culture and other related factors. The main goal of inclusion to create a school where everyone belongs, Crating a great understanding of difference and diversity that help to create tolerance society, Crating inclusion society and other. REFLECTION What did you observe the socio environmental situation of your area for people with disability? In our village, people have no sufficient knowledge about including whom these need special attention, such as people with disabilities? Because of this, they have not given a focus to these people. For example, I live near condominiums; the stair building is not comfortable for physically disabled people. Moreover, these whom people with disability have no opportunity to get an education with their peer. Moreover, the other thing is after they enter school, they are learned in special education because of this, they do not share their knowledge and experience with other people. Overall our community needs to learn and know inclusive society. What are the existing opportunities and challenges people with disability? People with disabilities in now day have many opportunities than past because of the development of education of inclusiveness, so many works are done with consideration of disability. For example, many buildings have comfort stairs for these people. Disabled people with disabilities also face a challenge. For example, a person with a physically disabled person may not employ in these need eye, hand, or mental and other reasons; thus, they may face a challenge. They also face a challenge from society, such as stigma and discrimination because of society's culture or myth. Mention any innovative technology which could assist the life of people with disability? Because of now day technology development, there is much technology they assist disability from these. Smartphones for disability have assistant software. The personal computer also has assistant software. 4|P a g e By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT Because of the widespread internet, e-learning also helps with this disability; they are not going anywhere. They can learn from home. For these who have a physical disability, an electronic wheelchair also helps them. What should be done for improving the life of people with disability in terms of using technology? There is much technology that can help people with a disability. These technologies are invented by innovator people, so in now-day innovators, they should focus on creating technology that is not expensive and easy to use for people with disabilities. 5|P a g e By NFTALEM AREGA INCUSIVE ASSIGMENT REFERENCES Dr. Bitew Atnaf Bahirdar (Asst. Professor) University (2020) Inclusiveness education chapter two UNICEF (2014). Conceptualizing Inclusive Education and contextualizing it within the UNICEF Mission - Companion Technical Booklet .Webinar, New York. UNESCO (2001). Open file on inclusive education, support materials for managers and administrators. Retrieved from 125237eo.pdf …… (2006). Embracing Diversity: Toolkit for Creating Inclusive, Learning-Friendly Environments. Bangkok. ………. (2007). Regional Seminar on poverty alleviation, HIV and AIDS education and inclusive education: Priority issues for inclusive quality education in Eastern and Western Sub-Saharan Africa. Nairobi, Kenya. Retrieved from http://www.ibe. 7 .pdf 6|P a g e