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Module 9 Address Resolution Reading Organizer

Name _______________________________________________________ Date ________________
Module 9 – Address Resolution
Introduction to Networks – Semester 1
Student Version
Module 9 Sections:
9.0 Introduction
9.1 MAC and IP
9.2 ARP
9.3 Neighbor Discovery
9.4 Module Practice and Quiz
Required Materials:
Reading Organizer
Packet Tracer Activities:
9.1.3 - Identify MAC and IP Addresses
9.2.9 - Examine the ARP Table
9.3.4 - IPv6 Neighbor Discovery
Labs: None
Module’s 8 – 10 Exam
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
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Points__________ / ___64___
Name__________________________________________________________ Date ________________
Module 9 – Address Resolution
Introduction to Networks – Semester 1
Student Version
Note: The Reading Organizer has weighted scoring. Any question with the word explain, define, or
describe in it is expected to have a longer answer and is worth two points each.
After completion of this chapter, you should be able to:
Compare the roles of the MAC address and the IP address.
Describe the purpose of ARP.
Describe the operation of IPv6 neighbor discovery.
9.1 MAC and IP
1. Explain how flat network design operates.
All devices in an organization are assigned an IP address with a matching network ID.
2. Define subnetting.
The process of segmenting a network, by dividing it into multiple smaller network spaces.
3. What device is required to forward traffic between different networks? Router
4. The address plan includes:
a. deciding the needs for each subnet in terms of size
b. how many hosts per subnet
c. how host addresses will be assigned
d. which hosts will require static IP addresses
e. which hosts can use DHCP for obtaining their addressing information
5. What are the three private IP addresses ranges?
a. with
a subnet mask of
b. with a subnet mask of
c. with a subnet mask of
6. Who typically allocates public IP addresses?
Public addresses used to connect to the Internet are typically allocated from a service provider.
7. Two very important factors that will lead to the determination of which private address block is
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
required, are:
a. the number of subnets required
b. the maximum number of hosts needed per subnet
9.2 ARP
8. Where is the only place you can borrow bits from?
Bits can only be borrowed from the host portion of the address.
9. Explain the guidelines for subnets:
a. Network address–All 0 bits in the host portion of the address.
b. First host address–All 0 bits plus a right-most 1 bit in the host portion of the address.
c. Last host address–All 1 bits plus a right-most 0 bit in the host portion of the address.
D. Broadcast address–All 1 bits in the host portion of the address.
10. What command would you use to give a Gigabit interface the IP address and subnet mask
R1(config)#interface gigabitethernet 0/0
R1(config-if)#ip address
11. What is the formula for calculating the number of subnets?
2^n (where n = the number of bits borrowed)
12. Enter the correct network address in binary and decimal format.
13. How many usable hosts are available with this network?
14. Define the range of hosts, the broadcast address and the next network address in decimal format.
15. Enter the binary representation of the subnet mask in the octet fields provided.
16. Enter the network address in binary and decimal format in the octet fields.
17. Enter the number of usable hosts.
18. Define the range of
hosts, the broadcast address, and the next network address.
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
19. There are two considerations when planning subnets. These are:
a. the number of host addresses required for each network
b. the number of individual subnets needed
20. What is the key
to determine the number of subnets and hosts needed in a network?
The key is to balance the number of subnets needed and the number of hosts required for the
largest subnet.
21. How many addresses are needed for point-to-point WAN links?
Two hosts
22. What was subnetting a subnet, or using Variable Length Subnet Mask (VLSM), was designed to
Wasting addresses.
23. Traditional subnetting creates subnets of equal size. Each subnet in a traditional scheme uses the
same subnet mask. What does VLSM allow?
VLSM allows a network space to be divided in unequal parts
24. When the number of needed host addresses is known, what formula is used to determine the
25. There are three primary considerations when planning address allocation. List and explain each.
a.Preventing Duplication of Addresses–Each host in an internetwork must have a unique address.
Without the proper planning and documentation, an address could be assigned to more than one host,
resulting inaccess issues for both hosts.
b. Providing and Controlling Access–Some hosts, such as servers, provide resources to internal hosts as
well as to external hosts. The Layer 3 address assigned to a server can be used to control access to that
server. If, however, the address is randomly assigned and not well documented, controlling access is
more difficult.
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
c. Monitoring Security and Performance–Similarly, the security and performance of network hosts and
the network as a whole must be monitored. Aspart of the monitoring process, network traffic is
examined for addresses that are generating or receiving excessive packets. If there is proper planning
and documentation of the
network addressing, problematic network devices can be easily found.
26. W
ithin a network, there are different types of devices, including:
a. End user clients
b. Servers and peripherals
c. Hosts that are accessible from the Internet
d. Intermediary devices
e. Gateway
Cisco Semester 1
on to Networks 5.0
Robb Jones
Chapter 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD
9.3 Design Considerations for IPv6
27. An IPv6 addres
s space is not subnetted to conserve addresses. Why is it subnetted?
It is subnetted to support hierarchical, logical design of the network.
28. An IPv6 address block with a /48 prefix has 16 bits for subnet ID. How many addresses are available
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
using t
he 16 bit subnet ID?
65,536 /64 subnets
How many bits are borrowed from the interface ID in this scenario?
29. How many addresses are available in each IPv6 /64 subnet?
Roughly eighteen quintillion addresses
30. In IPv4 you can borrow bits from
the host portion of an address Where can you borrow bits from in
IPv6 to create additional IPv6 subnets?
The interface ID
31. Explain why are bit borrowed in IPv6?
This is typically done for security reasons to create fewer hosts per subnet and not n
to create additional subnets.
32. When extending the subnet ID by borrowing bits from the interface ID, the best practice is to
subnet on a ___
nibble boundary___
33. What is a nibble?
It is 4 bits or one hexadecimal digit.
34. Sub
netting on nibble boundaries means only using nibble aligned subnet masks. Starting at /64, the
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
nibble aligned subnet masks are:
a. /68
b. /72
c. /76
d. /80
e. /84
f. /88
g. /92
35. It is possible to subnet within a nibble boundary, within a hexadecimal
digit, but it is not
recommended or even necessary. Explain why.
Subnetting within a nibble takes away the advantage easily determining the prefix from the
interface ID
9.3 Neighbor Discovery
anythe wildcard will match any address
Write in the correct wildcard mask for each statement.
Explain the guidelines for using ACLs.
Use ACLs in firewall routers positioned between your internal network and an external
network such as the Internet.
Use ACLs on a router positioned between two parts of your network to control traffic
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
entering or exiting a specific part of your intern
al network.
Configure ACLs on border routers, that is, routers situated at the edges of your networks. This
provides a very basic buffer from the outside network, or between a less controlled area of
your own network and a more sensitive area of your
Configure ACLs for each network protocol configured on the border router interfaces.
39. List and explain the three Ps.
One ACL per protocol
To control traffic flow on an interface, an ACL must be defined for each protocol enabled o
n the
One ACL per direction
ACLs control traffic in one direction at a time on an interface. Two separate ACLs must be
created to control inbound and outbound traffic.
One ACL per interface
ACLs control traffic for an interface, for example, GigabitEthernet 0/0
two commands
are required to completely remove an ACL from a router?
a. To remove an ACL
from an interface, first enter the
no ip access
command on the
b. Then enter the global
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA
no access
command to remove the entire ACL
What is the advantage of naming an ACL?
Naming an ACL makes it easier to understand its functi
52. Capitali
zing ACL names is not required, so why should you do it anyway?
makes them stand out when viewing the running
config output.
53. Where can remark commands be placed in an ACL?
The remark can go before or after a
CCNA R&S v7.0 - Semester 1 – Introduction to Networks
Emily Corcoran & Robb Jones
Module 9
Frederick County Career & Tech Center, MD, USA