Uploaded by Sha'Niyah Huff (10)

Work Cited

Work Cited
ProCon.org. ​Should Students Have to Wear School Uniforms? ​Chicago: ProCon/Encyclopaedia
Britannica, 2020.
Chen, Grace.​ Uniforms: The Pros and Cons.​ New York: Public School Review, 2020.
A, N. ​Students should feel comfortable in their own clothing of choice at school.
Li, Raphael. ​Students should wear more comfortable clothes to school. ​India: ​Carmel High
School HiLite, 2019.
Bell, R., Cardello, A.and Schutz, H. ​Wear Comfortable Clothes. ​Austin: Instructional
Development Services, 2005.
Blumenauer, Madison. ​Should students be allowed to wear what they want? ​Middletown: Round
Table, 2017
Tant, Lee. ​Students want to choose their own clothes. N
​ ew York: ​The Times and Democrat​,
Bilton, Isabelle. How important is what you wear for your learning? Asia: Study International,