What is B10? 10% Palm Oil Biodiesel 90% Diesel Implement start Feb 1, 2019 All types of diesel vehicle in transportation sector ( 4 wheels drives, lorries, buses) Diesel Euro 2M B7 -> B10 Diesel Euro 5M = B7 Benefits Reduced emissions of particulate matter, unburnt hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide. Increased fuel lubricity Higher Cetane Number Stabilize CPO price Increase income for farmers Challenges Fuel Dilution – Biodiesel mixes with Engine Oil Engine oil viscosity change, higher rate of wears and oxidation Challenges Can cause greater corrosion in several types of metals May absorb water and become contaminated (Hydroscopic) Seals compatibility, degradation Challenges Tend to coagulate/gelling at low temp Challenges Filter blockage, Injector & piston deposits Brand Statement Hino confirmed that all its vehicles, including buses, are compliant for B10 without changes to any component or service interval Fuso highlighted that it is B10 compatible in its promotion Isuzu light & medium duty lorries will compatible with B10 after hoses change (Not pickups or older model, which cannot use B10) All Scania vehicles sold by Scania (Malaysia) can run in B10 Toyota, Nissan and Mitsubishi engines can run only if B10 fuel properties meet JAMA’s requirements Oxidation Daimler Oxidation Bench Test ACEA 2016 Oxidation Bench Test 5% or 7% B100 heated to 150C or 160C with Catalysis for 168 hours Corrosion Viscosity Cummins High Temperature Corrosion Bench Test ACEA E7-2016 Low Temperature Pumping Viscosity Test 10% B100 at 135C, 10 L/min air flow for 168 hours Deposits Rings Piston Bearings R4X with biodiesel run for 120 hours, OM 646 DE22 LA Biodiesel Test.