PRINCIPLES ENT 530 OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP GROUP SOCIAL – NBSA4B MEDIA PORTFOLIO S AT E L I C I O U S – P R E PA R E D B Y : A U N I A Z R A B I N T I Z U L K E F L E E – 2 0 1 8 8 4 5 2 4 4 MOHAMMAD NAZRIN BIN ZAINOLDIN – 2018649802 MOHAMMAD ZULKEFFLI BIN SUPIAN – 2018821626 M U H A M M A D FA I Z I B I N A . R A H I M – 2 0 1 7 3 7 3 3 4 9 L E C T U R E : P U A N N O R H I D AYA H B I N T I M O H D R A S H I D ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • First and foremost, praises and thanks to the God, the Almighty, for His showers of blessings throughout we work to complete the portfolio successfully. We are glad that this group portfolio can be finished by the time given for our lecturer. • We would like to express deep and sincere gratitude to our portfolio supervisor, Puan Norhidayah Binti Mohd Rashid for give the opportunity to do this portfolio and providing guidance and also stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped we in all time of completing this portfolio. Her vision, sincerity and motivation have deeply inspired to our team. It was a great privilege and honor to study under his guidance. • Besides that, we as our team glad and happy because thinking each others through to complete portfolio and sharing our knowledge. Not to forget, this portfolio didn’t work out well without the support from our family members either. Thank a lot for the love and support throughout this journey. Last but not least, thank you to all our team members, thank you for the great cooperation and toleration. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY • The Satelicious it is small company an operate this business area Selayang only. Name of this company will decide together as a partnership on business. • For business purposes product for our business selling is Sate. Therefore, will serve dishes only sate our business. We also prepared our dishes with traditional method. • We have four business partner as owner, marketing, sales and finance. • We also start our business with a total capital RM 500.00 and all partner will contribute equally. • The Objective for the business of this company is to archive maximum profit with minimal efforts to minimize costs INTRODUCTION OF BUSINESS Name and address of business • We are The Satelicious Company. We have four partners that hold different various positions in one team. Our team establishment company are since 1990. We are basically selling the satay. The main location of our business is at Selayang, Kuala Lumpur. The total capital for this business is only RM 500.00. We just doing homemade business. At the same time, we are competing with so many growing businesses that have same product but we compete in a healthy way. The good thing we get in handling this business is, we learned so many good and bad experiences in selling and market our product. • What makes us different from the other product out there is we are using high quality for the main ingredient and price cheaper. We sell out products through online which in Facebook also through WhatsApp application. Customers can just order through the two platforms and we will COD which is not charge area Selayang. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART MOHAMMAD NAZRIN BIN ZAINOLDIN OWNER AUNI AZRA BINTI ZULKEFLEE FINANCE MUHAMMAD FAIZI BIN A RAHIM MARKETING MOHAMMAD ZULKEFFLI BIN SUPIAN SALES MISSION / VISION Mission • Will grow our company and introduce Satelicious to the corners of the world. • Being leader of the Malaysian Malay Traditional Food. • It instills a sense of community love for a local product that is increasingly forgotten. Vision • produce and distribute products of Satelicious at a reasonable price. • Prioritize quality of food and quality of service for customer satisfaction. • Always prioritize the quality of each product before it is marketed and to improve the local economy. DESCRIPTIONS OF PRODUCTS / SERVICES • Satay is a Malaysian classic dish that to be served with a wooden stick. The satay is a dish of seasoned, skewered and grilled meat, serve with a saurce or even known as Kuah Kacang. Satay consist as diced or slice chicken and meat. These are grilled over a charcoal fire on a special satay grill. Satay is a very popular delicacy in Malaysia. Most Malaysian considered satay as one of the most selected choices, and even to be promoted by Malaysia for International purpose, as this dish is also included for tourism industries and in flight menu. In Malaysia, satay is always popular dish when it comes to celebrations such as Hari Raya. Price list - Satay ayam (RM1.00) Per pcs - Satay Daging (RM1.00) Per pcs FACEBOOK (FB) (PRINT SCREEN FROM YOUR FB PAGE) C R EAT I NG F B U R L H TTP S: //WWW. FACEBOOK . COM /SATEH OMEMADE/ C R EATING FA C EBO OK PA GE FACEBOOK (FB) (PRINT SCREEN FROM YOUR FB PAGE) FA CEBO OK P O ST ( T EA SER) C O U N D OWN FA CEB O O K P O ST C O P Y WRIT I NG ( H A R D S E L L ) FACEBOOK (FB) (PRINT SCREEN FROM YOUR FB PAGE) FA CEBO OK P O ST C O P YWRITING ( S O F T S E L L ) F R E QU ENC Y O F P O STING CONCLUSION • Based on the planning and revenue forecasts, the Satelicious company is optimistic that this business will deliver a good return.With this, it is able to produce quality products and meet the needs of consumers. Therefore, we are also confident that this business will continue to grow in the future with the latest technological and lifestyle developments. APPENDICES THANK YOU !