applied sciences Article Effect of Soil-Structure Interaction on the Seismic Response of Existing Low and Mid-Rise RC Buildings Ibrahim Oz 1, * , Sevket Murat Senel 2, *, Mehmet Palanci 3 1 2 3 * and Ali Kalkan 2 Department of Civil Engineering, Kirsehir Ahi Evran University, 40100 Kirsehir, Turkey Department of Civil Engineering, Pamukkale University, 20160 Pamukkale, Turkey; Department of Civil Engineering, Istanbul Arel University, 34537 Istanbul, Turkey; Correspondence: (I.O.); (S.M.S.) Received: 23 October 2020; Accepted: 19 November 2020; Published: 25 November 2020 Abstract: Reconnaissance studies performed after destructive earthquakes have shown that seismic performance of existing buildings, especially constructed on weak soils, is significantly low. This situation implies the negative effects of soil-structure interaction on the seismic performance of buildings. In order to investigate these effects, 40 existing buildings from Turkey were selected and nonlinear models were constructed by considering fixed-base and stiff, moderate and soft soil conditions. Buildings designed before and after Turkish Earthquake code of 1998 were grouped as old and new buildings, respectively. Different soil conditions classified according to shear wave velocities were reflected by using substructure method. Inelastic deformation demands were obtained by using nonlinear time history analysis and 20 real acceleration records selected from major earthquakes were used. The results have shown that soil-structure interaction, especially in soft soil cases, significantly affects the seismic response of old buildings. The most significant increase in drift demands occurred in first stories and the results corresponding to fixed-base, stiff and moderate cases are closer to each other with respect to soft soil cases. Distribution of results has indicated that effect of soil-structure interaction on the seismic performance of new buildings is limited with respect to old buildings. Keywords: soil-structure interaction; nonlinear analysis; direct time history analysis; existing buildings; seismic performance 1. Introduction The determination of the seismic performance of existing buildings has gained very much interest in recent years, and today there are a greater number of specifications and regulations containing provisions on this issue [1]. The seismic behavior of a building is directly related to the interaction between the three interconnected systems, which are superstructure, foundation and soil medium surrounding the foundation system [2]. Advances and experiences in earthquake engineering, reconnaissance surveys after strong earthquakes and academical studies about soil-structure interaction (SSI) have shown that old buildings designed by limited knowledge are far from meeting the current standards and performance objectives of new designs. Although there were studies in literature suggesting the use of force-based computational approaches for the modeling of SSI [3], the application of these methods has been very limited, and they have not found significant use in practice [1]. Particularly over the last two decades the widespread use of displacement-based methods, which include nonlinear calculations such as static pushover analysis, provide to investigate SSI beyond the elastic limits [3,4]. Realistic estimations of both displacement capacities and seismic drift demands became possible by using nonlinear analysis methods. The damage observations and detailed structural analyses have shown that SSI could significantly alter both the capacity and demand-related Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357; doi:10.3390/app10238357 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 2 of 21 structural parameters (e.g., vibration period, drift capacity, etc.) and hence the seismic performance of buildings [5,6]. All these observations and findings have shown that SSI effects should be considered necessary for the design and assessment of buildings. Earlier studies of SSI contained complex arithmetic formulas relating to wave propagation in several directions [1], and this approach made these studies difficult to comprehend. SSI is not covered in the undergraduate level and therefore, it is difficult for many engineers to apply these methods in design phase. While regulations and documents about SSI are available for engineers in countries such as USA [7], these sources have guided earthquake engineers only to a limited extent. In many countries, there are still no mandatory code regulations and directions that enforce the engineers to consider the SSI effects in design and assessment of buildings. SSI analyses are performed to investigate the effect of various soil conditions on the response of structures under seismic actions. There are two approaches for the calculation of SSI, namely the “direct” and “substructure” methods [8]. In the direct method, the structure and soil are modeled within a single finite element network in which the nonlinearities of the superstructure and the soil are represented as a whole, and structure and soil are analyzed together. On the other hand, direct method requires considerable calculation efforts and analysis duration, and therefore, it is not suitable when assessing a lot of buildings, as in the case of this study. The combined use of nonlinear time history analysis and direct method makes this situation more complicated. In the “substructure method,” on the other hand, the soil and the structure are considered as distinct systems. The behavior of the foundation and soil is represented by dynamic stiffness and damping coefficients and the effect of interaction between the soil and foundation is transmitted to the structure by means of dashpots and springs. This method considerably shortens the duration of analysis since the soil is not modeled directly. It is thus more favorable to use the substructure method in the studies when dealing with a large number of buildings. In this study, a lot of buildings (40 buildings) were considered and seismic response of these buildings under various soil conditions was investigated by using nonlinear time history analyses. Therefore, substructure method is preferred to investigate effect of SSI by considering the required efforts. Academical studies considering the SSI have increased in the United States towards the end of the 2000s and some of them were summarized in the FEMA-440 report [3]. In this report, regulations and expressions are presented to explain how SSI can be considered in nonlinear static analyses. The findings of these studies were also included in US code specifications [4]. However, the expressions in FEMA-440 [3] and the ASCE-2007 [4] regulations are not recommended for nonlinear time history analyses and therefore this situation required new studies on this subject. The results of subsequent studies related with the SSI in performance-based earthquake engineering were summarized in 2012 and the method which can be used in non-linear time history analysis was proposed [1]. This approach was also used in this study during the analyses of selected building models and SSI was represented based on the expressions taken from these studies. There are many other studies addressing the non-building type of structures in the literature. Gazetas [9] proposed algebraic formulas and tables that could be used to calculate the dynamic properties of foundations of different shapes. Mylonakis and Gazetas [6] discussed whether SSI effects could be beneficial for structures. They have compared the seismic behavior of structures calculated by using traditional methods and by considering SSI effects. The authors showed that an increase in the natural vibration period may not always lead to a lower spectral acceleration response and noted that this may result in an unsafe structural assessment. Mylonakis et al. [10] studied the seismic analysis and design of bridge piers and proposed simple expressions for the calculation of kinematic effects. Fatahi et al. [11] examined the seismic performance of empirical buildings with SSI and showed that the seismic performance of buildings varied significantly depending on the soil conditions. Shehata et al. [5] investigated the variations in SSI effects depending on the use of different demand calculation methods in multi-story buildings. Their research has shown that seismic performance evaluations are not within the reliable limits if the effects of SSI are ignored. Increasing number of academical studies and engineering reports imply that in the next generation codes SSI modeling Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 3 of 21 will necessarily be required and consideration of SSI effects in design will be mandatory. However, buildings constructed before these findings will still be the weak point of the cities that are prone to seismic risk. Turkey is an earthquake-prone country and the majority of existing building stock, which consist of low and mid-rise reinforced concrete (RC) buildings, were designed without considering SSI. Therefore, the main purpose of the present study is to investigate the effects of SSI on the seismic response of existing buildings. For this purpose, 40 RC buildings selected from Turkey were investigated. TEC-2007 [12] and TBEC-2018 [13] include the regulations which define the seismic performance assessment of existing buildings. However, both Turkish earthquake codes do not comprise the definitions or formulations which explain how to model SSI in design and assessment. In this study, residential RC buildings that constitute three-, four-, five- and six-story buildings were selected, and they were mainly classified into two groups as “old” and “new” buildings according to their construction dates [14]. TEC-1998 [15] is accepted as the reference code to distinguish buildings since this code applied the capacity design principle at the first time and considerably increased the design forces and limited the displacement demands in terms of drift ratios. This situation significantly differs the strength and stiffness capacity of existing buildings constructed before and after TEC-1998 in Turkey. Moreover, mandatory building control law, earthquake insurance and improvements in the workmanship and material qualities after the 1999 Marmara earthquakes increased the safety of newer buildings with respect to old ones. Design projects of these new and old buildings (20 new, 20 old) were obtained from the municipality archives in Denizli city. Moment-curvature analyses were performed for beams and columns and member damage limits were determined by using the strain-based definitions of Turkish Earthquake Code. Both 2007 and 2018 codes use the strain base damage assessment and, in both codes, ultimate concrete compression strain (which is the major parameter that controls damage capacity of the RC members) is limited to 1.8%. Non-linear building models were obtained by assigning the plastic hinges to the critical sections of RC members. Capacity curves of inelastic building models were obtained by using static pushover analyses and drift demands were calculated by using non-linear time history analyses. In fact, the aim of this study is not to evaluate or compare the non-linear modeling rules or assumptions of any codes. The main objective of this study is to investigate and compare the effect of SSI on the seismic capacity and demand calculations of existing buildings constructed on the various soil conditions changing from stiff to soft. The main idea is to compare building capacity curves, inelastic deformation demands, inter-story drift demands and overall seismic response of existing buildings which have different story numbers, different stiffness and strength capacities, and different soil conditions. For this purpose, four different soil conditions were considered. Response of buildings under fixed-base, stiff, moderate and soft soil cases were investigated. As mentioned previously, the “Substructure Method” was employed to explore the effects of the SSI. In order to determine the seismic demand generated by buildings on different soil conditions, 20 acceleration records selected from major earthquakes were used. Accordingly, 3200 dynamic nonlinear time history analyses (40 buildings, 4 different soil profiles and 20 acceleration records) were performed for three-dimensional multi-story buildings models. Additionally, nonlinear static pushover analyses were carried out to identify the effect of SSI on the capacity curves of selected buildings and the results were compared. 2. Nonlinear Modeling of Existing Buildings The majority of existing residential building stock of Turkey is composed of low and mid-rise RC buildings. Therefore, in this study buildings were selected to reflect this situation and story numbers of selected existing buildings vary between three and six. In the study, buildings were grouped according to their story numbers and construction dates and each story group has five buildings. Distribution of Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 4 of 21 the story numbers and construction dates of selected buildings are presented in Table 1. It should be stated that construction date of buildings has a crucial role since improvements in the workmanship and material qualities increased the safety of new buildings. In both seismic codes, a force-based design approach was used. However, capacity design principles were not considered in TEC-1975. One of the most important differences between the codes is also that TEC-1998 enforced the use of “ultimate strength design” for the analysis and design of RC cross-sections and this method is essential for the application of capacity design principles. In TEC-1975, design spectrum was not defined, but lateral seismic forces were calculated according to earthquake zone coefficient (Co ), seismic weight (W), structural configuration system type (K), soil condition (S) and importance factor (I). Maximum lateral force demand was recommended as 10% of seismic weight for the design of structures (Co = 0.1). In both seismic codes, soil conditions were only considered to calculate corner periods of the spectrum. Minimum allowable concrete strength was equal or higher than 16 MPa in TEC-1975, but this value was increased to 20 MPa in TEC-1998. In TEC-1975, S220 steel class which has a yield strength of 220 MPa was allowed, but in TEC-1998, minimum S420 steel which has a yield strength of 420 MPa was recommended. It can be said that new buildings have a greater stiffness, strength and ductility capacity with respect to old buildings. By using such kind of classification, it is aimed to investigate the effect of SSI on the new (98+) and old buildings (98−). Table 1. Number of old and new existing buildings for which a soil-structure interaction (SSI) model has been developed. Number of Stories Old Buildings (98−) New Buildings (98+) 3 4 5 6 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 The structural properties of buildings, such as section dimensions, reinforcement details, material properties, dead and live loads acting on the buildings were determined according to their design projects. Investigation of RC design projects have revealed that concrete strength of old buildings is mainly 16 MPa, and design projects of these buildings have shown that S220 steel class with a yield strength (fy ) of 220 MPa is used for both longitudinal and transverse reinforcement. It was also observed that stirrups were not used in the cross-section of members, and transverse reinforcement spacing of the members was mainly 200 mm and this was even inadequate according TEC-1975 design rules. Furthermore, design projects of buildings have shown that section dimensions of the columns were reduced in the upper stories. Buildings designed according to TEC-1998 or higher have identical steel class (S420) which yield strength is 420 MPa. However, concrete strengths were changed from project to project. For this reason, concrete strength of new buildings is not identical, and they were modeled according to their own concrete strengths. It was also observed that confinement details of code provisions were applied to beam and columns in new buildings. In addition, column dimensions were not reduced along the building height. In Figure 1 shows some pictures from the design projects of a sample four-story building and a photo from field investigation is shown. Strength and deformation capacities of members at critical sections were determined via moment-curvature analyses. Stress-strain behavior of confined concrete was represented by Modified Kent-Park model [16]. Since the purpose of the study is concentrated on the capacity and seismic demand estimation of buildings, intermediate damage limits (Immediate Occupancy and Life Safety) of structural members were not used. Collapse limits of members were obtained according to the strain-based damage definition given in Equation (1). In this equation, limits were calculated depending on the compression strains of confined concrete (εcc ) and tensile strain (εs ) of steel. Compression strain regarding collapse limit is formulated by the amount of transverse reinforcement. In the equation, confined concrete strain limits are expressed depending on the ratio of existing (ρs ) to required (ρsm ) Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 5 of 21 volumetric transverse reinforcement ratio of members. While performing moment-curvature analyses, both elongation in steel and compression in concrete were checked and collapse limit was determined according to whichever came first. In other words, minimum curvature values were determined from both expressions as indicated in Equation (1). In addition to flexural capacity of beams and columns, Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, of x FOR PEER REVIEW shear capacity members was also checked for the possible shear failure of RC members [17]. 5 of 22 (a) (b) (c) Figure 1. Field Field investigations investigations and photos of design projects ((a): Building Building picture, (b): Plan Plan of of building, building, (c): reinforcement details in the RC project). " capacities of members at ! critical! sections were #determined via Strength and deformation ρs moment‐curvature analyses. Stress‐strain was) represented (1) by φcollapse = min φ@ εcc = 0.004behavior + 0.014 of confined ≤ 0.018 ; concrete φ@(εs = 0.06 ρsm Modified Kent‐Park model [16]. Since the purpose of the study is concentrated on the capacity and seismic demand estimation ofBuildings buildings, intermediate damage limits (Immediate Occupancy and Life 3. SSI Modeling of Selected Safety) of structural members were not used. Collapse limits of members were obtained according to The effect of damage SSI is much more significant low-rise (1). andIn stiffer respect high-rise the strain‐based definition given in in Equation this buildings equation,with limits weretocalculated long period structures [1]. Buildings considered in this study are not high-rise structures, and therefore depending on the compression strains of confined concrete (εcc) and tensile strain (εs) of steel. it is expected that SSIregarding would alter the response examinedby buildings. Theof existing Turkish earthquake Compression strain collapse limit is of formulated the amount transverse reinforcement. code regulations do not require engineers to consider SSI effects, whether designing new buildings In the equation, confined concrete strain limits are expressed depending on the ratio of existing (ρor s) determining the seismic performances of existing buildings. Instead, the regulations mentioned above to required (ρ sm) volumetric transverse reinforcement ratio of members. While performing moment‐ recommended the “Fixed-Base Approach” forand both design and in evaluation buildings. mentioned curvature analyses, both elongation in steel compression concrete of were checkedAs and collapse before, the primary aim of this paper is to determine SSI effects on the superstructures by considering limit was determined according to whichever came first. In other words, minimum curvature values the “Substructure Method.” of theassubstructure can beInfound in the [8,18]. were determined from both Details expressions indicated inmethod Equation (1). addition to literature flexural capacity “Inertial Interactions” and “Kinematic Interactions” are two components, and they should of beams and columns, shear capacity of members was also checked for the possible shear failure be of considered in [17]. modeling of structures according to substructure method. Inertial interaction refers to the RC members displacements and rotations occurring at the foundation level of the superstructure due to shear and 𝜌 @ 𝜀 illustration 0.004 of 0.014 ; @degree 𝜀 0.06 effects. A𝑚𝑖𝑛 moment related schematic deformations0.018 for single of freedom system (1) 𝜌 (SDOF) caused by the lateral forces is shown in Figure 2. As a result of this interaction, an elongation of the natural vibration period of the structure is expected. Accordingly, this situation may have a 3. SSI Modeling Selected dramatic effect onof the seismic Buildings response of the structure. The ratio vibration periods of fixed base to SSI system SDOF can approximately be in calculated Equation (2). Thefor effect of system SSI is much more significant low‐riseby and stiffer buildings with respect to high‐ rise long period structures [1]. Buildings considered in this study are not high‐rise structures, and s 2 T0 the response k ofkhexamined buildings. The existing Turkish therefore it is expected that SSI would alter = 1+ + (2) T engineers kzto consider k yy earthquake code regulations do not require SSI effects, whether designing new buildings or determining the seismic performances of existing buildings. Instead, the regulations mentioned above recommended the “Fixed‐Base Approach” for both design and evaluation of buildings. As mentioned before, the primary aim of this paper is to determine SSI effects on the superstructures by considering the “Substructure Method.” Details of the substructure method can be found in the literature [8,18]. “Inertial Interactions” and “Kinematic Interactions” are two components, and they should be and moment related effects. A schematic illustration of deformations for single degree of freedom system (SDOF) caused by the lateral forces is shown in Figure 2. As a result of this interaction, an elongation of the natural vibration period of the structure is expected. Accordingly, this situation may have a dramatic effect on the seismic response of the structure. The ratio vibration periods of Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 6 of 21 fixed base to SSI system for SDOF system can approximately be calculated by Equation (2). m F m F m z uf h y k x k kx θ kyy kz (b) (a) Figure Typical lateral Figure 2. 2. Typical lateral deformation deformation of of single single degree degree of of freedom freedom system system (SDOF) (SDOF) model model according according to to (a) fixed base, (b) SSI system. (a) fixed base, (b) SSI system. In Equation (2), T’ denotes the elongated period, k is the stiffness of the structure, kz is the stiffness 2 be taken as two-thirds of the structure of the vertical spring, h is the effective modal which𝑘ℎcan 𝑇 height, 𝑘 (2) 1 height, and kyy is the stiffness of the rotational spring about the 𝑇 𝑘𝑧 𝑘𝑦𝑦 y-axis. On the other hand, kinematic interaction defines the reduction in free-field ground motions at the (2), T’ denotes the elongated k is of The the structure, kz is the base In dueEquation to stiff foundation elements located onperiod, or inside thethe soilstiffness medium. variation between stiffness ofand thefoundation vertical spring, h is the effective height,by which can befunction taken as representing two‐thirds of the free-field input motion (UFIM )modal is expressed a transfer structure height, andtokyy is the stiffness of Two the rotational spring about thereductions. y‐axis. ratio of foundation free-field motion. components cause these The first one is On the other hand, kinematic interaction definesofthe reduction in free‐field at the “Base Slab Averaging” which defines transition spatially variable groundground motionsmotions from soil the base due to stiff foundation elements on or inside thecaused soil medium. variation between medium to foundation due to the stiffnesslocated and strength changes by the The foundation system [1]. free‐field and input motion (UFIM is expressed by a level transfer function representing the The second onefoundation is the “Embedment Effects” in) which foundation motions are reduced because ratio of foundation to free‐field motion. Two components cause these The three first one is the of ground motion reduction along the depth of the foundation. In thereductions. present study, different “Base Slabwere Averaging” defines transitionand of spatially variable ground from soil types examined,which namely stiff, moderate, soft. It should be noted thatmotions soil types are soil not medium to due to the stiffness and strength changes caused byare theonly foundation [1]. classified asfoundation A, B or D as described in the majority of seismic codes, they used tosystem represent The second is the “Embedment Effects” in which foundation level motions to arethese reduced because different soilone characteristics. Mean shear wave velocities (V s30 ) corresponding soil types in of ground motion reduction along the depth of the foundation. In the present study, three different each direction are given in Table 2 [19,20]. Selected V s30 values are determined according to study of soil typesetwere examined, stiff, soft. It were should be noted by that soil types are not (Pitilakis al., 2013). Shearnamely modulus ofmoderate, these soil and conditions calculated using Equation (3). classified as A, BVor D as described in the majority of seismic codes, they are only used to represent In this equation, defines the shear wave velocity of soil, G denotes the soil shear modulus, and ρs s differentthe soil characteristics. shear wave velocities (Vs30 corresponding to these soil types in denotes soil mass density. Mean The mechanical properties such as) mass densities and Poisson’s ratios of each used direction arestudy givenare in given Table in 2 [19,20]. soils in this Table 3.Selected Vs30 values are determined according to study of (Pitilakis et al., 2013). Shear modulus of these soil conditions were calculated by using Equation (3). s In this equation, Vs defines the shear wave velocity ofGsoil, G denotes the soil shear modulus, and ρs V = (3) denotes the soil mass density. The mechanical sproperties ρs such as mass densities and Poisson’s ratios of soils used in this study are given in Table 3. Table 2. 2. Mean shear wave velocities for considered considered soils soils types. types. Table Shear Wave Velocities Stiff Shear Wave Velocities (Mean(Mean V s30 ) Vs30) Stiff Horizontal displacement (x) (m/s) Horizontal displacement (x) (m/s) Horizontal displacement (y) (m/s) Horizontal displacement (y) (m/s) Vertical displacement (z) (m/s) Vertical displacement (z) (m/s) Rotation about x-axisx‐axis (xx) (m/s) Rotation about (xx) (m/s) Rotation about y-axis (yy) (m/s) Rotation about y‐axis (yy) (m/s) Torsion about z-axis (zz) (m/s) Torsion about z‐axis (zz) (m/s) 720720 900900 720720 1020 1020 1080 1080 1020 1020 Moderate Moderate 285 285 360 360 285 285 405 405 430 430 405 405 Soft Soft 180 180 224 224 180 180 255 255 270 270 255 255 Table 3. Mass densities (ρs ) and Poisson’s ratio of soil types. Mass density (ρs ) (KN/m3 ) Poisson’s ratio (γ) Stiff Moderate Soft 22 20 18 0.25 0.33 0.42 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 7 of 21 Modeling of buildings according to the substructure method is essentially performed in two parts. In the first part, the motion of the massless foundation system is calculated without the presence of the superstructure. The second part consists of the application of motion to the structure where soil properties are simulated by a group of equivalent springs and dashpots [21,22]. Equivalent soil properties of the foundation-soil interface are represented with springs and dashpots. The stiffness and damping of these springs and dashpots were calculated according to equations proposed by Pais and Kaussel [18]. In the present study, stiffer springs (k2 , k3 , k4 ), which were calculated as a function of interior springs (kz i ) and the stiffness intensity modifiers (Rk,xx –Rk,yy ) along the foundation edges (Re L and Re B), are used to prevent the underestimation of rotational stiffness (Figure 3). Consequently, the total stiffness of the foundation was determined. The symbols “L” and “B” represent the dimension of the foundation system and they are taken as half of the actual dimensions. Re is the foundation end length ratio which can be taken between 0.3 and 0.5. Damping intensities of dashpots (Figure 3, cz i ) along the foundation edges were reduced by a damping intensity modifier (Rc,xx –Rc,yy ) to not overestimate the foundation rotational damping (c2 , c3 , c4 ). A schematic illustration of link and dashpot assignments foundation-soil Appl. Sci. 2020,to 10,the x FOR PEER REVIEW interface is shown in Figure 3 8 of 22 Figure Figure3.3.Calculation Calculationand andrepresentation representationofofstiffness stiffnessand anddamping dampingexpressions expressionsfor forthe thefoundation foundation springs added to the foundation systems. springs added to the foundation systems. Foundation systems of the selected buildings have shallow foundation, and the foundation Foundation systems of the selected buildings have shallow foundation, and the foundation dimensions were determined according to design projects of the buildings. Both of the base slab dimensions were determined according to design projects of the buildings. Both of the base slab averaging and the embedment effects were taken into account by considering soil shear wave velocities, averaging and the embedment effects were taken into account by considering soil shear wave embedment depth of the foundation, and the natural vibration frequencies of structures. The results velocities, embedment depth of the foundation, and the natural vibration frequencies of structures. The results indicated that the ground motion reductions (Hu) caused by these effects can be neglected for selected buildings since they can be considered as low‐ and mid‐rise buildings and they have no basement. The values calculated for the embedment effects (ωD/Vs) for all of buildings are lower than 0.006 (Figure 4, left). As a result, the calculated ground motion reduction factors (Hu) are very close Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 8 of 21 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Hu = uFIM/ug Hu= uFIM/ug indicated that the ground motion reductions (Hu ) caused by these effects can be neglected for selected buildings since they can be considered as low- and mid-rise buildings and they have no basement. The values calculated for the embedment effects (ωD/Vs ) for all of buildings are lower than 0.006 (Figure 4, left). As a result, the calculated ground motion reduction factors (Hu ) are very close to 1 which means that a significant reduction is not needed. A similar situation is also valid for the base slab averaging effects (Figure 4, right). Consequently, obtained results indicate that selected ground motions can directly be used for the nonlinear time history analysis of buildings according to both Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 22 cases (Figure 4). Translation 0 0.4 0.8 1.2 ωD/Vs 1.6 2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 Vapp/Vs=10 0 4 8 a0k= ω (BeA)/Vs 12 Figure 4. Ground motion reduction factors: (left) embedment effects, (right) base slab averaging Figure2012). 4. Ground motion reduction factors: (left) embedment effects, (right) base slab averaging (NIST, (NIST, 2012). 4. Effect of SSI on the Capacity and Demand Response of Existing Buildings 4. Effect of SSI on the Capacity and Demand Response of Existing Buildings In this section, capacity-related parameters such as structural period, yield and ultimate (collapse) displacement capacitycapacity‐related of members and parameters displacementsuch demands of buildings are evaluated. In this section, as structural period, yield and ultimate (collapse) displacement capacity of members and displacement demands of buildings are evaluated. 4.1. Effect of SSI on the Capacity Curves 4.1. Effect of SSI onmodels the Capacity All building were Curves analyzed to determine the capacity curves of buildings according to fixed-based assumption and SSI, analyzed and total of (40 buildings × 4 different SSIofmodeling) were All building models were to160 determine the capacity curves buildingsanalyses according to conducted via static pushover analysis. In this paper especially, the “Collapse Prevention” and “Yield” fixed‐based assumption and SSI, and total of 160 (40 buildings × 4 different SSI modeling) analyses limit are investigated since one of the purposes of the current study is to determine whether were states conducted via static pushover analysis. In this paper especially, the “Collapse Prevention” and consideration of SSI alters the capacity curves of the buildings. “Yield” limit states are investigated since one of the purposes of the current study is to determine Collapse prevention damage of buildings by checking damage states of whether consideration of SSI alterslimits the capacity curvesare of determined the buildings. columns, beams and the story shear forces. To define building collapse prevention it is assumed Collapse prevention damage limits of buildings are determined by checkinglimit, damage states of that at least 80% and of beams in any story should not exceed the member limit. The of columns, beams the story shear forces. To define building collapse collapse prevention limit, it collapse is assumed any column is accepted as the collapse prevention limit of the buildings. Shear force carried by the that at least 80% of beams in any story should not exceed the member collapse limit. The collapse of columns beyond the yieldaslimit both ends were checked andthe thebuildings. contribution of these to the any column is accepted the at collapse prevention limit of Shear force columns carried by the total shearbeyond capacity ofyield each limit story at was limited 30%.checked Collapse prevention damageof limit is determined columns the both endsto were and the contribution these columns to according to eachcapacity rule andofbuilding damage is attained byCollapse whichever gives the lowest drift ratio. the total shear each story waslimit limited to 30%. prevention damage limit is After the determination capacity curves via static pushover analysis, investigated determined according to eachofrule and building damage limit is attained by authors whichever gives the whether capacity-related parameters were altered or not when the SSI was considered. Vibration periods lowest drift ratio. (T), ductility capacities (µ) and of proportion drift ratios corresponding to yield, and ultimate damage After the determination capacity of curves via static pushover analysis, authors investigated levels arecapacity‐related used to evaluateparameters and compare thealtered effect of building capacity curves. InVibration order to whether were or SSI not on when the SSI was considered. explain the details of the applied procedure, BO20SN6 was selected among the considered buildings. periods (T), ductility capacities () and proportion of drift ratios corresponding to yield, and ultimate The first two letters of the refer to the the effect designofcode of building the building, and curves. “BO” and “BN” damage levels are used to building evaluate name and compare SSI on capacity In order are used to represent oldof(98−) and newprocedure, buildings (98+), respectively. The numbers these to explain the details the applied BO20SN6 was selected among following the considered letters indicate the order of the building in the inventory. “SN6” refers to the story number of the buildings. The first two letters of the building name refer to the design code of the building, and “BO” building. Figure capacity curve, ultimate damage limits the BO20SN6 arenumbers plotted and “BN”Inare used5, to represent oldyield (98−)and and new buildings (98+), of respectively. The according to each of the soil classes considered. following these letters indicate the order of the building in the inventory. “SN6” refers to the story number of the building. In Figure 5, capacity curve, yield and ultimate damage limits of the BO20SN6 are plotted according to each of the soil classes considered. It can be seen from the figure that yield and ultimate damage levels of the building are shifted left to right from stiff to soft soil types. A similar situation can also be observed for the initial part of the capacity curve. This situation clearly explains the period elongations from stiff to soft soil profiles. It should be stated that similar results were observed for all buildings in the inventory. Appl. Sci. Sci.2020, 2020,10, 10,x8357 Appl. FOR PEER REVIEW of 22 21 109 of 50% 50% 40% 40% Yield BO20SN6 Collapse Prevention Stiff Yield Fixed Stiff 20% Moderate Moderate 10% BN19SN6 30% Fixed Vt/W Vt/W 30% 20% Collapse Prevention 10% Soft Soft 0% 0.00% 0.50% 1.00% /H 1.50% 2.00% 0% 0.00% 2.50% 0.50% 1.00% /H 1.50% 2.00% 2.50% Figure 5. Capacity curves and damage limits of selected old and new buildings. Figure 5. Capacity curves and damage limits of selected old and new buildings. 0.96 1.02 0.58 0.72 0.48 0.62 0.80 0.88 0.43 0.58 0.74 0.82 0.42 0.57 0.73 0.81 T (sec) It can be seen from the figure that yield and ultimate damage levels of the building are shifted left In Figure 5, capacity curves of BO20SN6 BN19SN6 buildings corresponding to different to right from stiff to soft soil types. A similarand situation can also be observed for the initial part ofsoil the conditions are presented. Significant differences between the strength and deformation capacities of capacity curve. This situation clearly explains the period elongations from stiff to soft soil profiles. selected shows the effect changing regulations oninventory. the old (98−) and new It shouldbuildings be stated clearly that similar results were of observed for code all buildings in the (98+) In buildings. Figure 5 clearly indicates that curves of fixed‐base and stiff soil cases are almost Figure 5, capacity curves of BO20SN6 and BN19SN6 buildings corresponding to different soil identical and capacity curve of moderate soil case is closer to them with respect to the soft soil conditions are presented. Significant differences between the strength and deformation capacities of condition. Variation of capacity curves imply that the main difference occurs in the elastic slope of selected buildings clearly shows the effect of changing code regulations on the old (98−) and new the building and drift ratios corresponding yield and collapse limits are affected from (98+) buildings. Figure 5 clearly indicatestothat curves of fixed-base andsignificantly stiff soil cases are almost SSI in the soft soil case. This figure also indicates that plastic drift capacities of the BO20SN6 building identical and capacity curve of moderate soil case is closer to them with respect to the soft soil are almost unchanged the movement of plastic deformation capacity, which caused the condition. Variation ofand capacity curves imply that the main difference occurs in is the elasticbyslope inertial interaction between structure and soil, can be explained by shifting instead of increasing. of the building and drift ratios corresponding to yield and collapse limits are significantly affected Previous have indicated this also inertial interaction, and hence elongationofof the natural from SSI studies in the soft soilalso case. This figure indicates that plastic drift capacities the BO20SN6 vibration period of the buildings [23]. building are almost unchanged and the movement of plastic deformation capacity, which is caused by The studies of Velestos and structure Nair [24] and and soil, Bielak [25] dimensionless the inertial interaction between can be investigated explained bythe shifting instead ofparameters increasing. that control the vibration period of the systems in SSI, and they showed that the most important Previous studies have also indicated this inertial interaction, and hence elongation of the natural parameter is (h/V sT), which is known as the structure to soil stiffness ratio. For typical reinforced vibration period of the buildings [23]. concrete buildings on stiff is usually than 0.1 [23]. this ratio increases, the Theframe studies of Velestos and soil, Nairthis [24]ratio and Bielak [25]less investigated the As dimensionless parameters elongation thevibration natural vibration also increases. Forthey thisshowed reason, that elongation of important vibration that controlofthe period of period the systems in SSI, and the most period resulting from inertial interaction should be taken into consideration when assessing the parameter is (h/Vs T), which is known as the structure to soil stiffness ratio. For typical reinforced seismic of structures since period of building affects theratio displacement concretebehavior frame buildings on stiff soil,the thisvibration ratio is usually lessthe than 0.1 [23]. As this increases, demand. the elongation of the natural vibration period also increases. For this reason, elongation of vibration The naturalfrom period of theinteraction buildings should in the inventory are consideration determined for eachassessing soil typethe and story period resulting inertial be taken into when seismic groups the analyses, mean period fixed‐base and periods due to behaviorfrom of structures since and the vibration periodvalues of the of building affects theelongated displacement demand. different soil classes are shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 also shows that vibration periods increase with The natural period of the buildings in the inventory are determined for each soil type and story increasing story numbers as expected. This situation is valid for all soil types. Comparison of values groups from the analyses, and mean period values of fixed-base and elongated periods due to different in Figures andshown 7 haveinshown the elongation of the vibration period is much more significant in soil classes6are Figurethat 6. Figure 7 also shows that vibration periods increase with increasing the soft soil case and this behavior is identical both in new (98+) and old (98−) buildings (Figure 7). story numbers as expected. This situation is valid for all soil types. Comparison of values in Figures 6 and 7 have shown that the elongation of the vibration period is much more significant in the soft soil 4 buildings 5 6 (Figure 7). case and this behavior is identical both in new (98+) and old3(98−) In addition to vibration 1.2 periods, elongation of displacement capacities corresponding to yield and collapse limits (as shown 1.0 in Figure 5) were also investigated for all buildings and soil conditions. 0 Relation between elongation 0.8 of the vibration periods (T /T) and change in the yield drift ratios (∆y 0 /∆y ) depending on the SSI are illustrated in Figure 8. In this figure, T0 and ∆y 0 notations represent 0.6 the vibration periods and yield displacements of stiff, moderate and soft soil cases, respectively. 0.4 T and ∆y notations, on the other hand, correspond to fixed-base case. Strong correlation between 0.2 (T0 /T) and (∆y 0 /∆y ) values explains the effect of SSI on the capacity (yield displacement) and demand 0.0 (period)-related structural parameters Fixed of the buildings. Stiff Moderate Soft Soil Class Figure 6. Distribution of mean vibration periods according to story numbers and soil types. The natural period of the buildings in the inventory are determined for each soil type and story groups from the analyses, and mean period values of fixed‐base and elongated periods due to different soil classes are shown in Figure 6. Figure 7 also shows that vibration periods increase with increasing story numbers as expected. This situation is valid for all soil types. Comparison of values in Figures 6 and 7 have shown that the elongation of the vibration period is much more significant in Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 10 of 21 the soft soil case and this behavior is identical both in new (98+) and old (98−) buildings (Figure 7). 3 4 5 T (sec) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.6 0.2 0.4 0.0 0.2 0 3 St Moderate Soft 4 St 5 St 6 St Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x 5FOR PEER 0 10 REVIEW15 98- 1.2 Fixed Stiff Fixed 1.4 0.96 1.02 11 of 22 0.58 0.72 0.8 0.48 0.62 0.80 0.88 1.2 Fixed 1 T (sec) T (sec) 98+ 0.43 0.58 0.74 0.82 1.0 1.4 0.42 0.57 0.73 0.81 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 1.2 6 Stiff 0.8 Moderate 0.6 0.4 Stiff Moderate 0.2 Soil Class 3 St 0 0 20 Soft Soft 4 St 5 6 St 5 St 10 15 20 Figure 6. Distribution of mean vibration periods according to story numbers and soil types. Building Number Building Number Figure 6. Distribution of mean vibration periods according to story numbers and soil types. 1.4 11 of 22 1.4 98+ 98Figure 7. Distribution of vibration periods for all models according to story numbers and soil types. Fixed 1.2 1.2 Fixed 1 1 Stiff T (sec) T (sec) In addition to vibration periods, elongation of displacement capacities corresponding to yield Stiff 0.8 0.8 Moderate and 0.6 collapse limits (as shown in Figure 5) were also investigated for all buildings and soil conditions. 0.6 Moderate Relation between elongation of the vibration periods (T′/T) and change in the yield drift ratiosSoft (y′/y) 0.4 0.4 Soft 0.2 figure, T′ and y′ notations represent the 0.2 depending on the SSI are5 illustrated in Figure 8. In this 6 St 3 St St 4 St 3 St 6 St 4 St 5 St 0 0 vibration periods and yield displacements of stiff, moderate and soft soil cases, respectively. T and 0 5 10 15 20 0 5 10 15 20 y notations, on the other between (T′/T) and Building Number Buildinghand, Numbercorrespond to fixed‐base case. Strong correlation (y′/y) values explains the effect of SSI on the capacity (yield displacement) and demand (period)‐ Figure 7. Distribution of vibration periods for all models according to story numbers and soil types. Figure 7. Distribution of vibration for all models according to story numbers and soil types. related structural parameters of the periods buildings. y'/y In addition to vibration periods, elongation of displacement capacities corresponding to yield 2.6 R² = 0.88 and collapse limits (as shown in Figure 5) were also investigated for all buildings and soil conditions. 2.2 Relation between elongation of the vibration periods (T′/T) and change in the yield drift ratios (y′/y) depending on the SSI are illustrated in Figure 8. In this figure, T′ and y′ notations represent the 1.8yield displacements of stiff, moderate and soft soil cases, respectively. T and vibration periods and y notations, on the other hand, correspond to fixed‐base case. Strong correlation between (T′/T) and 1.4 (y′/y) values explains the effect of SSI on the capacity (yield displacement) and demand (period)‐ related structural parameters of the buildings. 1.0 2.6 0.6 1.00 1.20 T'/T 1.40 1.60 1.80 y'/y 2.2 0.2 0.80 1.8 R² = 0.88 Figure Correlation of Figure 8. Correlation of shifted shifted yield yield points points and and elongated elongated vibration vibration periods. periods. 1.48. The The effect effect of of SSI SSI on the the plastic plastic deformation deformation capacity capacity of of buildings buildings is is also also investigated. investigated. For For this this 1.0on 0 ) were divided into purpose, plastic drift capacities corresponding to stiff, moderate and soft cases (∆ p purpose, plastic drift capacities corresponding to stiff, moderate and soft cases (p′) were divided the of fixed-base of results is presented in Figure 9. Variation of ∆p 0 /∆of p ) and p 0.6 case (∆ intoratios the ratios of fixed‐base case (p)distribution and distribution of results is presented in Figure 9. Variation values indicates that effects of SSI on the plastic deformation capacity of buildings are insignificant and p′/p values indicates that effects of SSI on the plastic deformation capacity of 0buildings are 0.2between plastic deformation capacities and period elongations (T /T) due to SSI. there is no correlation insignificant and there is no correlation between plastic deformation capacities and period 0.80 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 Effect of this situation elongations (T′/T) due to SSI. can also be examined from the ductility capacities of buildings. T'/T Increasing yield displacements and similar plastic drift capacities requires to decrease ductility capacities of buildings. This disadvantage related with SSI was also reported Figure 8. Correlation of shifted yield points andthe elongated vibration periods. by Shakib and Homei [26]. In order to investigate the extent of this problem, changes in the ductility ratios depending 0 /T) values are presented in Figure 10. Figure 10 clearly shows the considerable decrease in on the (Teffect The of SSI on the plastic deformation capacity of buildings is also investigated. For this building ductility capacities (µ0 /µ) due to effect of [21,22,26]. purpose, plastic drift capacities corresponding to SSI stiff, moderate and soft cases (p′) were divided into the ratios of fixed‐base case (p) and distribution of results is presented in Figure 9. Variation of p′/p values indicates that effects of SSI on the plastic deformation capacity of buildings are insignificant and there is no correlation between plastic deformation capacities and period elongations (T′/T) due to SSI. 1.4 R² = 0.05 1.2 1.0 p'/p p'/p Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 0.8 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 21 12 of 22 0.6 0.4 1.4 0.2 1.2 0.0 1.0 0.80 0.8 R² = 0.05 1.00 1.20 1.40 1.60 1.80 T'/T 0.6 Figure 9. Correlation of shifted plastic limits and elongated vibration periods. 0.4 0.2 can also be examined from the ductility capacities of buildings. Increasing Effect of this situation yield displacements 0.0 and similar plastic drift capacities requires to decrease ductility capacities of buildings. This disadvantage SSI was also by Shakib1.80 and Homei [26]. In 0.80 related 1.00with the1.20 1.40reported1.60 order to investigate the extent of this problem, changes T'/Tin the ductility ratios depending on the (T′/T) values are presented in Figure 10. Figure 10 clearly shows the considerable decrease in building Figure 9. 9. Correlation Correlation of of shifted plastic plastic limits limits and and elongated elongated vibration vibration periods. Figure periods. ductility capacities (μ′/μ) due to effectshifted of SSI [21,22,26]. '/ Effect of this situation can also be examined from the ductility capacities of buildings. Increasing 1.2 yield displacements and similar plastic drift capacities requires to decrease ductility capacities of R² = 0.74 buildings. This disadvantage related with the SSI was also reported by Shakib and Homei [26]. In 1.0 order to investigate the extent of this problem, changes in the ductility ratios depending on the (T′/T) values are presented 0.8in Figure 10. Figure 10 clearly shows the considerable decrease in building ductility capacities (μ′/μ) due to effect of SSI [21,22,26]. 0.6 1.2 0.4 R² = 0.74 '/ 1.0 0.2 0.8 0.0 0.60.80 1.00 1.20 T'/T 1.40 1.60 1.80 0.4 10. Figure 10. Decrease Decrease in in structure structure ductility ductility capacities capacities with with SSI SSI effects. effects. Figure 4.2. Effect of SSI on the 0.2Displacement Response of Existing Buildings 4.2. Effect of SSI on the Displacement Response of Existing Buildings To investigate the effect of SSI on the displacement response of buildings, nonlinear dynamic 0.0 effect of SSI on the displacement response of buildings, nonlinear dynamic To investigate the analyses were performed. For this purpose, 20 real strong ground motions were selected [27]. 0.80For this1.00 1.60 were1.80 analyses were performed. purpose, 201.20 real strong1.40 ground motions selected [27]. Some Some attributes of selected records are given in Table 4. Response spectrum of selected records and T'/T attributes of selected records are given in Table 4. Response spectrum of selected records and their their mean is drawn in Figure 11. The maximum spectral acceleration of the mean spectrum is around mean is drawn in Figure maximum spectral acceleration of the mean spectrum is around 1.14 Figure11. 10.The Decrease inare structure effects. 1.14 g and elastic spectral accelerations higherductility than 1 gcapacities betweenwith the SSI periods of 0.2 s to 0.6 s. g and elastic spectral accelerations are higher than 1 g between the periods of 0.2 s to 0.6 s. Effect of SSI on the displacement response of existing buildings was investigated by two different 4.2. Effect of demand SSI on theparameters Displacement Response Existing Buildings earthquake (EDPs): roofofand inter-story drift ratios. Roof displacement is one of Table 4. General properties of selected real earthquake records. the most widely used andon it the has displacement wide applicability, especially for determining thedynamic seismic To investigate theparameters effect of SSI response of buildings, nonlinear Vmax/Aaccording max performance structures.For However, seismic performance of buildings is determined to analyses Name wereofperformed. this purpose, 20 real strong ground motions were selected [27]. Some of Acceleration Depth (km) PGA (g) PGV (cm/s) PGD (cm) (s) different seismic intensity or earthquake levels. Different earthquake levels can be recommended attributes of selected records are given in Table 4. Response spectrum of selected records and their CAP‐RIO270 18.50 spectral 0.39acceleration 40.58of the in 47.44 for different performance according to building importance the spectrum modern0.11 seismic codes. mean is drawn in Figure 11.levels The maximum mean is around 1.14 CHI‐TCU74N 13.67 0.35 39.54 49.12 Earthquake onaccelerations the other hand, are described according different exceeding g and elastic levels, spectral are higher than 1 g between thetoperiods of 0.2 s to0.12 0.6 s.probability CHI‐TCU95W 43.44drift demand 0.38 ratios 59.39 0.16investigated levels. Considering this situation, roof of existing80.09 buildings are COA‐PLE045 0.59 59.38 14.36 0.10 Table 4.For General properties selected realexceedance earthquake records. in a probabilistic manner. this 8.50 purpose, of cumulative probability of drift ratios is calculated from the displacement demands of buildings which are subjected to 20 real earthquake Vmax/Amax Name oftoAcceleration Depth (km) (g) PGV (cm/s) PGD (cm) records. In order generalize obtained results,PGA cumulative exceeding probabilities are provided for (s) different building groups (new and old), story numbers and soil type which are modeled according to CAP‐RIO270 18.50 0.39 40.58 47.44 0.11 the substructure method. CHI‐TCU74N 13.67 0.35 39.54 49.12 0.12 CHI‐TCU95W 43.44 0.38 59.39 80.09 0.16 COA‐PLE045 8.50 0.59 59.38 14.36 0.10 LOM‐BRN090 10.30 0.50 43.79 13.03 0.09 LOM‐CYC285 21.80 0.48 43.91 81.28 0.09 LOM‐G03090 14.40 0.37 43.08 25.31 0.12 LOM‐SAR000 13.00 0.51 41.26 16.42 0.08 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 NOR‐CNP196 15.80 0.42 57.01 67.59 0.14 NOR‐LOS000 13.00 0.41 44.84 20.16 0.11 NOR‐LOS270 13.00 0.48 44.52 15.25 0.09 Table 4. General properties of selected real earthquake records. NOR‐MU2035 20.80 0.62 41.93 16.57 0.07 Name of NOR‐MUL009 19.60 0.42 55.74 55.98 0.14 Depth (km) PGA (g) PGV (cm/s) PGD (cm) Vmax /Amax (s) Acceleration NOR‐ORR090 22.60 0.57 53.72 37.60 0.10 CAP-RIO270 0.11 NOR‐ORR360 18.50 22.600.39 0.51 40.58 51.32 47.44 31.36 0.10 CHI-TCU74N 0.12 NOR‐SAT180 13.67 13.300.35 0.48 39.54 65.88 49.12102.17 0.14 CHI-TCU95W 43.44 0.38 59.39 80.09 0.16 NPAL‐NPS210 8.20 0.59 72.12 13.45 0.12 12 of 21 COA-PLE045 8.50 0.59 59.38 14.36 0.10 KOC-DZC270 12.70 0.36 61.02 252.44 0.17 Effect of SSI on the displacement response of 41.40 existing buildings by two LAN-CLVTR 21.20 0.42 22.07 was investigated 0.10 LOM-BRN000 10.30 0.45 50.43 16.20 0.11 different earthquake demand parameters (EDPs): roof and inter‐story drift ratios. Roof displacement 10.30parameters 0.50 43.79 applicability, 13.03 especially0.09 is one ofLOM-BRN090 the most widely used and it has wide for determining LOM-CYC285 21.80 0.48 43.91 81.28 0.09 the seismic performance of structures. However, seismic performance of buildings is determined LOM-G03090 14.40 0.37 43.08 25.31 0.12 according to different seismic or earthquake levels. Different LOM-SAR000 13.00intensity 0.51 41.26 16.42 earthquake 0.08levels can be recommended for different15.80 performance0.42 levels according in the modern NOR-CNP196 57.01 to building 67.59 importance0.14 NOR-LOS000 13.00 on the other 0.41 hand, are 44.84 20.16 0.11 seismic codes. Earthquake levels, described according to different exceeding NOR-LOS270 13.00 0.48 44.52 15.25 0.09 probability levels. Considering this situation, roof drift demand ratios of existing buildings are NOR-MU2035 20.80 0.62 41.93 16.57 0.07 investigated in a probabilistic manner. For this purpose, cumulative exceedance probability of drift NOR-MUL009 19.60 0.42 55.74 55.98 0.14 ratios is NOR-ORR090 calculated from the displacement of buildings 37.60 which are subjected to 20 real 22.60 0.57demands 53.72 0.10 earthquake records. In order to generalize obtained results, probabilities are NOR-ORR360 22.60 0.51 51.32 cumulative 31.36 exceeding 0.10 13.30 groups 0.48 65.88story numbers 102.17 and soil 0.14 providedNOR-SAT180 for different building (new and old), type which are NPAL-NPS210 8.20 0.59 72.12 13.45 0.12 modeled according to the substructure method. 2.5 CAP-RIO270 CHI-TCU95W KOC-DZC270 LOM-BRN000 LOM-CYC285 LOM-SAR000 NOR-LOS000 NOR-MU2035 NOR-ORR090 NOR-SAT180 Mean Sa (g) 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 CHI-TCU74N COA-PLE045 LAN-CLVTR LOM-BRN090 LOM-G03090 NOR-CNP196 NOR-LOS270 NOR-MUL009 NOR-ORR360 NPAL-NPS210 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 T (sn) 3.0 4.0 Figure 11. 11. Response Response spectrum spectrum of of selected selected real real ground ground motion motion records Figure records used used in in this this study. study. In In order order to to determine determine cumulative cumulative probability probability of of exceedance exceedance curves, curves, maximum maximum displacement displacement demands of each building at roof level were determined and these demands were collected in theindata demands of each building at roof level were determined and these demands were collected the pool. In each data pool 100 drift ratios (5 buildings × 20 acceleration records) corresponding to each data pool. In each data pool 100 drift ratios (5 buildings × 20 acceleration records) corresponding to story groupgroup of new and old werewere obtained andand thenthen theythey were ranked from minimum to each story of new andbuildings old buildings obtained were ranked from minimum maximum. Minimum and maximum values in the data drift ratiosthe corresponding to maximum. Minimum and maximum values in pool the represent data pooltherepresent drift ratios probability of exceeding 100% and 0%, respectively. In order to compare the drift demands between the fixed-base and SSI approaches, different exceedance probability levels were also considered. For this purpose, drift ratios corresponding to probability of exceeding 50% and 10% levels were used. Cumulative exceedance probabilities of three- to six-story buildings are plotted in Figures 12–15. It can be seen from the figures that roof drift probabilities of the fixed-base approach and stiff soil conditions are very similar, and they are mostly overlapped. Drift demands of moderate soil condition are closer to fixed-base and stiff soil cases with respect to soft soil condition. These figures clearly show that roof 90% 100% 80% 90% 80% 90% 70% 80% 70% 80% 98+ 60% 70% 98+ 50% 60% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20% 0% 10% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 100% 0.5% 0.5% 1.5% 2.0% 1.5% 2.0% 98- 60% 70% 98- 50% 60% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20% 0% 10% 0.0% 0% 0.0% 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% /H 1.0% /H Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate 1.5% Soft 2.0% 1.5% 2.0% Figure 12. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the three‐story buildings. Figure 12. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the three-story buildings. Figure 12. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the three‐story buildings. 100% 90% 100% 90% 100% 80% 90% 80% 90% 70% 80% Probability Probability 1.0% /H 1.0% /H Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate Soft Probability Probability 90% 100% 98+ 60% 70% 98+ 50% 60% 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20% 0% 10% 0.0% 0% 0.0% Fixed Stiff Moderate Fixed Soft Stiff Moderate Soft 70% 80% Probability Probability Probability Probability corresponding probability of exceeding 100% and 0%, respectively. In order to compare the drift also considered. For this purpose, drift ratios corresponding to probability of exceeding 50% and 10% demands between the fixed‐base and SSI approaches, different exceedance probability levels were levels were used. Cumulative exceedance probabilities of three‐ to six‐story buildings are plotted in also considered. For this purpose, drift ratios corresponding to probability of exceeding 50% and 10% Figures 12–15. It can be seen from the figures that roof drift probabilities of the fixed‐base approach levels were used. Cumulative exceedance probabilities of three‐ to six‐story buildings are plotted in and stiff soil conditions are very similar, and they are mostly overlapped. Drift demands of moderate Figures 12–15. It can be seen from the figures that roof drift probabilities of the fixed‐base approach Appl. 2020, 10, 8357 of 21 soil Sci. condition are closer to fixed‐base and stiff soil cases with respect to soft soil condition.13These and stiff soil conditions are very similar, and they are mostly overlapped. Drift demands of moderate figures clearly show that roof demands gradually increase due to SSI, and the most significant effect soil condition are closer to fixed‐base and stiff soil cases with respect to soft soil condition. These of SSI is observed on soft soil case in all story groups of new and old buildings. figures clearly show that roof gradually increase due effect to SSI,ofand most significant effect demands gradually increase duedemands to SSI, and the most significant SSIthe is observed on soft soil of SSI is story observed on soft soiland caseold in all story groups of new and old buildings. case in all groups of new buildings. 100% 100% 98- 60% 70% 50% 60% 98- 40% 50% 30% 40% 20% 30% 10% 20% Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate 1.5% Soft2.0% 0% 10% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 0% /H /H 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% 2.0% 0.0% 0.5% 1.0% 1.5% Figure 13. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the four-story buildings. /H /H Figure 13. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the four‐story buildings. 0.5% Figure 13. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the four‐story buildings. 2.0% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0%0.0% 0.0% 1415ofof2122 15 of 22 98+ 98+ 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% /H /H Probability Probability Probability Probability Appl.Sci. Sci.2020, 2020,10, 10,8357 x FOR PEER REVIEW Appl. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate Soft 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0%0.0% 0.0% 9898- Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate Soft 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% /H /H 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0%0.0% 0.0% 98+ 98+ Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate Soft 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% /H /H 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% Probability Probability Probability Probability Figure 14. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the five‐story buildings. Figure 14. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the five-story buildings. Figure 14. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the five‐story buildings. 100% 100% 90% 90% 80% 80% 70% 70% 60% 60% 50% 50% 40% 40% 30% 30% 20% 20% 10% 10% 0% 0%0.0% 0.0% 9898- Fixed Stiff Fixed Moderate Stiff Soft Moderate Soft 0.5% 0.5% 1.0% 1.0% /H /H 1.5% 1.5% 2.0% 2.0% Figure Figure15. 15.Cumulative Cumulativeexceedance exceedanceprobability probabilitycurves curvesofofthe thesix-story six‐storybuildings. buildings. Figure 15. Cumulative exceedance probability curves of the six‐story buildings. Distribution Distributionofofresults resultsalso alsoshows showsthat thatprobabilistic probabilisticroof roofdisplacement displacementdemands demandsininold oldbuildings buildings (98−) are new (98+), On hand, the of results also that probabilistic roof displacement demandsamong in old buildings (98−)Distribution aregreater greaterthan than newones onesshows (98+),as asexpected. expected. On the theother other hand,differences differences among theroof roof demand curves of especially in fiveand six-story buildings are relatively low with respect to other (98−) are greater than new ones (98+), as expected. On the other hand, differences among the roof demand curves of especially in five‐ and six‐story buildings are relatively low with respect to other ones. words, the the effect of five‐ SSIofisand much more in low-rise having relatively demand curves of especially in six‐story buildings are relatively low with respect tohaving other ones.InInother other words, effect SSI is muchpronounced more pronounced in buildings low‐rise buildings higher stiffness capacities and strength This situation is muchisinmore evident in threeand ones. In other words, thecapacities effect ofand SSIratios. is much more pronounced low‐rise relatively higher stiffness strength ratios. This situation much morebuildings evident inhaving three‐ four-story new buildings (98+). All these investigations have shown that relative effect of SSI especially relatively highernew stiffness capacities ratios. This situation is much evident in of three‐ and four‐story buildings (98+).and Allstrength these investigations have shown thatmore relative effect SSI inand softfour‐story soil case isnew much more significant stifferinvestigations andinstronger buildings. (98+). Allin these have shownbuildings. that relative effect of SSI especially in soft soilbuildings case is much more significant stiffer and stronger Numerical evaluations results have indicated probabilistic roof drift especially in soft soil case isofof much more significant inthat stiffer and stronger buildings. Numerical evaluations results have indicated that probabilistic roof driftratios ratioscalculated calculatedfor for soft soil case can be 1.3 to 1.7 times greater than that of fixed-base case in three-story new buildings. Numerical results have indicated that probabilistic drift ratiosnew calculated for soft soil case canevaluations be 1.3 to 1.7oftimes greater than that of fixed‐base case roof in three‐story buildings. However, these ratios decrease toto1.2 toto1.3 three-story old on soft soil case can be 1.3 to 1.7 times greater than that of fixed‐base casedepending in three‐story new buildings. However, these ratios decrease 1.2 1.3inin three‐story oldbuildings buildings depending onthe theprobability probability ofHowever, levels (50%, 10% ratios buildings range these ratios decrease to maximum 1.2 to 1.3 in(0%)). three‐story old buildings depending on the probability ofexceeding exceeding levels (50%, 10%and and maximum (0%)).The Thesame same ratiosininsix-story six‐storyold old buildings range from 1.05 to 1.2. These numerical comparisons indicate that the relative effect of SSI is much of exceeding levels (50%, 10% and comparisons maximum (0%)). The same ratios in six‐story old buildings range from 1.05 to 1.2. These numerical indicate that the relative effect of SSI is muchmore more effective ininto stiffer low-rise buildings. ItItcan that results from 1.05 1.2. and These numerical comparisons indicate that the relative effect of SSI is muchshow more effective stiffer andstronger stronger low‐rise buildings. canbe beadmitted admitted thatthe theobtained obtained results show consistency results obtained from similar effective inwith stiffer and stronger low‐rise buildings. It can in beinliterature admitted that consistency withthe the results obtained from similarstudies studies literature[21]. [21].the obtained results show consistency with the results obtained from similar studies in literature [21]. 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi Story Story Story Story Story Story In addition to evaluation of inter‐story roof drift ratios, effectsare ofplotted SSI on the inter‐story drift ratios areand also discussed. In Figures 16–23, mean drift ratios for different building groups discussed. In Figures 16–23, mean inter‐story drift ratios are plotted for different building groups and soil types. While calculating the inter‐story drift ratios, the same method was applied. One hundred soil types.drift While calculating inter‐story drift ratios, the same method was were applied. One inter‐story ratios obtainedthe from five buildings and 20 acceleration records used andhundred values inter‐story drifttoratios obtainedoffrom five buildings 20 acceleration records were used and values corresponding probability exceeding levels and of 50%, 10% and maximum drift ratios were corresponding to probability of exceeding levels of 50%, 10% and maximum drift ratios averaged. method was repeated for each story group. Variation of inter‐story drift ratios15clearly Appl. Sci. 2020,This 10, 8357 ofwere 21 averaged. Thismost method was repeated for depending each story group. inter‐story drift ratios of clearly show that the significant changes on theVariation SSI occurofat the bottom stories the show that[21] theand most changes depending on the SSI occur at soft the soil bottom of the buildings thesignificant most evident increments are again observed in the case.stories All of these In addition to evaluation of roof drift ratios, effects of SSI on the inter-story drift ratios are also buildings [21] and most evident increments are again in case the soft soil case. All of these figures indicate thatthe inter‐story drift ratios are increased in observed the soft soil in all probability levels. discussed. Indrift Figures mean inter-story drift ratios arethan plotted forsoil different groups and figures indicate that16–23, inter‐story drift ratios are are increased in the0.5% soft case inbuilding all probability levels. Inter‐story ratios at 50% probability level lower and the difference between the soil types. While calculating the inter-story drift ratios, the same method was applied. One hundred Inter‐story drift ratios at 50% probability level are lower than 0.5% and the difference between the soil types in terms of story drift ratios is not obvious. inter-story drift ratios obtained from five buildings and 20 acceleration records were used and values soil Drift typesratios in terms of story drift is not obvious. corresponding toratios probability of exceeding 10% are higher than that of 50% ratios and corresponding to probability of exceeding levels of 10%ratios and drift were averaged. Driftofratios corresponding to probability of 50%, exceeding 10%maximum are higher thanratios thatlevel of 50% ratios and the effect SSI becomes more apparent. Inter‐story drift at this probability can be close This method was repeated for each story group. Variation of inter-story drift ratios clearly show that the effect of SSI becomes more apparent. Inter‐story drift ratios at this probability level can be close to 1% in soft soil cases. However, variations of drift demands have indicated that the effect of SSI is the changes depending theofSSI occur at the bottom storieswith of the buildings tomost 1% insignificant soft soil cases. However, drift demands have that the effect of[21] SSI is not significant in upper stories andvariations the on response of upper stories is indicated limited respect to bottom and the most evident increments are again observed in the soft soil case. All of these figures indicate not significant in upper stories and the response of upper stories is limited with respect to bottom stories. This situation is similar for all building groups and soil conditions. At this point, it should be that inter-story drift ratios arethe increased inat the soft soildue case allwere probability levels. Inter-story drift stories. This situation is by similar for all building groups and soil conditions. At this point, it should be stated that drifts caused rotations the base toinSSI extracted while calculating the ratios at 50% probability level are lower than 0.5% and the difference between the soil types in terms of stated thatdrift drifts caused by the rotations at the base due to SSI were extracted while calculating the inter‐story ratios of first stories. story drift ratios not obvious. inter‐story driftisratios of first stories. 3 3 3 Fixed Fixed Fixed 3 3 3 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate 2 2 2 Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft 2 2 2 Soft Soft %10 Max Soft %50 %10 Max %50 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi Figure 16. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure 16. Mean of inter-story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure 16. new Meanbuildings. of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for three‐story three-story new buildings. three‐story new buildings. 1 1 Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft %50 %50 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi 3 3 2 2 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft %10 %10 1 1 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi 3 3 2 2 Story Story Story Story 2 2 Fixed Fixed Stiff Story Story 3 3 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Max Max 1 1 0 0 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi Figure Figure17. 17.Mean Meanofofinter-story inter‐storydrift driftratios ratioscorresponding correspondingtotodifferent differentexceedance exceedanceprobability probabilitylevels levelsfor for three-story old buildings. Figure 17. old Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for three‐story buildings. three‐story old buildings. Appl.Sci. Sci.2020, 2020,10, 10,8357 x FOR PEER REVIEW Appl. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 2 2 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %10 %10 %10 4 4 4 3 3 3 Story Story Story Story Story Story 3 3 3 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %50 %50 %50 Story Story Story 4 4 4 1617 ofof 2122 17 of 22 17 of 22 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft Max Max Max 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Figure 18. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure 18. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure Mean inter‐storydrift driftratios ratioscorresponding correspondingtotodifferent different exceedance probability levels Figure 18.18.Mean ofofinter-story exceedance probability levels forfor the four‐story new buildings. the four‐story new buildings. the four‐story new buildings. the four-story new buildings. 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %10 %10 %10 3 3 3 Story Story Story 2 2 2 3 3 3 Story Story Story Story Story Story 3 3 3 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %50 %50 %50 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft Max Max Max 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% /hi 2.0% /hi /hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% /hi 2.0% /hi /hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi Figure 19. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure Figure19. 19.Mean Meanofofinter-story inter‐storydrift driftratios ratioscorresponding correspondingtotodifferent differentexceedance exceedanceprobability probabilitylevels levelsfor for Figure 19. Mean inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for the four‐story oldofbuildings. the old buildings. thefour-story four‐story old buildings. the four‐story old buildings. Story Story Story 3 3 3 2 2 2 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %10 %10 %10 5 5 5 4 4 4 Story Story Story 4 4 4 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft %50 %50 %50 Story Story Story 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 Fixed Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Soft Max Max Max 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi 0 0 00.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% i/hi 2.0% i/hi i/hi Figure Figure20. 20.Mean Meanofofinter-story inter‐storydrift driftratios ratioscorresponding correspondingtotodifferent differentexceedance exceedanceprobability probabilitylevels levelsfor for Figure 20. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for Figure 20. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for the five-story new buildings. the five‐story new buildings. the five‐story new buildings. the five‐story new buildings. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 Appl.Sci. Sci.2020, 2020,10, 10,xxFOR FORPEER PEERREVIEW REVIEW Appl. 33 22 Moderate Moderate Soft Soft %50 %50 44 33 22 55 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft %10 %10 44 Story Story Story Story 44 55 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Story Story 55 17 of 21 18of of22 22 18 33 22 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Max Max 11 11 11 00 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% i/hi i/h i 00 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% i/hi i/h i 00 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% i/hi i/h i Figure21. 21.Mean Meanof ofinter‐story inter‐storydrift driftratios ratioscorresponding corresponding todifferent differentexceedance exceedanceprobability probabilitylevels levelsfor for Figure Figure 21. Mean of inter-story drift ratios corresponding totodifferent exceedance probability levels for the five‐story old buildings. thefive-story five‐storyold oldbuildings. buildings. the Story Story 44 33 Moderate Moderate Soft Soft %50 %50 22 55 44 Moderate Moderate Soft Soft 33 %10 %10 22 66 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff 55 44 Story Story 55 66 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Story Story 66 11 11 33 Fixed Fixed Stiff Stiff Moderate Moderate Soft Soft Max Max 22 11 0 00 00 19 of 22 0.0% 1.0% 1.0% 2.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% i/h i i/hi i/h i i/h stories are more critical in old buildings (98−). However, in new buildings the SSI strongly affected i/h i/h i i i theFigure response of first stories and the place of the critical story moved to the first story. The ratio of Figure 22. Mean of inter‐story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for 22. Mean ofof inter-story drift ratios corresponding toto different exceedance probability levels for Figure 22. Mean inter‐story drift ratios corresponding different exceedance probability levels for increment is much more significant in the first stories of new buildings with respect to old ones. the six‐story new buildings. the six-story new buildings. Appl. 0 Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW the six‐story new buildings. Story Story Story 6 Distribution of values values indicates indicates6that that the the inter‐story inter‐story drift ratios ratios6 of of stiff stiff and andFixed moderate soil soil Fixed drift Distribution of moderate Fixed conditions are closer to the fixed‐base case with respect to ratios of soft soil. Story drifts conditions are closer to the fixed‐base case with Stiffrespect to ratios StiffStory drifts 5 of soft soil. 5 Stiff 5 corresponding to the the soft soil soil case case are are much much more more remarkable remarkable and and the the level level of of increment increment isis much much corresponding to soft Moderate Moderate Moderate more pronounced pronounced with with respect respect to to other other cases. These These observations observations about about the effect effect of of soil soil conditions conditions 4 the more 4 cases. 4 Soft Soft are compatible with the findings related to the probabilistic roof drift ratios presented in Figures 12– Soft are compatible with the findings related to the probabilistic roof drift ratios presented in Figures 12– Max %10 15. %50 3 3 15. 3 Comparisons of probabilistic inter‐story drift ratios indicate that there there are are considerable considerable Comparisons of probabilistic inter‐story drift ratios indicate that 2 2 differences among the maximum and other probabilistic drift ratios. Effect of SSI is much more more 2 differences among the maximum and other probabilistic drift ratios. Effect of SSI is much evidenton onthe themaximum maximumdrift driftratios ratiosand andresults resultshave haveshown shownthat thatmaximum maximumdrifts driftscan canapproximately approximately evident 1 1 50% drifts 1 be greater than four times from the and two times from the 10% drifts. Graphical be greater than four times from the 50% drifts and two times from the 10% drifts. Graphical distributions show that these trends are almost similar in old (98−) and new (98+) buildings, but distributions show that these trends are 0 new (98+) buildings, but 0 almost similar in old (98−) and 0 differencesamong among the the probabilistic probabilisticdrift drift demands are quitesignificant. significant. 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% differences demands quite 0.0% 1.0%are 2.0% 0.0% 1.0% 2.0% drift ratios Maximum inter‐story of buildings resting on soft soils soils are are mostly mostly higher than than 1.5% 1.5% i/hiresting on soft i/h Maximum inter‐story drift ratios of buildings higher i i/hi and maximum maximum inter‐story inter‐story drift drift ratios ratios are are generally generally accumulated accumulated at at the the first first stories. stories. This This situation situation isis and Figure 23. Mean of inter-story drift ratios corresponding to different exceedance probability levels for much more apparent in low‐rise buildings (three‐ and four‐story) independent from the building much Figure more 23. apparent low‐risedrift buildings (three‐ and to four‐story) independent from the building Mean ofin inter‐story ratios corresponding different exceedance probability levels for the six-story old distribution buildings. group. However, of values has shown that drift demands of especially upper stories are group.the However, distribution of values has shown that drift demands of especially upper stories are six‐story old buildings. higher in in old old buildings buildings with with respect respect to to new new ones ones (see (see Figures Figures 21 21 and and 23). 23). Critical Critical stories stories in in five‐ five‐ and and higher six‐story old buildings are the second stories and SSI does not change this situation. Decrease in 5. Comparison of SSI Effects the Seismic Existing six‐story old buildings are theon second stories Performance and SSI doesofnot changeBuildings this situation. Decrease in column dimensions in the upper stories and the relatively higher vibration periods caused by upper column dimensions in the upper stories and the relatively higher vibration periods caused by upper Obtained results clearly show that interaction between soil and the structure affects both calculation of displacement capacities and demands in existing buildings. This situation implies that seismic performance of these buildings should also be examined since the performance is determined by comparing both capacity and demand. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 18 of 21 Drift ratios corresponding to probability of exceeding 10% are higher than that of 50% ratios and the effect of SSI becomes more apparent. Inter-story drift ratios at this probability level can be close to 1% in soft soil cases. However, variations of drift demands have indicated that the effect of SSI is not significant in upper stories and the response of upper stories is limited with respect to bottom stories. This situation is similar for all building groups and soil conditions. At this point, it should be stated that drifts caused by the rotations at the base due to SSI were extracted while calculating the inter-story drift ratios of first stories. Distribution of values indicates that the inter-story drift ratios of stiff and moderate soil conditions are closer to the fixed-base case with respect to ratios of soft soil. Story drifts corresponding to the soft soil case are much more remarkable and the level of increment is much more pronounced with respect to other cases. These observations about the effect of soil conditions are compatible with the findings related to the probabilistic roof drift ratios presented in Figures 12–15. Comparisons of probabilistic inter-story drift ratios indicate that there are considerable differences among the maximum and other probabilistic drift ratios. Effect of SSI is much more evident on the maximum drift ratios and results have shown that maximum drifts can approximately be greater than four times from the 50% drifts and two times from the 10% drifts. Graphical distributions show that these trends are almost similar in old (98−) and new (98+) buildings, but differences among the probabilistic drift demands are quite significant. Maximum inter-story drift ratios of buildings resting on soft soils are mostly higher than 1.5% and maximum inter-story drift ratios are generally accumulated at the first stories. This situation is much more apparent in low-rise buildings (three- and four-story) independent from the building group. However, distribution of values has shown that drift demands of especially upper stories are higher in old buildings with respect to new ones (see Figures 21 and 23). Critical stories in fiveand six-story old buildings are the second stories and SSI does not change this situation. Decrease in column dimensions in the upper stories and the relatively higher vibration periods caused by upper stories are more critical in old buildings (98−). However, in new buildings the SSI strongly affected the response of first stories and the place of the critical story moved to the first story. The ratio of increment is much more significant in the first stories of new buildings with respect to old ones. 5. Comparison of SSI Effects on the Seismic Performance of Existing Buildings Obtained results clearly show that interaction between soil and the structure affects both calculation of displacement capacities and demands in existing buildings. This situation implies that seismic performance of these buildings should also be examined since the performance is determined by comparing both capacity and demand. Calculation of capacity curves revealed that interaction between soil and the structure shifts the total displacement capacity of buildings instead of increasing them. Assessments performed after pushover analyses show that plastic deformation capacity of buildings remains almost constant (Figure 9) while yield displacements increase. Decreasing displacement ductilities corresponding to soft soils are the indicator of this situation (Figure 10). Changes in the elastic slope of the building capacity curves also imply the elongations in vibration periods and hence higher seismic displacement demands in buildings (Figure 5). Figures 12–15 clearly represent this increase in demands from stiff to soft soil sites. All these capacity- and demand-related changes in the results are the indicator of possible seismic performance changes in selected buildings. Seismic performance of investigated buildings was determined by using Turkish Earthquake Code regulations and the effect of SSI on the collapse risk of old and new buildings was compared. At this point, it should be reminded again that the aim of this study is not to investigate the seismic performance of selected buildings according to one specific code regulations. The aim of this study is to understand whether consideration of SSI can change the capacity and demand calculations (and hence the performance estimations) of existing buildings. For this reason, the number of collapsed buildings under various soil conditions was determined and compared. Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 22 Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 19 of 21 Soft 30.0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0.0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 10.0% 0% 0% 0% 1% 20.0% 3 4 5 6 98+ 3 5 6 25% 28% 29% 17% 19% 23% 40.0% 44% 46% 47% 54% Moderate 38% Stiff 48% 50% 55% 56% Fixed 50.0% 40% 60.0% 0% 0% 0% 2% Percentage of Collapses constructions (Figure 5) suppress the deteriorating effects of SSI and the effect of interaction becomes limited on new buildings. Figure 24 Earthquake also shows Code, that inseismic each soil condition seismic performance of old decreases In Turkish performance of buildings is determined bybuildings using strain-based by the increasing of Furthermore, stories. However, the ratio of of damages, collapsed whether buildingsinon soft soil to fixed‐ damage assessmentnumber method. accumulation beams or columns, base case indicates that the relative effect of SSI is much more significant in lower story buildings. In contributes to damaged columns and the shear capacity of stories are additional factors which are three‐story old buildings the ratio of collapsed buildings on soft soils (38%) is greater than two times considered by the Turkish Earthquake Code for the seismic performance assessment. In Figure 24, that of the case Differences between softonand moderate more changes in fixed‐base the number of(17%). collapsed buildings located stiff to soft soil soil cases sites are are much presented. apparent with respect to moderate and stiff or stiff and fixed‐base cases. Increasing damage trends show that interaction between soil and the structure is much more significant, Distribution of collapsed buildings is presented in Figure 24 and clearly show that especially in soft soils, and a number of collapsed buildings on soft soilsthese sites values are considerably higher seismic performance of especially older constructions is significantly affected from the SSI. Results than that of others. Figure 24 also reveals that the devastating effects of SSI are much more evident have clearly revealed that damage risk significantly increases in of soft soil cases with (Figure respect 5) to in old buildings with respect to new ones. Higher seismic capacities new constructions moderatethe and stiff cases. effects of SSI and the effect of interaction becomes limited on new buildings. suppress deteriorating 4 98- Figure Figure24. 24.Distribution Distributionof ofnumber numberof ofcollapse collapseevents eventsfor forthe theexisting existingbuildings buildings(%). (%). Figure 24 also shows that in each soil condition seismic performance of old buildings decreases by 6. Conclusions the increasing number of stories. However, the ratio of collapsed buildings on soft soil to fixed-base case Forty existing buildings before after in in 1998 when thebuildings. modern seismic design indicates that the relative effectconstructed of SSI is much moreand significant lower story In three-story code of Turkey implemented investigated considering soil‐structure interaction. old buildings thewas ratio of collapsedwere buildings on softby soils (38%) is greater than two times thatSeismic of the response of buildings was determined by using non‐linear time history analyses and 20 strong fixed-base case (17%). Differences between soft and moderate soil cases are much more apparent with groundto motions. between soil andcases. the structure was modeled by applying the respect moderate Interaction and stiff or stiff and fixed-base substructure method and four different cases classified according shear wave velocities Distribution of collapsed buildings is presented in Figure 24 and to these values clearly show were that considered. Seismic displacement demands at roof and story levels were calculated for all buildings seismic performance of especially older constructions is significantly affected from the SSI. Results have under revealed fixed‐base, moderate and soft soilincreases conditions. clearly thatstiff, damage risk significantly in soft soil cases with respect to moderate and In addition to demand calculations by using non‐linear time history analyses, capacity curves of stiff cases. the buildings were obtained through static pushover analyses. By this method, drift ratios 6.corresponding Conclusions to yield and ultimate levels were obtained for each soil case and for each building. Then, displacement demands and building capacities were investigated, the effects of soil‐structure Forty existing buildings constructed before and after in 1998 when the modern seismic design interaction on existing buildings under various soil conditions were compared and the results are code of Turkey was implemented were investigated by considering soil-structure interaction. summarized below. Seismic response of buildings was determined by using non-linear time history analyses and The capacity curves obtained from the static pushover analyses of old and new buildings show 20 strong ground motions. Interaction between soil and the structure was modeled by applying that the interaction between soil and the structure shifts the total displacement capacity of buildings the substructure method and four different cases classified according to shear wave velocities were instead of increasing it. Depending on the weak soil conditions, rotations at base increase and this considered. Seismic displacement demands at roof and story levels were calculated for all buildings situation increases the elastic drift ratios corresponding to the yield. In other words, plastic under fixed-base, stiff, moderate and soft soil conditions. deformation capacity of buildings remains almost constant while yield displacements increase. In addition to demand calculations by using non-linear time history analyses, capacity curves of the Decreasing displacement ductilities are the result of this situation. Changes in the elastic slope of the buildings were obtained through static pushover analyses. By this method, drift ratios corresponding buildings also increase the vibration periods and then the displacement demands of the buildings. to yield and ultimate levels were obtained for each soil case and for each building. Then, displacement Changes in the seismic demands were investigated by comparing the roof drift ratios demands and building capacities were investigated, the effects of soil-structure interaction on existing corresponding to exceedance probabilities of 50%, 10% and maximum. Distribution of values clearly buildings under various soil conditions were compared and the results are summarized below. indicated that most critical results were obtained under soft soil conditions, and results obtained from Appl. Sci. 2020, 10, 8357 20 of 21 The capacity curves obtained from the static pushover analyses of old and new buildings show that the interaction between soil and the structure shifts the total displacement capacity of buildings instead of increasing it. Depending on the weak soil conditions, rotations at base increase and this situation increases the elastic drift ratios corresponding to the yield. In other words, plastic deformation capacity of buildings remains almost constant while yield displacements increase. Decreasing displacement ductilities are the result of this situation. Changes in the elastic slope of the buildings also increase the vibration periods and then the displacement demands of the buildings. Changes in the seismic demands were investigated by comparing the roof drift ratios corresponding to exceedance probabilities of 50%, 10% and maximum. Distribution of values clearly indicated that most critical results were obtained under soft soil conditions, and results obtained from the soft soil cases were significantly separated from the others. Drift demands of moderate soil cases are closer to fixed and stiff soil cases with respect to soft soil conditions. Relative demand increase under soft soil case is much more evident in low story buildings with respect to higher ones. Investigation of inter-story drift demands showed that first stories are mostly affected from the weak soil conditions and in all cases most significant demand increase occurs at the first stories. Increase in the maximum inter-story drift demand is much more evident with respect to ones corresponding to 50% and 10% exceedance probabilities. Effect of soil conditions on the number of collapsed buildings is also investigated and compared. Distribution of results have shown that a number of collapsed buildings are almost similar in fixed-base, stiff and even in moderate soil cases. However, under soft soil conditions the number of collapsed buildings increase and the level of increment is much more significant in old and low story buildings. A distinct increase in the number of collapsed three- and four-story buildings indicates that the fragility of old and low story buildings on weak soil conditions is much higher. Performance of new buildings, on the other hand, is not as critical as the old ones. Higher seismic capacities of new constructions suppress the deteriorating effects of soft soil conditions and reduce the collapse risk of new buildings. Author Contributions: S.M.S. conceived of the presented idea, supervised the work, and drafted the manuscript. M.P. contributed to method of analysis and supervised the analytical computations. A.K. and I.O. designed the nonlinear structural models and analyzed the buildings. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Funding: This research received no external funding. Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 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