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Year 9 Comparative Anthology Rubric

Year 9 Comparative Anthology Rubric
Student Name:
# Level indicates the depth of understanding and thinking within this Year 9 standard
No – Please fix up your anthology.
Formatting of
Anthology: They
setup their
anthology in a
correct format
Yes – Your Anthology will be marked
Anthology is incorrectly formatted. Please fix these or you
will gain a mark of 0.
Anthology is correctly formatted and includes: A cover page, contents page, numbered pages and each comparison is
on a separate page.
Less than six comparative pieces are completed.
Six comparative pieces are completed.
Working Towards
At Level
Above Level
Well Above Level
10 -20%
of Text: They
develop and
justify their own
interpretations of
Basic recounting of the
narrative with minimal
discussion of the various
narrative elements.
Some understanding of themes
and characters shown by
identifying them. Limited
discussion of major characters
and key events.
Discussion of the theme of
both stories within each
category along with the major
characters and how they
contribute to the ideas related
to the theme
Thorough discussion of the theme of
both stories within each category along
with the major and minor characters
and how they contribute to the ideas
related to the theme. May include some
reference to the director’s choices.
Application of
features of
Limited use of
connectives to discuss
the texts.
Some use of connectives to
discuss the texts.
Control of
They demonstrate
understanding of
grammar, and
accurately use
spelling and
Written language that
shows limited control of
spelling, punctuation and
syntax of standard
Australian English.
Mostly clear written language
that employs some
conventions of spelling,
punctuation and syntax of
standard Australian English.
A range of connectives are
used to compare the texts.
Some use of text metalanguage
to discuss the texts.
Generally fluent and coherent
written language that employs
the appropriate use of spelling,
punctuation and syntax of
standard Australian English
A range of connectives and some verbs
are used to compare the texts.
Use of accurate text metalanguage to
discuss the texts.
Expressive, fluent and coherent written
language that employs the appropriate
and accurate use of spelling,
punctuation and syntax of Standard
Australian English.
Detailed discussion of the theme of
both stories within each category along
with the major and minor characters
and the symbolism contained with
discussion of the interaction between
these and how they all relate. Includes
reference to the director’s intent.
A range of connectives and specific
verbs are used to compare the texts.
A range of text metalanguage is used to
discuss the texts.
Highly expressive, fluent and coherent
written language that employs the
skilful and accurate use of spelling,
punctuation and syntax of Standard
Australian English.